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Czasopisma on-line dostępne są:

-w ramach konsorcjów bibliotek: Elsevier (od roku 1995), Springer (od roku 1995), Kluwer – obecnie firma przejęta przez Springera- od roku 1997, Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) wszystkie rocznik , Wiley - od roku 1997 (z wyjatkami),  American Chemical Society (ACS) oraz American Institute of Physics i American Physical Society -(AIP/APS) dostęp do pełnych zasobów archiwalnych, baza EBSCO - dostęp do roczników archiwalnych tytułów różnych wydawców aż do aktualnych z wyjątkiem zeszytów z ostatnich 12 lub 18 miesięcy, Czasopisma dostępne bezpłatnie w Internecie – oznaczone literą F.




A and WMA Environmental Compliance News           Elsevier

A Trends Guide                                    Elsevier

Abdominal Imaging                               Springer
Academic Emergency Medicine   (Wiley Interscience)   (1995- )

Academic Radiology                             Elsevier

ACC Current Journal Review               Elsevier

Accident Analysis and Prevention          Elsevier

Accident and Emergency Nursing          Elsevier

Accounting, Management and Information Technologies          Elsevier

Accounting, Organizations and Society  Elsevier

Accounts of Chemical Research       ACS

Accreditation and Quality Assurance     Springer

ACOG Clinical Review                         Elsevier

ACOG Current Journal Review            Elsevier
ACS Nano               

Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica   Wiley 1997-aktualne

Acta Applicandae Mathematicae           Springer (dawniej Kluwer)

Acta Astronautica                                 Elsevier

Acta Biotheoretica                                Springer(dawniejKluwer)
Acta Crystallographica Section A      Wiley 1997-aktualne
Acta Crystallographica Section B      Wiley 1997-aktualne
Acta Crystallographica Section C      Wiley 1997-aktualne
Acta Crystallographica Section D      Wiley 1997-aktualne
Acta Crystallographica Section E     Wiley 2001-aktualne
Acta Crystallographica Section F      Wiley 2005-aktualne

Acta Diabetologica                               Springer

Acta Ethologica                                    Springer

Acta Geologica Sinica (English Edition)    Wiley 1997-aktualne

Acta Informatica                                   Springer

Acta Juridica Hungarica                        Springer(dawniejKluwer)

Acta Materialia                                     Elsevier

Acta Mathematica Hungarica                 Springer, dawniej Kluwer)

Acta Mathematica Sinica, EnglishSeries Springer

Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, EnglishSeries    Springer

Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica               Springer

Acta Mechanica                                   Springer

Acta Metallurgica Materialia                 Elsevier

Acta Neurochirurgica                            Springer

Acta Neurologica Scandinavica    Wiley 1997-aktualne

Acta Neuropathologica                         Springer

Acta Neuropsychiatrica    Wiley 1997-aktualne

Acta OEcologica                                  Elsevier

Acta Ophthalmologica        Wiley 1997-aktualne

Acta Paediatrica        Wiley 1997-aktualne

Acta Physica Polonica A  2001- aktualne         F

Acta Physica Polonica B 1998- aktualne          F
Acta Physica Sinica 1984- aktualne   F

Acta Physica Slovaca 1951- aktualne    F

Acta Physiologica        Wiley 1997-aktualne

Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica        Wiley 1997-aktualne

Acta Psychologica                                Elsevier

Acta Tropica                                        Elsevier

Acta Zoologica        Wiley 1997-aktualne

Acta Zoologica                                     Elsevier

Acute Pain                                            Elsevier

Ad Hoc Networks                                Elsevier

Addiction                            Wiley 1997-aktualne

Addictive Behaviors                              Elsevier

Additives for Polymers                          Elsevier

Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research   Springer (dawniej Kluwer)

Adsorption                                            Springer (dawniej Kluwer)    

Adsorption: Journal of the International Adsorption Society        Springer

Advanced Cement Based Materials      Elsevier

Advanced Ceramics Report                  Elsevier

Advanced Composite Materials        EBSCO  1998- aktualne, za wyjątkiem ostatnich 12 miesiecy

Advanced Composites Bulletin              Elsevier

Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews         Elsevier

Advanced Engineering Informatics         Elsevier
Advanced Functional Materials       Wiley 1997-aktualne
Advanced Materials          
Wiley 1998-aktualne

Advanced Performance Materials         Springer (dawniej Kluwer)

Advances in Applied Mathematics        Elsevier

Advances in Biophysics                        Elsevier

Advances in Colloid and Interface Science       Elsevier

Advances in Computational Mathematics         Springer(dawniej Kluwer)

Advances in Contraception                   Springer

Advances in Engineering Software         Elsevier

Advances in Environmental Research    Elsevier

Advances in Enzyme Regulation            Elsevier

Advances in Health Sciences Education        Springer (dawniej Kluwer)

Advances in Mathematics                     Elsevier

Advances in Neonatal Care                  Elsevier

Advances in Neuroimmunology             Elsevier

Advances in Polymer Technology  Wiley 1996-aktualne

Advances in Space Research                Elsevier

Advances in Water Resources              Elsevier

Aequationes Mathematicae                   Springer

Aerobiologia                                         Springer (dawniej Kluwer)

Aerobiologia                                         Elsevier

Aerosol Science and Technology          Elsevier

Aerospace Science and Technology      Elsevier

Aesthetic Plastic Surgery                       Springer

Aesthetic Surgery Journal                      Elsevier

African Archaeological Review             Springer (dawniejKluwer)

African Journal of Ecology        Wiley 1997-aktualne

Ageing Research Reviews                     Elsevier

Aggression and Violent Behavior           Elsevier

Aggressive Behavior        Wiley 1997-aktualne

Aging Cell                Wiley 1997-aktualne

Agricultural and Forest Entomology    Wiley 1997-aktualne

Agricultural and Forest Meteorology     Elsevier

Agricultural Economics                         Elsevier

Agricultural Systems                             Elsevier

Agricultural Water Management            Elsevier

Agriculture and Human Values              Springer

Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment        Elsevier

Agroforestry SystemsSpringer        Wiley 1997-aktualne

Agronomie                                           Elsevier

Agronomy Journal                                Springer

AI & SOCIETY                                   Springer

AIChE Journal                                Wiley 1998-aktualne

AIDS and Behavior                               Springer (dawniej Kluwer)
Air & Space Law                               Springer

Air and Space Europe                          Elsevier

Aircraft Design                                     Elsevier

Alcohol                                                Elsevier

Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research

Algebra and Logic                                          Springer

Algebra Colloquium                              Springer

Algebra Universalis                               Springer

Algebras and Representatnion Theory   Springer

Algorithmica                                         Springer

Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics    Wiley

Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics Symposium Series    Wiley

Allergy          Wiley  1997-2009
Ambulatory Surgery                             

Allgemeines Statistisches Archiv            Springer

American Heart Journal                        Elsevier

American Journal of Community Psychology    Springer

American Journal of Contact Dermatitis Elsevier

American Journal of Dance Therapy      Springer

American Journal of Emergency Medicine        Elsevier

American Journal of Hematology        Wiley

American Journal of Human Biology    Wiley

American Journal of Hypertension         Elsevier

American Journal of Industrial Medicine

American Journal of Infection Control   Elsevier

American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A

American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B: Neuropsychiatric Genetics

American Journal of Medical Genetics Part C: Seminars in Medical Genetics

American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology          Elsevier

American Journal of Ophthalmology      Elsevier

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics           Elsevier

American Journal of Otolaryngology      Elsevier

American Journal of Physical Anthropology
American Journal of Physics      AIP/APS  Systematic and sequential downloading of articles is prohibited!
American Journal of Preventive Medicine         Elsevier

American Journal of Primatology

American Journal of Reproductive Immunology

American Journal of Transplantation

Amino Acids                                        Springer

Anaerobe                                             Elsevier

Anaesthesia                    Wiley

Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing                    Springer

Analusis                                                Elsevier

Analysis Mathematica                           Elsevier

Analysis Mathematica                           Springer

Analytica Chimica Acta                         Elsevier

Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry   Springer
Analytical Methods                       RSC

Analytical Biochemistry                         Elsevier

Analytical Cellular Pathology                 Elsevier

Analytical Chemistry                             ACS

Analytical Sciences   2003-2005             F

Analytical Sciences: X-ray Structure Analysis Online      F
the Analyst                               RSC

