Dostęp do czasopism Institute of Physicsnumery bieżące

Institute of Physics umozliwia bezplatny dostep do artykułów które ukazały się w czasopismach tego wydawcy w ciągu ostatnich 30 dni, a z rocznikow starszych dostępne są artykuły typu 'Letters' i 'Rapid Communications'. Niezbedna jest jednorazowa rejestracja pod adresem:

Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics
Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics
Chinese Physics
Chinese Physics Letters
Classical and Quantum Gravity
Combustion Theory and Modelling
European Journal of Physics
High Performance Polymers
Inverse Problems
Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering
Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics
Journal of Optics B: Quantum and Semiclassical Optics
Measurement Science and Technology
Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering
Network: Computation in Neural Systems
Physics Education
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion
Plasma Sources Science and Technology
Public Understanding of Science
Reports on Progress in Physics
Semiconductor Science and Technology
Smart Materials and Structures
Superconductor Science and Technology
Waves in Random Media

Czasopisma IOP- archiwa


Na stronach WWW uniwersytetu of Illinois Urbana-Champaign aktualnie dostepne sa archiwa (do roku 2002) czasopism wydawanych przez brytyskie wydawnictwo Institute of Physics (wersja pelnotekstowa):


Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General ISSN: 0305-4470, Volumes: 8-, Dates: 1/1/1975-

Journal of Physics A: Mathematical, Nuclear and General ISSN: 0305-4470, Volumes: 6-7, Dates: 1/1/1973-12/31/1974

Journal of Physics A: General Physics ISSN: 0305-4470, Volumes: 1-5, Dates: 1/1/1968-12/31/1972

Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics ISSN: 0953-4075, Volumes: 21-, Dates: 1/1/1988-

Journal of Physics B: Atomic and Molecular Physics ISSN: 0022-3700, Volumes: 1-20, Dates: 1/1/1968-12/31/1987

Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter ISSN: 0953-8984, Volumes: 1-, Dates: 1/1/1989-

Journal of Physics C: Solid State Physics ISSN: 0022-3719, Volumes: 1-21, Dates: 1/1/1968-12/31/1988

Journal of Physics F: Metal Physics ISSN: 0305-4608, Volumes: 1-18, Dates: 1/1/1971-12/31/1988

Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics ISSN: 0022-3727, Volumes: 1-, Dates: 1/1/1968-

British Journal of Applied Physics ISSN: 0508-3443, Volumes: 1-18, Dates: 1/1/1950-12/31/1967

Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics ISSN: 0954-3899, Volumes: 15-, Dates: 1/1/1989-

Journal of Physics G: Nuclear Physics ISSN: 0305-4616, Volumes: 1-14, Dates: 1/1/1975-12/31/1988

New Journal of Physics ISSN: 1367-2630, Volumes: 1-, Dates: 12/1/1998-

Chinese Physics ISSN: 1009-1963, Volumes: 10-, Dates: 1/1/2001-

Chinese Physics Letters ISSN: 0256-307X, Volumes: 18-, Dates: 1/1/2001-

Classical and Quantum Gravity ISSN: 0264-9381, Volumes: 1-, Dates: 1/1/1984-

Combustion Theory and Modelling ISSN: 1364-7830, Volumes: 1-, Dates: 1/1/1997-

Distributed Systems Engineering ISSN: 0967-1846, Volumes: 1-6, Dates: 1/1/1994-12/31/1999

European Journal of Physics ISSN: 0143-0807, Volumes: 1-, Dates: 1/1/1980-

Inverse Problems ISSN: 0266-5611, Volumes: 1-, Dates: 1/1/1985-

Journal of High Energy Physics ISSN: 1126-6708, Volumes: 1-, Dates: 1/1/1997-

Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering ISSN: 0960-1317, Volumes: 1-, Dates: 1/1/1991-

Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics ISSN: 1464-4258, Volumes: 1-, Dates: 1/1/1999-

Pure and Applied Optics: Journal of the European Optical Society Part A ISSN: 0963-9659, Volumes: 1-7, Dates: 1/1/1992-12/31/1998

Journal of Optics ISSN: 0150-536X, Volumes: 8-29, Dates: 1/1/1977-12/31/1998

Nouvelle Revue d'Optique ISSN: 0335-7368, Volumes: 4-7, Dates: 1/1/1973-12/31/1976

Nouvelle Revue d'Optique Appliquée ISSN: 0029-4780, Volumes: 1-3, Dates: 1/1/1970-12/31/1972