Anatomia, Histologia, Embryologia        Wiley

Anatomy and Embryology                     Springer

Andrologia                Wiley

Anesthesia Progress                              Elsevier
Angewandte Chemie         (Wiley Interscience)  1998- aktualne

Angewandte Chemie International Edition  Wiley Interscience   1998 - aktualne

Angiogenesis                                                  Springer

Animal Behaviour                                 Elsevier

Animal Cognition                                  Springer

Animal Conservation            Wiley

Animal Feed Science and Technology   Elsevier

Animal Genetics            Wiley

Animal Reproduction Science               Elsevier
Annalen der Physik 1799-1940   F
Annalen der Physik     (Wiley Interscience)   1998- aktualne

Animal Science Journal            Wiley

Annales d Urologie                               Elsevier

Annales de Biologie Clinique                 Elsevier

Annales de Cardiologie et d'Angeiologie          Elsevier

Annales de Chimie Science des Materiaux       Elsevier

Annales de chirurgie plastique esthetique          Elsevier

Annales de Chirurgie                             Elsevier

Annales de Genetique                           Elsevier

Annales de l'Insitut Henri Poincare (A) Theoretical Physics        Elsevier

Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincare (B) Probability and Statistics         Elsevier

Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincare (C) Nonnear Analysis       Elsevier

Annales de l'Institut Pasteur/Actualites   Elsevier

Annales de Paleontologie                      Elsevier

Annales de Ponts et Chaussees             Elsevier

Annales de Readaptation et de Medecine Physique      Elsevier

Annales de Zootechnie                          Elsevier

Annales des Sciences Forestieres          Elsevier

Annales des Sciences Naturelles Zoologie et Biologie Animale Elsevier

Annales Francaises d'Anesthesie et de Reanimation     Elsevier

Annales Henri Poincaré                         Springer

Annales medico-psychologiques            Elsevier

Annales Scientifiques de l'Ecole Normale Superieure   Elsevier

Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata          Springer

Annals of Applied Biology         Wiley

Annals of Biomedical Engineering          Springer

Annals of Botany                                  Elsevier

Annals of Clinical Psychiatry                 Springer

Annals of Combinatorics                       Springer

Annals of Diagnostic Pathology             Elsevier

Annals of Emergency Medicine             Elsevier

Annals of Epidemiology                        Elsevier

Annals of Finance                                 Springer

Annals of Forest Science                      Elsevier

Annals of Global Analysis and Geometry                    Springer

Annals of Hematology                           Springer

Annals of Human Genetics            Wiley

Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence          Springer
Annals of New York Academy of Sciences         Wiley 1997-

Annals of Neurology            Wiley

Annals of Noninvasive Electrocardiology            Wiley

Annals of Nuclear Energy                     Elsevier

Annals of Operations Research                        Springer
Annals of Physics                             

Annals of Pure and Applied Logic         Elsevier

Annals of Software Engineering            Springer

Annals of the ICRP                               Elsevier

Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics          Springer

Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences

Annals of Tourism Research                  Elsevier

Annals of Vascular Surgery                   Springer

Annual Reports on Progress in Chemistry Sect. C.Phys.Chem.         RSC 

Annual Reports on Progress in Chemistry, Sect.A Inorganic Chem.     RSC
Annual Reports on Progress in Chemistry Sect. B Org.Chem.          RSC

Annual Review in Automatic Programming       Elsevier
Annual Review of Information Science & Technology      (Wiley Interscience)   (2002-2008)

Annual Review of Fish Diseases            Elsevier

Annual Review of Information Science & Technology

Annual Reviews in Control                    Elsevier

Antimicrobics and Infectious Diseases Newsletter        Elsevier

Antiviral Research                                 Elsevier

Antonie van Leeuwenhoek                    Springer

ANZ Journal of Surgery                   

Anzeiger für Schädlingskunde                Springer

Apidologie                                            Elsevier

APMIS                    Wiley

Apoptosis                                             Springer

Appetite                                               Elsevier

Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing     Springer

Applications of Mathematics                 Springer

Applied Acoustics                                Elsevier

Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis            Elsevier

Applied Animal Behaviour Science        Elsevier

Applied Behavioral Science Review      Elsevier

Applied Biochemistry and Microbiology          Springer          

Applied Catalysis A: General                Elsevier

Applied Catalysis B: Environmental       Elsevier

Applied Categorical Structures              Springer

Applied Clay Science                           Elsevier

Applied Cognitive Psychology

Applied Composite Materials                Springer         

Applied Energy                                     Elsevier

Applied Ergonomics                             Elsevier

Applied Geochemistry                          Elsevier

Applied Geography                              Elsevier

Applied Intelligence                              Springer
Applied Magnetic Resonance           Springer  (od roku 2007) 

Applied Mathematical Modelling           Elsevier

Applied Mathematics & Mechanics (English Edition)   Springer

Applied Mathematics and Computation Elsevier

Applied Mathematics and Optimization Springer

Applied Mathematics Letters                Elsevier

Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology        Springer

Applied Numerical Mathematics           Elsevier

Applied Nursing Research                    Elsevier

Applied Occupational and Environmental Hygiene       Elsevier

Applied Ocean Research                      Elsevier
Applied Organometallic Chemistry   (Wiley Interscience)   1996- aktualne

Applied Physics A                              Springer

Applied Physics B                              Springer
Applied Physics Express    F
Applied  Physics Letters wszystkie roczniki         AIP  Systematic and sequential downloading of articles is prohibited!

Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback    Springer

Applied Radiation and Isotopes            Elsevier

Applied Scientific Research                   Springer

Applied Soft Computing Journal            Elsevier

Applied Soil Ecology                            Elsevier

Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry

Applied Superconductivity                    Elsevier

Applied Surface Science                       Elsevier

Applied Thermal Engineering                 Elsevier

Applied Vegetation Science            Wiley

Applied  Physics Letters wszystkie roczniki         AIP  Systematic and sequential downloading of articles is prohibited!

Approximation Theory & its Applications        Springer

Aquacultural Engineering                       Elsevier

Aquaculture International                      Springer

Aquaculture Nutrition            Wiley

Aquaculture Research            Wiley

Aquaculture                                          Elsevier

Aquarium Science and Conservation     Springer

Aquatic Botany                                     Elsevier

Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems

Aquatic Ecology                                   Springer (dawnej Kluwer)

Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management    Elsevier

Aquatic Geochemistry                                     Springer (dawnej Kluwer)

Aquatic Living Resources                      Elsevier

Aquatic Sciences                                  Springer

Aquatic Toxicology                               Elsevier

Arab Law Quarterly                             Kluwer

Arbitration International                        Springer

Archaeological Prospection

Archiv der Mathematik                         Springer

Archiv der Pharmazie            Wiley

Archival Science                                             Springer (dawnej Kluwer)

Archive for History of Exact Sciences   Springer

Archive for Mathematical Logic            Springer

Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis   Springer

Archive of Applied Mechanics              Springer

Archives and Museum Informatics                   Springer (dawnej Kluwer)

Archives de Pediatrie                            Elsevier

Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics         Elsevier

Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology   Elsevier

Archives of Dermatological Research    Springer

Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology        Springer

Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics Elsevier

Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics Springer

Archives of Insect Biochemistry and Physiology

Archives of Medical Research               Elsevier

Archives of Medical Research               Elsevier

Archives of Microbiology                      Springer

Archives of Oral Biology                       Elsevier

Archives of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery  Springer

Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation         Elsevier

Archives of Psychiatric Nursing             Elsevier

Archives of Sexual Behavior              Springer

Archives of Suicide Research                Springer (dawnej Kluwer)

Archives of Toxicology                         Springer

Archives of Virology                             Springer

Archives of Women’s Mental Health     Springer

Argumentation                                                Springer (dawnej Kluwer)

Art, Antiquity and Law                         Springer

Arthritis & Rheumatism            Wiley

Arthropod Structure and Development  Elsevier

Arthroscopy: The Journal of Arthroscopic and Related Surgery           Elsevier

Arthroskopie                                        Springer

Artificial Intelligence and Law                          Springer (dawnej Kluwer)