Journal of Optics B: Quantum and Semiclassical Optics ISSN: 1464-4266, Volumes: 1-, Dates: 1/1/1999-

Quantum and Semiclassical Optics: Journal of the European Optical Society Part B ISSN: 1355-5111, Volumes: 7-10, Dates: 1/1/1995-12/31/1998

Quantum Optics: Journal of the European Optical Society Part B ISSN: 0954-8998, Volumes: 1-4, Dates: 1/1/1989-12/31/1994

Journal of Radiological Protection ISSN: 0952-4746, Volumes: 8-, Dates: 1/1/1988-

Journal of the Society for Radiological Protection ISSN: 0260-2814, Volumes: 1-7, Dates: 1/1/1981-12/31/1987

Journal of Turbulence ISSN: 1468-5248, Volumes: 1-, Dates: 5/19/2000-

Measurement Science and Technology ISSN: 0957-0233, Volumes: 1-, Dates: 1/1/1990-

Journal of Physics E: Scientific Instruments ISSN: 0022-3735, Volumes: 1-22, Dates: 1/1/1968-12/31/1989

Journal of Scientific Instruments ISSN: 0950-7671, Volumes: 1-44, Dates: 1/1/1923-12/31/1967

Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering ISSN: 0965-0393, Volumes: 1-, Dates: 1/1/1993-

Nanotechnology ISSN: 0957-4484, Volumes: 1-, Dates: 1/1/1990-

Network: Computation in Neural Systems ISSN: 0954-898X, Volumes: 1-, Dates: 1/1/1990-

Nonlinearity ISSN: 0951-7715, Volumes: 1-, Dates: 1/1/1988-

Nuclear Fusion ISSN: 0029-5515, Volumes: 1-, Dates: 1/1/1960-

Physics Education ISSN: 0031-9120, Volumes: 1-, Dates: 1/1/1966-

Physics in Medicine and Biology ISSN: 0031-9155, Volumes: 1-, Dates: 1/1/1956-

Physics in Technology ISSN: 0305-4624, Volumes: 4-19, Dates: 1/1/1973-5/1/1988

Reviews of Physics in Technology ISSN: 0034-6683, Volumes: 1-3, Dates: 1/1/1970-12/31/1972

Physiological Measurement ISSN: 0967-3334, Volumes: 14-, Dates: 1/1/1993-

Clinical Physics and Physiological Measurement ISSN: 0143-0815, Volumes: 1-13, Dates: 1/1/1980-12/31/1992

Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion ISSN: 0741-3335, Volumes: 26-, Dates: 1/1/1984-

Plasma Physics ISSN: 0032-1028, Volumes: 9-25, Dates: 1/1/1967-12/31/1983

Journal of Nuclear Energy. Part C, Plasma Physics, Accelerators, Thermonuclear Research ISSN: 0368-3281, Volumes: 1-8, Dates: 1/1/1959-12/31/1966

Plasma Sources Science and Technology ISSN: 0963-0252, Volumes: 1-, Dates: 1/1/1992-

Proceedings of the Physical Society ISSN: 0370-1328, Volumes: 71-92, Dates: 1/1/1958-12/31/1967

Proceedings of the Physical Society. Section A ISSN: 0370-1298, Volumes: 62-70, Dates: 1/1/1949-12/31/1957

Proceedings of the Physical Society. Section B ISSN: 0370-1301, Volumes: 62-70, Dates: 1/1/1949-12/31/1957

Proceedings of the Physical Society ISSN: 0959-5309, Volumes: 39-61, Dates: 1/1/1926-12/31/1948

Proceedings of the Physical Society of London ISSN: 1478-7814, Volumes: 1-38, Dates: 1/1/1874-12/31/1925

Public Understanding of Science ISSN: 0963-6625, Volumes: 1-, Dates: 1/1/1992-

Quantitative Finance ISSN: 1469-7688, Volumes: 1-, Dates: 1/1/2000-

Reports on Progress in Physics ISSN: 0034-4885, Volumes: 1-, Dates: 1/1/1934-

Semiconductor Science and Technology ISSN: 0268-1242, Volumes: 1-, Dates: 1/1/1986-

Smart Materials and Structures ISSN: 0964-1726, Volumes: 1-, Dates: 1/1/1992-

Superconductor Science and Technology ISSN: 0953-2048, Volumes: 1-, Dates: 6/1/1988-

Transactions of the Optical Society ISSN: 1475-4878, Volumes: 1-33, Dates: 1/1/1899-12/31/1932

Waves in Random Media ISSN: 0959-7174, Volumes: 1-, Dates: 1/1/1991-




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