Artificial Intelligence in Engineering        Elsevier

Artificial Intelligence in Medicine           Elsevier

Artificial Intelligence Review                  Kluwer

Artificial Intelligence                              Elsevier

Artificial Life and Robotics                    Springer

Artificial Organs                Wiley

ArXiv E-Print Archive                           F

ArXiv E-Print Archive                               F

Asia Europe Journal                              Springer

Asia Pacific Journal of Environmental Law     Springer

Asia Pacific Journal of Management                Springer (dawnej Kluwer)

Asia Pacific Journal on Human Rights and the Law     Springer

Asia Pacific Law Review                    Springer

Asia-Pacific Financial Markets                        Springer (dawnej Kluwer)

Asia-Pacific Journal of Clinical Oncology

Assessing Writing                                 Elsevier

Astronomische Nachrichten            Wiley

Astronomy & Geophysics            Wiley

Astroparticle Physics                            Elsevier

Astrophysics and Space Science                     Springer (dawnej Kluwer)

Astrophysics                                                   Springer (dawnej Kluwer)

Atherosclerosis                                     Elsevier

Atherosclerosis, Supplements                Elsevier

Atmospheric Environment                     Elsevier

Atmospheric Research                          Elsevier

Atmospheric Science Letters           

Atmospheric Science Letters                 Elsevier

Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables  Elsevier

Atomic Energy                                      Springer (dawnej Kluwer)

Auris Nasus Larynx                              Elsevier

Austral Ecology            Wiley

Australasian Journal of Dermatology            Wiley

Australasian Journal on Ageing            Wiley

Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics            Wiley

Australian and New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology        Wiley

Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health        Wiley

Australian Dental Journal        Wiley

Australian Endodontic Journal        Wiley

Australian Journal of Entomology

Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research        Wiley

Australian Journal of Rural Health        Wiley

Australian Occupational Therapy Journal

Australian Veterinary Journal        Wiley

Autoimmunity Reviews                          Elsevier

Automated Software Engineering          Springer (dawnej Kluwer)

Automatica                                           Elsevier

Automation and Remote Control           Kluwer

Automation in Construction                   Elsevier

Autonomic & Autacoid Pharmacology        Wiley

Autonomic Neuroscience                      Elsevier

Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems  Springer (dawnej Kluwer)

Autonomous Robots                             Springer (dawnej Kluwer)
Springer (dawnej Kluwer)

Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology        Wiley

Basic Research in Cardiology                Springer

Basin Research                Wiley

Bauphysik        Wiley

Bauregelliste A, B und C        Wiley

Bautechnik            Wiley

BBA - Proteins and Proteomics            Elsevier

Behavior Genetics                                 Springer (dawnej Kluwer)

Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology    Springer

Behaviour Research and Therapy          Elsevier

Behavioural Brain Research                  Elsevier

Behavioural Processes                          Elsevier
Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte   (Wiley Interscience)   2002- aktualne

Bell Labs Technical Journal        Wiley

Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte            Wiley

Best Practice and Research in Clinical Anaesthesiology            Elsevier

Best Practice and Research in Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism Elsevier

Best Practice and Research in Clinical Gastroenterology          Elsevier

Best Practice and Research in Clinical Haematology    Elsevier

Best Practice and Research in Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology     Elsevier

Best Practice and Research in Clinical Rheumatology   Elsevier

Beton- und Stahlbetonbau            Wiley

Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications          Elsevier

Biochemical and Molecular Medicine    Elsevier

Biochemical Education                          Elsevier

Biochemical Engineering Journal            Elsevier

Biochemical Genetics                            Springer (dawnej Kluwer)

Biochemical Pharmacology                   Elsevier

Biochemical Systematics and Ecology   Elsevier

Biochemistry                                         ACS

Biochemistry (Moscow)                      Springer

Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education            Elsevier

Biochemistry                                         Springer (dawnej Kluwer)

Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)/Bioenergetics    Elsevier

Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)/Biomembranes  Elsevier

Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)/Gene Structure and Expression Elsevier

Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)/General Subjects          Elsevier

Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)/Lipids and Lipid Metabolism    Elsevier

Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)/Molecular and Cell Biology of Lipids    Elsevier

Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)/Molecular Basis of Disease       Elsevier

Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)/Molecular Cell Research          Elsevier

Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)/Protein Structure and Molecular Enzymology    Elsevier

Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)/Reviews on Biomembranes       Elsevier

Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)/Reviews on Cancer      Elsevier

Biochimie                                             Elsevier

Bioconjugate Chemistry                        ACS

BioControl                                           Springer (dawnej Kluwer)

Biodegradation                                     Springer (dawnej Kluwer)

Biodiversity & Conservation                 Springer (dawnej Kluwer)

Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics   Elsevier

Bioelectrochemistry                              Elsevier
Bioelectromagnetics            Wiley 1996- aktualne

BioEssays            Wiley

Biofutur                                                Elsevier

Biogeochemistry                                   Springer

Biogerontology                                     Springer (dawnej Kluwer)
Bioinspiration & Biomimetics           IOP

Biologia Plantarum                                Springer (dawnej Kluwer)

Biological Conservation                        Elsevier

Biological Control                                 Elsevier

Biological Cybernetics                          Springer

Biological Invasions                              Springer (dawnej Kluwer)

Biological Journal of the Linnean Society

Biological Journal of the Linnean Society          Elsevier

Biological Psychiatry                             Elsevier

Biological Psychology                           Elsevier

Biological Reviews            Wiley

Biologicals                                            Elsevier

Biologie in unserer Zeit            Wiley

Biology and Fertility of Soils                  Springer

Biology and Philosophy                         Springer (dawnej Kluwer)

Biology Bulletin                                     Springer (dawnej Kluwer)

Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation Elsevier

Biology of the Cell                                Elsevier

Biomacromolecules                               ACS

Biomass and Bioenergy                         Elsevier

Biomaterials                                          Elsevier

Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology          Springer
Biomedical Chromatography   (Wiley Interscience)   1996- aktualne

Biomedical Chromatography

Biomedical Engineering                         Springer (dawniej Kluwer)

Biomedical Materials and Engineering    Elsevier

Biomedical Materials           IOP

Biomedical Materials                            Elsevier

Biomedical Microdevices                      Springer (dawniej Kluwer)

Biomedicine and Pharmacotherapy        Elsevier

Biometals                                             Springer (dawniej Kluwer)

Biometric Technology Today                Elsevier

Biometrical Journal            Wiley

Biometrics            Wiley

Biomolecular Engineering                      Elsevier

Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters    Elsevier

Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry     Elsevier

Bioorganic Chemistry                            Elsevier

Biopharmaceutics and Drug Disposition        Wiley

Biophysical Chemistry                           Elsevier

Biophysical Journal 1999-2003             F

Biophysics   1999-2004 (Bioph.Soc.Japan)      F

Biophysics                                          Elsevier
Biopolymers   (Wiley Interscience)   1996

Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering           Springer

Bioprocess Engineering                         Springer

Bioresource Technology                       Elsevier

Biorheology                                          Elsevier

Bioscience Reports                             Springer

Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry   2001-2004          F

Biosensors and Bioelectronics               Elsevier

Bioseparation                                       Springer (dawniej Kluwer)

Biosystems Engineering                         Elsevier

Biosystems                                           Elsevier
Biotechnology and Bioengineering   (Wiley Interscience)   1996-

Biotechnology & Bioengineering

Biotechnology Advances                       Elsevier

Biotechnology Letters                           Springer (dawniej Kluwer)

Biotechnology Progress                        ACS

Biotechnology Techniques                     Springer (dawniej Kluwer)

Biotherapy                                            Springer (dawniej Kluwer)

Biotropica            Wiley

Bipolar Disorders            Wiley

Birth            Wiley

Birth Defects Research Part A: Clinical and Molecular Teratology

Birth Defects Research Part B: Developmental and Reproductive Toxicology

Birth Defects Research Part C: Embryo Today: Reviews

Bit Nordisk Tidskrift for Informationsbehandling          Springer (dawniej Kluwer)

BIT Numerical Mathematics                 Springer (dawnej Kluwer)

BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology

BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology           Elsevier

BJU International            Wiley

Blood Cells, Molecules, and Diseases   Elsevier

Blood Reviews                                     Elsevier

Body Image                                          Elsevier

Bone                                                    Elsevier

Boreas            Wiley

Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society        Wiley

Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society          Elsevier

Boundary-Layer Meteorology               Springer (dawniej Kluwer)

Brachytherapy                                      Elsevier

Brain and Cognition                              Elsevier

Brain and Development                         Elsevier

Brain and Language                              Elsevier

Brain and Mind                                     Springer (dawniej Kluwer)

Brain Pathology            Wiley

Brain Research Bulletin                         Elsevier

Brain Research Protocols                      Elsevier

Brain Research Reviews                       Elsevier

Brain Research                                     Elsevier

Brain Topography                                 Springer (dawniej Kluwer)

Brain, Behavior, and Immunity              Elsevier
Brazilian Journal of Physics  1971- aktualne   F

Breast Cancer Research & Treatment   Springer (dawniej Kluwer)

Breast Disease                                      Elsevier

Breast Journal            Wiley

Breast                                                  Elsevier

British Accounting Review                    Elsevier

British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology        Wiley

British Journal of Dermatology        Wiley

British Journal of Haematology        Wiley

British Journal of Learning Disabilities        Wiley

British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology  Elsevier

British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery          Elsevier

British Journal of Plastic Surgery           Elsevier

British Journal of Sports Medicine         Elsevier

British Journal of Surgery        Wiley

British Journal of Surgery        Wiley

BT Technology Journal                         Springer (dawnej Kluwer)

Building and Environment                      Elsevier

Bulletin Brazilian MathematicalSociety   Springer

Bulletin de la Societe Chimique de France        Elsevier

Bulletin de l'Institut Pasteur                    Elsevier

Bulletin des Sciences Mathematiques     Elsevier

Bulletin du Cancer                                Elsevier

Bulletin du Cancer/Radiotherapie          Elsevier

Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment    Springer

Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology          Springer

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine Springer (dawniej Kluwer)

Bulletin of Latin American Research      Elsevier

Bulletin of Materials Science 2000- aktualne F

Bulletin of Mathematical Biology           Elsevier

Bulletin of the American Society Information Science and Technology

Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society 1980- aktualne       F

Bulletin of Volcanology                         Springer

Bundesgesundheitsblatt - Gesundheitsforschung -Gesundheitsschutz     Springer

Burns                                                   Elsevier

Business Horizons                                 Elsevier

CA: Cancer Journal for Clinicians        Wiley

Calcified Tissue International                 Springer

Calcolo                                                Springer

Calculus of Variations                           Springer

Calphad                                               Elsevier

Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly          Elsevier

Cancer        Wiley

Cancer and Metastasis Reviews            Springer (dawniej Kluwer)

Cancer Causes & Control                     Springer (dawniej Kluwer)

Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology       Springer

Cancer Cytopathology

Cancer Detection and Prevention          Elsevier

Cancer Genetics and Cytogenetics        Elsevier

Cancer Immunology, Immunotherapy    Springer

Cancer Letters                                      Elsevier

Cancer Radiotherapie                           Elsevier

Cancer Science        Wiley

Cancer Treatment Reviews                   Elsevier

Carbohydrate Polymers                     Elsevier

Carbohydrate Research                        Elsevier

Carbon                                                 Elsevier

Card Technology Today                       Elsevier

Cardiac Electrophysiology Review        Springer (dawniej Kluwer)

CardioVascular and Interventional Radiology   Springer

Cardiovascular Drugs & Therapy          Springer (dawniej Kluwer)

Cardiovascular Engineering: An International Journal    Springer (dawniej Kluwer)

Cardiovascular Pathology                     Elsevier

Cardiovascular Radiation Medicine       Elsevier

Cardiovascular Research                      Elsevier

Cardiovascular Surgery                         Elsevier

Cardiovascular Therapeutics                Wiley

Carnegie-Rochester Conference Series on Public Policy          Elsevier

Case Manager                                      Elsevier

Catalysis Communications                     Elsevier

Catalysis Letters                                   Springer

Catalysis Surveys                                  Springer (dawniej Kluwer)

Catalysis Surveys from Japan                Springer (dawniej Kluwer)

Catalysis Today                                    Elsevier

CATENA                                            Elsevier

Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions

Cattech                                                Springer (dawniej Kluwer)

Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy           Springer (dawniej Kluwer)

Cell and Tissue Banking                        Springer (dawniej Kluwer)

Cell and Tissue Research                      Springer

Cell Biochemistry & Function        Wiley

Cell Biology and Toxicology                 Springer (dawniej Kluwer)

Cell Biology International                      Elsevier

Cell Calcium                                         Elsevier

Cell Motility & The Cystoskeleton        Wiley

Cell Proliferation                        Wiley

Cell Stress and Chaperones                  Elsevier

Cell Transplantation                              Elsevier

Cell                                                      Elsevier

Cellular and Molecular Biology Research         Elsevier

Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences     Springer

Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology    Springer (dawniej Kluwer)

Cellular Immunology                             Elsevier

Cellular Microbiology                        Wiley

Cellular Signalling                                  Elsevier

Cellulose                                              Springer (dawniej Kluwer)

Cement and Concrete Composites   Elsevier

Cement and Concrete Research       Elsevier

Cephalalgia                    Wiley

Ceramics International                      Elsevier
    1991-2006               AIP

Chaos, Solitons and Fractals             Elsevier

Chem-Bio Informatics Journal   2000-2004 F

Chemical & Engineering News              ACS

Chemical and Petroleum Engineering     Springer

Chemical Biology & Drug Design

Chemical Design Automation News      Elsevier
Chemical Engineering and Technology   (Wiley Interscience)   1998

Chemical Engineering & Technology        Wiley

Chemical Engineering and Processing    Elsevier

Chemical Engineering Journal                Elsevier

Chemical Engineering Science               Elsevier

Chemical Geology                                Elsevier

Chemical Health and Safety                  Elsevier

Chemical Physics Letters                  Elsevier

Chemical Physics                               Elsevier

Chemical Research in Toxicology          ACS

Chemical Reviews                             ACS
Chemical Science                            RSC
Chemical Society Reviews                RSC

Chemical Vapor Deposition        Wiley

Chemical  Communication              RSC

Chemico-Biological Interactions            Elsevier
Chemistry - A European Journal   (Wiley Interscience)   (1998- )

Chemie in unserer Zeit        Wiley

Chemie Ingenieur Technik - CIT        Wiley

Chemistry - A European Journal        Wiley

Chemistry & Biodiversity        Wiley

Chemistry and Biology                          Elsevier

Chemistry and Physics of Lipids            Elsevier

Chemistry and Technology of Fuels and Oils    Springer (dawniej Kluwer)

Chemistry Letters       tylko abstakty     F
Chemistry World                     RSC

Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds Springer (dawniej Kluwer)

Chemistry of Materials                     ACS

Chemistry of Natural Compounds         Springer (dawniej Kluwer)

CHEMKON                    Wiley

CHEMOECOLOGY                           Springer

Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems       Elsevier

Chemosphere                                       Elsevier

Chemosphere: Global Change Science  Elsevier

Child & Family Social Work        Wiley

Child Abuse and Neglect                      Elsevier

Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal      Springer (dawniej Kluwer)

Child and Youth Care Forum                Springer (dawniej Kluwer)

Child Psychiatry and Human Development       Springer (dawniej Kluwer)

Child: Care, Health and Development

Children and Youth Services Review     Elsevier

Children's Literature in Education          Springer (dawniej Kluwer)

Child's Nervous System                        Springer

China Economic Review                       Elsevier

Chinese Astronomy and Astrophysics   Elsevier

Chinese Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics   IOP

Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics        IOP  

Chinese Journal of Chemistry

Chinese Physics B      IOP

Chinese Physics ISSN 2001

Chinese Physics Letters    IOP

Chinese Science Abstracts Series A      Elsevier

Chinese Science Abstracts Series B      Elsevier

Chirality            Wiley

Chirurgie de la main                              Elsevier

Chirurgie                                              Elsevier

Chromatographia                                  Elsevier

Chromatographia                                  Springer

Chromosoma                                        Springer

Chromosome Research                         Springer (dawniej Kluwer)

Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing          Springer

Cities                                                    Elsevier

Cladistics                    Wiley

Cladistics                                              Elsevier

Classical and Quantum Gravity      IOP

Clean Products and Processes              Springer

Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy  Springer

Climactic Change                                  Springer (dawniej Kluwer)

Climate Dynamics                                 Springer

Climate Policy                                      Elsevier

Clinica Chimica Acta                            Elsevier

Clinical & Experimental Allergy            Wiley

Clinical & Experimental Allergy Reviews        Wiley

Clinical & Experimental Immunology        Wiley

Clinical & Experimental Metastasis        Springer (dawniej Kluwer)

Clinical & Experimental Ophthalmology        Wiley

Clinical Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine     Elsevier

Clinical Anatomy                    Wiley

Clinical and Applied Immunology Reviews       Elsevier

Clinical and Diagnostic Virology            Elsevier

Clinical and Experimental Dermatology        Wiley

Clinical and Experimental Medicine       Springer

Clinical and Experimental Optometry        Wiley

Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology

Clinical Autonomic Research                 Springer

Clinical Biochemistry                             Elsevier

Clinical Biomechanics                           Elsevier

Clinical Cardiology                    Wiley

Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review   Springer (dawniej Kluwer)

Clinical Chiropractic                             Elsevier

Clinical Effectiveness in Nursing            Elsevier

Clinical Endocrinology        Wiley

Clinical Eye and Vision Care                 Elsevier

Clinical Genetics        Wiley

Clinical Hemorheology                          Elsevier

Clinical Imaging                                    Elsevier

Clinical Immunology and Immunopathology      Elsevier

Clinical Immunology Newsletter            Elsevier

Clinical Immunology                              Elsevier

Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research

Clinical Microbiology and Infection        Wiley

Clinical Microbiology Newsletter          Elsevier

Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery    Elsevier

Clinical Neurophysiology                      Elsevier

Clinical Neuroscience Research            Elsevier

Clinical Nutrition                                   Elsevier

Clinical Oncology                                 Elsevier

Clinical Oral Implants Research        Wiley

Clinical Oral Investigations                    Springer

Clinical Otolaryngology        Wiley

Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics          Elsevier

Clinical Physiology and Functional Imaging

Clinical Positron Imaging                       Elsevier

Clinical Psychology Review                   Elsevier

Clinical Radiology Extra                        Elsevier

Clinical Radiology                                 Elsevier

Clinical Rheumatology                           Springer

Clinical Social Work Journal                 Springer (dawniej Kluwer)

Clinical Teacher                                    Wiley

Clinical Therapeutics                             Elsevier

Clinical Transplantation                           Wiley

Clinical Update                                     Elsevier

Clinics in Dermatology                          Elsevier

Cluster Computing                                Springer (dawniej Kluwer)

CNS: Neuroscience & Therapeutics        Wiley

Coastal Engineering                              Elsevier

Cognition                                              Elsevier

Cognition, Technology & Work            Springer

Cognitive Brain Research                      Elsevier

Cognitive Development                         Elsevier

Cognitive Processing                             Springer

Cognitive Psychology                            Elsevier

Cognitive Science                                 Elsevier

Cognitive Systems Research                 Elsevier

Cognitive Therapy and Research           Springer (dawniej Kluwer)

Cold Regions Science and Technology  Elsevier

Colloid and Polymer Science             Springer

Colloid Journal                                     Springer (dawniej Kluwer)

Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects     Elsevier

Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces  Elsevier

Coloproctology                                    Springer

Color Research & Application            Wiley

Coloration Technology                        Wiley

Colorectal Disease                            Wiley

Combinatorial Chemistry: An Online Journal    Elsevier

COMBINATORICA                           Springer

Combustion and Flame                         Elsevier

Combustion, Explosion and Shock Waves       Springer (dawniej Kluwer)

Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici       Springer

Communications in Mathematical Physics (1965-1996) F

Communications in Mathematical Physics         Springer

Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation         Elsevier

Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering    Wiley

Communications in Theoretical Physics     IOP

Communications on Pure & Applied Mathematics    Wiley

Communist and Post-Communist Studies         Elsevier

Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology    Wiley

Community Mental Health Journal         Springer (dawniej Kluwer)

Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - Part A: Molecular and Integrative Physiology      Elsevier

Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology -- Part A: Physiology         Elsevier

Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology -- Part B: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology      Elsevier

Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology -- Part C: Pharmacology, Toxicology and Endocrinology   Elsevier

Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part B       Elsevier

Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part C       Elsevier

Comparative Clinical Pathology             Springer

Comparative Haematology International           Springer

Comparative Immunology, Microbiology and Infectious Diseases        Elsevier

Complementary Therapies in Medicine  Elsevier

Complementary Therapies in Nursing and Midwifery   Elsevier

Complexity                                            Wiley

Composite Structures                           Elsevier

Composites Business Analyst                Elsevier

Composites Engineering                        Elsevier

Composites Manufacturing                    Elsevier

Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing (Incorporating Composites and Composites Manufacturing)                                                            Elsevier

Composites Part B: Engineering            Elsevier

Composites Science and Technology    Elsevier

Composites                                          Elsevier

Compositio Mathematica                      Springer (dawniej Kluwer)

Comprehensive Psychiatry                    Elsevier

Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety

Comptes Rendus Biologies                   Elsevier

Comptes Rendus Chimie                   Elsevier

Comptes Rendus de l'Academie des Sciences Series I Mathematics    Elsevier

Comptes Rendus de l'Academie des Sciences Series IIA Earth and Planetary Science Elsevier

Comptes Rendus de l'Academie des Sciences Series IIB Mechanics Physics Astronomy       Elsevier

Comptes Rendus de lAcademie des Sciences Series IIB Mechanics Physics Chemistry Astronomy     Elsevier

Comptes Rendus de l'Academie des Sciences Series IIB Mechanics   Elsevier

Comptes Rendus de l'Academie des Sciences Series IIC Chemistry    Elsevier

Comptes Rendus de l'Academie des Sciences Series III Sciences de la Vie     Elsevier

Comptes Rendus de l'Academie des Sciences Series IV Physics            Elsevier

Comptes Rendus Geoscience                Elsevier

Comptes Rendus Mathematique            Elsevier

Comptes Rendus Mecanique                Elsevier

Comptes Rendus Palevol                      Elsevier

Comptes Rendus Physique                    Elsevier

Computational & Mathematical Organization Theory   Springer (dawniej Kluwer)

Computational and Theoretical Polymer Science          Elsevier

Computational Biology and Chemistry   Elsevier

Computational complexity                     Springer

Computational Economics                     Springer (dawniej Kluwer)

Computational Geometry                      Elsevier

Computational Geosciences                  Springer (dawniej Kluwer)

Computational Intelligence                    Wiley

Computational Management Science     Springer

Computational Materials Science          Elsevier

Computational Mathematics & Modeling         Springer (dawniej Kluwer)

Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics  Elsevier

Computational Mechanics                     Springer

Computational Methods in Science and Technology 1999- aktualne    PCSS

Computational Optimization and Applications  Springer (dawniej Kluwer)

Computational Science & Discovery         IOP

Computational Statistics and Data Analysis      Elsevier

Computational Statistics                        Springer

Computer Aided Geometric Design       Elsevier

Computer Animation & Virtual Worlds        Wiley

Computer Applications in Engineering Education

Computer Audit Update                       Elsevier

Computer Communications                   Elsevier

Computer Fraud and Security Bulletin   Elsevier

Computer Fraud and Security               Elsevier

Computer Graphics Forum                    Wiley

Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems   Elsevier

Computer Languages                            Elsevier

Computer Languages, Systems and Structures Elsevier

Computer Law and Security Report      Elsevier

Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine        Elsevier

Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering      Elsevier

Computer Networks and ISDN Systems         Elsevier

Computer Networks                             Elsevier

Computer Physics Communications       Elsevier

Computer Speech and Language           Elsevier

Computer Standards and Interfaces      Elsevier

Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW)     Springer (dawniej Kluwer)

Computer Vision and Image Understanding     Elsevier

Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering

Computer-Aided Design                       Elsevier

Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics  Elsevier

Computers and Biomedical Research    Elsevier

Computers and Chemical Engineering    Elsevier

Computers and Chemistry                     Elsevier

Computers and Composition                 Elsevier

Computers and Education                     Elsevier

Computers and Electrical Engineering    Elsevier

Computers and Electronics in Agriculture         Elsevier

Computers and Fluids                           Elsevier

Computers and Geosciences                 Elsevier

Computers and Geotechnics                 Elsevier

Computers and Graphics                      Elsevier

Computers and Industrial Engineering    Elsevier

Computers and Mathematics with Applications            Elsevier

Computers and Operations Research    Elsevier

Computers and Security                        Elsevier

Computers and Structures                     Elsevier

Computers and the Humanities              Kluwer

Computers in Biology and Medicine      Elsevier

Computers in Human Behavior              Elsevier

Computers in Industry                           Elsevier

Computers, Environment and Urban Systems   Elsevier

Computing and Visualization in Science Springer

Computing Systems in Engineering        Elsevier

Computing                                            Springer

Concepts in Magnetic Resonance: Part A, Bridging Education and Research

Concepts in Magnetic Resonance: Part B, Magnetic Resonance Engineering

Concurrency and Computation        Wiley

Condensed Matter Physics 1993- aktualne         F

Condition Monitor                                Elsevier

Congenital Anomalies                        Wiley

Consciousness and Cognition                Elsevier

Conservation                                Wiley

Conservation Biology                      Wiley

Conservation Genetics                          Springer (dawniej Kluwer)

Constitutional Political Economy            Springer (dawniej Kluwer)

Constraints                                           Springer (dawniej Kluwer)

Construction and Building Materials      Elsevier

Constructive Approximation                  Springer

Contact Dermatitis                                Wiley

Contact Lens and Anterior Eye             Elsevier

Contemporary Educational Psychology Elsevier

Contemporary Family Therapy              Springer (dawniej Kluwer)

Continental Philosophy Review             Springer (dawniej Kluwer)
Contemporary Physics        EBSCO  1975- aktualne, za wyjątkiem ostatnich 18 miesiecy

Continental Shelf Research                    Elsevier

Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics    Springer

Contraception                                       Elsevier

Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology      Springer

Contributions to Plasma Physics            Wiley

Control Engineering Practice                 Elsevier

Controlled Clinical Trials                       Elsevier

Coordination Chemistry Reviews          Elsevier

Coral Reefs                                          Springer

Coronary Health Care                          Elsevier

Corporate Environmental Strategy         Elsevier

Corrosion Science                                Elsevier

                                                            Cosmic ResearchSpringer (dawniej Kluwer)

COSPAR Information Bulletin              Elsevier

Cretaceous Research                            Elsevier

Crime, Law and Social Change             Springer (dawniej Kluwer)

Criminal Law Forum                             Springer

Critical Care Nursing Clinics of North America            Elsevier

Critical Criminology                              Kluwer

Critical Perspectives on Accounting       Elsevier

Critical Reviews in Oncology/Hematology        Elsevier

Crop Protection                                    Elsevier

Crop Science                                       Springer

Cryobiology                                         Elsevier

Cryogenics                                           Elsevier

Cryptogamie Algologie                         Elsevier

Cryptogamie Bryologie                         Elsevier

Cryptogamie Mycologie                        Elsevier
CrystEngComm                  RSC

Crystal Engineering                               Elsevier

Crystal Growth & Design                      ACS

Crystal Growth& Desing                       ACS

Crystal Research & Technology            Wiley

Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry         Springer

Current Anaesthesia and Critical Care   Elsevier

Current Applied Physics                       Elsevier

Current Biology                                    Elsevier

Current Diagnostic Pathology                Elsevier

Current Genetics                                   Springer

Current Microbiology                           Springer

Current Obstetrics and Gynaecology     Elsevier

Current Opinion in Biotechnology          Elsevier

Current Opinion in Cell Biology             Elsevier

Current Opinion in Chemical Biology     Elsevier

Current Opinion in Colloids and Interface Science       Elsevier

Current Opinion in Genetics and Development Elsevier

Current Opinion in Immunology             Elsevier

Current Opinion in Microbiology           Elsevier

Current Opinion in Neurobiology          Elsevier

Current Opinion in Pharmacology          Elsevier

Current Opinion in Plant Biology           Elsevier

Current Opinion in Solid State and Materials Science   Elsevier

Current Opinion in Structural Biology    Elsevier

Current Orthopaedics                           Elsevier

Current Paediatrics                               Elsevier

Current Problems in Cancer                  Elsevier

Current Problems in Cardiology            Elsevier

Current Problems in Dermatology         Elsevier

Current Problems in Diagnostic Radiology       Elsevier

Current Problems in Pediatric and Adolescent Health Care      Elsevier

Current Problems in Surgery                 Elsevier

Current Surgery                                    Elsevier

Current Therapeutic Research               Elsevier

Curtis's Botanical Magazine                    Wiley

Cutting Tool News                               Elsevier

Cybernetics and Systems Analysis         Kluwer

Cytokine and Growth Factor Reviews   Elsevier

Cytokine                                              Elsevier

Cytometry Part A                Wiley

Cytometry Part B: Clinical Cytometry        Wiley

Cytopathology                                Wiley

Cytotechnology                                  Springer

Czechoslovak Journal of Physics      Springer (dawniej Kluwer)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal       Springer

Dalton Transactions                  RSC

Data and Knowledge Engineering          Elsevier

Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery          Springer

De Economist                                     Springer

Decision Support Systems                    Elsevier

Decisions in Economics and Finance     Springer

Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers   Elsevier

Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography  Elsevier

Dental Materials                                   Elsevier

Dental Traumatology                        Wiley

Dentomaxillofacial Radiology                Elsevier

Depression and Anxiety

Der Anaesthesist                                   Springer

Der Chirurg                                          Springer

Der Gynäkologe                                   Springer

Der Hautarzt                                         Springer

Der Internist                                         Springer

Der Nervenarzt                                     Springer

Der Onkologe                                      Springer

Der Ophthalmologe                              Springer

Der Orthopäde                                     Springer

Der Pathologe                                      Springer

Der Pneumologe                                   Springer

Der Radiologe                                      Springer

Der Schmerz                                        Springer

Der Unfallchirurg                                  Springer

Der Urologe B                                      Springer

Der Urologe, Ausgabe A                      Springer

Dermatologic Surgery        Wiley

Dermatologic Surgery                           Elsevier

Dermatologic Therapy        Wiley

Desalination                                          Elsevier

Design Automation for Embedded Systems     Springer

Design Studies                                      Elsevier

Designs, Codes and Cryptography        Kluwer

Development Genes and Evolution        Springer

Development, Growth & Differentiation        Wiley

Developmental and Comparative Immunology  Elsevier

Developmental Biology                         Elsevier

Developmental Brain Research              Elsevier

Developmental Disabilities Research Reviews

Developmental Dynamics        Wiley

Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology        Wiley

Developmental Neurobiology        Wiley

Developmental Psychobiology        Wiley

Developmental Review                         Elsevier

Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice           Elsevier

Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism        Wiley

Diabetes/Metabolism: Research & Reviews        Wiley

Diabetic Medicine        Wiley

Diabetologia                                         Springer

Diagnostic Cytopathology        Wiley

Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease           Elsevier

Dialectical Anthropology                       Kluwer

Dialysis & Transplantation        Wiley

Diamond and Related Materials            Elsevier

DIBT Mitteilungen        Wiley

Differential Equations                           Springer

Differential Geometry and its Applications        Elsevier

Digestive and Liver Diseases                 Elsevier

Digestive Diseases & Sciences              Kluwer

Digestive Endoscopy            Wiley

Digital Signal Processing                       Elsevier

Disaster Management and Response     Elsevier

Discrete & Computational Geometry     Springer

Discrete Applied Mathematics              Elsevier

Discrete Event Dynamic Systems          Springer

Discrete Mathematics                           Elsevier

Disease Management and Clinical Outcomes   Elsevier

Disease-a-Month                                  Elsevier

Diseases of the Colon & Rectum           Springer

Diseases of the Esophagus                        Wiley

Displays                                               Elsevier

Distributed and Parallel Databases      Springer

Distributed Computing                          Springer

Diversity and Distributions                    Wiley

DNA Repair                                         Elsevier

Document Analysis and Recognition      Springer

Documenta Ophthalmologica                Springer

Doklady Biochemistry & Biophysics    Springer

Doklady Biochemistry                         Springer

Doklady Biological Sciences                 Springer

Doklady Biophysics                             Springer

Doklady Botanical Sciences                 Springer

Doklady Chemical Technology             Springer

Doklady Chemistry                            MAIK Interperiodica i Springer (dawniej Kluwer)

Doklady Physical Chemistry             MAIK Interperiodica i Springer (dawniej Kluwer)

Doklady Physics                                MAIK Interperiodica i Springer (dawniej Kluwer)

Domestic Animal Endocrinology            Elsevier

Dreaming                                              Kluwer

Drug and Alcohol Dependence             Elsevier

Drug and Alcohol Review                    Wiley

Drug Development Research

Drug Discovery Today                          Elsevier

Drug Resistance Updates                      Elsevier

Dyes and Pigments                               Elsevier

Dynamics and Control                          Kluwer

Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans Elsevier

Dysphagia                                            Springer

Early Childhood Education Journal       Springer

Early Childhood Research Quarterly     Elsevier

Early Human Development                    Elsevier

Earth and Planetary Science Letters      Elsevier

Earth Surface Processes and Landforms        Wiley

Earth, Moon, and Planets                     Springer

Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics

Earth-Science Reviews                         Elsevier

Eating Behaviors                                   Elsevier

EAU Update Series                              Elsevier

EC Tax Review                                    Springer

Echocardiography                                Wiley

Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae               Springer

Ecography                                            Wiley

EcoHealth                                            Springer

Ecological Economics                           Elsevier

Ecological Engineering                          Elsevier

Ecological Entomology                        Wiley

Ecological Indicators                             Elsevier

Ecological Management & Restoration        Wiley

Ecological Modelling                             Elsevier

Ecology Letters                                    Wiley

Ecology of Freshwater Fish                    Wiley

Economic Bulletin                                 Springer

Economic Design                                  Elsevier

Economic Modelling                             Elsevier

Economic Systems                                Elsevier

Economic Theory                                 Springer

Economics and Human Biology             Elsevier

Economics Letters                                Elsevier

Economics of Education Review           Elsevier

Economics of Governance                    Springer

Economics of Planning                          Kluwer

Ecosystems                                          Springer

Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety          Elsevier

Ecotoxicology                                      Springer

Education and Information Technologies          Springer

Educational Psychology Review            Kluwer

Educational Research for Policy & Practice    Springerr

Educational Studies in Mathematics       Kluwer

EJC Supplements                                 Elsevier

e-Journal of Surface Science and Nanotechnology  2003- aktualne           F

EJVES Extra                                        Elsevier

Electoral Studies                                   Elsevier

Electric Power Systems Research         Elsevier

Electrical Engineering in Japan

Electrical Engineering                            Springer

Electrical Technology                            Elsevier


Electrochemistry Communications         Elsevier

Electrochimica Acta                              Elsevier

Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology Elsevier

Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology Elsevier

Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology/ Electromyography and Motor Control            Elsevier

Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology/ Evoked Potentials Section      Elsevier

Electronic Commerce Research and Applications        Elsevier

Electronic Commerce Research           Springer

Electronic Communication Law Review          Springer

Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science       Elsevier

Electronics & Communications in Japan

Electrophoresis                    Wiley

Elemente der Mathematik                     Springer

Emergency Medicine Australasia            Wiley

Emergency Radiology                           Springer

Emerging Markets Review                    Elsevier

Empirica                                               Springer

Empirical Economics                             Springer

Empirical Software Engineering            Springer

Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal       Springer

Endeavour                                            Elsevier

Endodontic Topics                            Wiley

EndoTrends                                          Elsevier

Energy & Fuels                                     ACS

Energy and Buildings                             Elsevier

Energy Conversion and Management    Elsevier

Energy Economics                                Elsevier

Energy Policy                                       Elsevier

Energy                                                  Elsevier
Energy and Environmental Science        RSC

Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements  Elsevier

Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence          Elsevier

Engineering Failure Analysis                  Elsevier

Engineering Fracture Mechanics            Elsevier

Engineering Geology                             Elsevier

Engineering in Life Sciences                        Wiley

Engineering Structures                           Elsevier

Engineering with Computers                  Springer

English for Specific Purposes                Elsevier

Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata        Wiley

Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata          Springer

Entomological Research                Wiley

Entomological Science                Wiley

Environment International                      Elsevier

Environment, Development and Sustainability   Springer

Environmental and Ecological Statistics  Kluwer

Environmental and Experimental Botany           Elsevier

Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis

Environmental and Resource Economics          Springer

Environmental Biology of Fishes            Springer

Environmental Chemistry Letters           Springer

Environmental Conservation                  Elsevier

Environmental Fluid Mechanics             Kluwer

Environmental Forensics                       Elsevier

Environmental Geochemistry and Health         Springer

Environmental Geology                         Springer

Environmental Impact Assessment Review       Elsevier

Environmental Management                  Springer

Environmental Microbiology        Wiley   

Environmental Microbiology Reports        Wiley

Environmental Modeling & Assessment         Springer

Environmental Modelling and Software  Elsevier

Environmental Monitoring and Assessment      Springer

Environmental Pollution                         Elsevier

Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy

Environmental Research Letters     IOP

Environmental Research                        Elsevier

Environmental Science & Technology    ACS

Environmental Science and Policy         Elsevier

Environmental Software                        Elsevier

Environmental Toxicology        Wiley

Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry         Elsevier

Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology   Elsevier

Environmetrics        Wiley

Enzyme and Microbial Technology        Elsevier

Epilepsia                        Wiley

Epilepsy and Behavior                          Elsevier

Epilepsy Currents            Wiley

Epilepsy Research                                Elsevier

EPL (Europhysics Letters)           IOP

EPPO Bulletin                Wiley

Erkenntnis                                           Springer

Erwerbs-Obstbau                                 Springer

Esophagus                                            Springer

Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science     Elsevier

Ethical Theory & Moral Practice          Springer

Ethics and Information Technology        Springer

Ethics and the Environment                   Elsevier

Ethik in der Medizin                              Springer

Ethology                    Wiley

Ethology and Sociobiology                    Elsevier

Euphytica                                             Springer

Europace                                              Elsevier

European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology            Springer

European Archives of Psychiatry and ClinicalNeurosciences    Springer

European Biophysics Journal                 Springer

European Biotechnology Newsletter      Elsevier

European Business Law Review            Kluwer

European Child & AdolescentPsychiatry          Springer

European Diabetes Nursing                Wiley

European Economic Review                 Elsevier

European Electronics Markets Forecast           Elsevier

European Environmental Law Review   Kluwer

European Finance Review                     Kluwer

European Food Research and Technology       Springer

European Foreign Affairs Review          Kluwer

European Heart Journal                        Elsevier

European Journal for Education Law and Policy          Kluwer

European Journal of Ageing                  Springer

European Journal of Agronomy             Elsevier

European Journal of Applied Physiology and Occupational Physiology Springer

European Journal of Applied Physiology          Springer

European Journal of Cancer Care            Wiley

European Journal of Cancer                  Elsevier

European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery Elsevier

European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing    Elsevier

European Journal of Clinical Investigation        Wiley

European Journal of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases         Springer

European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology      Springer

European Journal of Combinatorics       Elsevier

European Journal of Crime, Criminal Law and Criminal Justice            Springer

European Journal of Dental Education        Wiley

European Journal of Echocardiography Elsevier

European Journal of Epidemiology        Springer

European Journal of Forest Research    Springer

European Journal of Haematology        Wiley

European Journal of Health Law          Springer

European Journal of Heart Failure         Elsevier

European Journal of Heart Failure, Supplements          Elsevier

European Journal of Immunology        Wiley

European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry        Wiley

European Journal of Internal Medicine   Elsevier

European Journal of Law and Economics        Springer

European Journal of Law Reform          Springer

European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology

European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids       Elsevier

European Journal of Mechanics - B/Fluids       Elsevier

European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry        Elsevier

European Journal of Migration and Law           Springer

European Journal of Neurology        Wiley

European Journal of Neuroscience        Wiley

European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging            Springer

European Journal of Nuclear Medicine  Springer

European Journal of Nutrition                Springer

European Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Reproductive Biology     Elsevier

European Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Reproductive Biology     Elsevier

European Journal of Oncology Nursing Elsevier        Wiley

European Journal of Operational Research       Elsevier

European Journal of Oral Sciences        Wiley

European Journal of Organic Chemistry        Wiley

European Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology     Springer

European Journal of Paediatric Neurology       Elsevier

European Journal of Pain                      Elsevier

European Journal of Pediatrics              Springer

European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences  Elsevier

European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics       Elsevier

European Journal of Pharmacology       Elsevier

European Journal of Pharmacology       Elsevier

European Journal of Pharmacology: Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology       Elsevier

European Journal of Physics   1/1/1980-2001 archiwum - chwilowo niedostępne

European Journal of Physics     IOP

European Journal of Plant Pathology     Springer

European Journal of Plastic Surgery      Springer

European Journal of Political Economy  Elsevier

European Journal of Political Research  Springer

European Journal of Population             Springer

European Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management        Elsevier

European Journal of Radiology Extra     Elsevier

European Journal of Radiology              Elsevier

European Journal of Social Security      Springer

European Journal of Soil Biology           Elsevier

European Journal of Soil Science        Wiley

European Journal of Solid State and Inorganic Chemistry         Elsevier

European Journal of Surgical Oncology Elsevier

European Journal of Trauma                 Springer

European Journal of Ultrasound            Elsevier

European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery         Elsevier

European Journal of Wildlife Research  Springer

European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research     Springer

European Management Journal             Elsevier

European Neuropsychopharmacology   Elsevier
The European Physical Journal A          Springer
The European Physical Journal B          Springer
The European Physical Journal C          Springer
The European Physical Journal D          Springer
The European Physical Journal E           Springer

European Polymer Journal                Elsevier

European Psychiatry                             Elsevier

European Public Law                            Springer

European Radiology Supplements         Springer

European Radiology                             Springer

European Review of Private Law          Springer

European Spine Journal                        Springer

European Urology Supplements            Elsevier

European Urology                                Elsevier

European Water Pollution Control         Elsevier

Europhysics Letters           IOP

Evaluation and Program Planning           Elsevier

Evidence-based Cardiovascular Medicine        Elsevier

Evidence-Based Child Health: A Cochrane Review Journal

Evidence-based Healthcare                   Elsevier

Evidence-based Obstetrics and Gynaecology   Elsevier

Evidence-based Oncology                    Elsevier

Evolution            Wiley

Evolution & Development

Evolution and Human Behavior             Elsevier

Evolution Psychiatrique                         Elsevier

Evolutionary Anthropology            Wiley

Evolutionary Ecology                           Springer

Exergy                                                  Elsevier

Experimental & Applied Acarology       Kluwer

Experimental and Molecular Pathology  Elsevier

Experimental Astronomy                       Springer

Experimental Brain Research                 Springer

Experimental Cell Research                   Elsevier

Experimental Dermatology                    Wiley

Experimental Economics                       Springer

Experimental Eye Research                   Elsevier

Experimental Gerontology                     Elsevier

Experimental Hematology                     Elsevier

Experimental Mycology                        Elsevier

Experimental Neurology                        Elsevier

Experimental Parasitology                     Elsevier

Experimental Physiology                        Wiley

Experimental Techniques                        Wiley

Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science          Elsevier

Experiments in Fluids                            Springer

Expert Evidence                                   Kluwer

Expert Systems                                Wiley

Expert Systems with Applications          Elsevier

Exploration and Mining Geology           Elsevier

Explorations in Economic History          Elsevier

Extremes                                              Springer

Extremophiles                                       Springer
Faraday Discussions                  RSC

Facies                                                  Springer

Familial Cancer                                     Kluwer

Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures

FEBS Journal                    Wiley

FEBS Letters                                       Elsevier

Feddes Repertorium                    Wiley

Feminist Legal Studies                          Kluwer

FEMS Immunology & Medical Microbiology

FEMS Immunology and Medical Microbiology            Elsevier

FEMS Microbiology Ecology                Wiley

FEMS Microbiology Ecology               Elsevier

FEMS Microbiology Letters                Wiley

FEMS Microbiology Letters                 Elsevier

FEMS Microbiology Reviews                Wiley

FEMS Microbiology Reviews               Elsevier

FEMS Yeast Research                        Wiley

FEMS Yeast Research                         Elsevier

Ferroelectrics Letters    EBSCO  2002- aktualne, za wyjątkiem ostatnich 18 miesiecy

Fertility and Sterility                              Elsevier

Few-Body-Systems                              Springer

Fibre Chemistry                                    Kluwer

Fibrinolysis and Proteolysis                   Elsevier

Field Crops Research                           Elsevier

Filtration and Separation                       Elsevier

Filtration Industry Analyst                     Elsevier

Finance and Stochastics                        Springer

Financial Engineering and the Japanese Markets          Springer

Financial Services Review                     Elsevier

Finite Elements in Analysis and Design   Elsevier

Finite Fields and Their Applications       Elsevier

Fire Safety Journal                                Elsevier

Fire Technology                                    Kluwer

Fish and Fisheries                    Wiley

Fish and Shellfish Immunology               Elsevier

Fish Physiology and Biochemistry         Springer

Fisheries Management and Ecology            Wiley

Fisheries Oceanography                    Wiley

Fisheries Research                                Elsevier

Fitoterapia                                            Elsevier

Fizika A (Zagreb)   1995- aktualne           F

Fizika B (Zagreb) 1995- aktualne             F

Fizika i Technika Poluprovodnikow (ang. edycja: Semiconductors) 1997- aktualne F

Fizika Niskich Temperatur  1996- aktualne (konieczna rejestracja)           F

Fizika Tverdogo Tela (ang. edycja: Physics of the Solid State) 1997- aktualne  F, P

Flavour and Fragrance Journal            Wiley

Flow Measurement and Instrumentation           Elsevier

Flow, Turbulence and Combustion       Springer

Fluid Dynamics Research                      Elsevier

Fluid Dynamics                                     Springer

Fluid Phase Equilibria                            Elsevier

Focus on Catalysts                               Elsevier

Focus on Pigments                                Elsevier

Focus on Polyvinyl Chloride                  Elsevier

Focus on Powder Coatings                   Elsevier

Focus on Surfactants                            Elsevier

Food and Chemical Toxicology             Elsevier

Food Chemistry                                    Elsevier

Food Control                                       Elsevier

Food Hydrocolloids                              Elsevier

Food Microbiology                               Elsevier

Food Policy                                          Elsevier

Food Quality and Preference                Elsevier

Food Research International                 Elsevier

Food, Cosmetics and Drug Packaging   Elsevier

Foot and Ankle Surgery                        Elsevier

Foot                                                     Elsevier

Forensic Science International               Elsevier

Forest Ecology and Management          Elsevier

Forest Pathology                                Wiley

Forest Policy and Economics                Elsevier

Formal Aspects of Computing               Springer

Formal Methods in System Design       Springer

forschung                                                Wiley

Forschung im Ingenieurwesen                Springer

Forstwissenschaftliches Centralblatt vereinigt mitTharandter Forstliches Jahrbuch         Springer

Fortschritte der Physik                            Wiley

Forum der Psychoanalyse                     Springer

Fossil Record-Mitteilungen aus dem Museum für Naturkunde in Berlin

Foundations of Chemistry                 Springer (dawniej Kluwer)

Foundations of Computational Mathematics     Springer

Foundations of Physics Letters         Sprigner (dawniej Kluwer)
Foundations of Physics
                      Sprigner (dawniej Kluwer)

Foundations of Science                         Sprigner (dawniej Kluwer)

Free Radical Biology and Medicine       Elsevier

Fresenius' Journal of Analytical Chemistry        Springer

Freshwater Biology                            Wiley

Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology           Elsevier

Fruits                                                    Elsevier

Fuel and Energy Abstracts                    Elsevier

Fuel Cells                                            Wiley

Fuel Cells Bulletin                                 Elsevier

Fuel Processing Technology                  Elsevier

Fuel                                                      Elsevier

Functional & Integrative Genomics        Springer

Functional Analysis and Its Applications          Springer

Functional Ecology                        Wiley

Functional Materials od 2004 roku           F

Fundamental & Clinical Pharmacology

Fundamental and Applied Nematology  Elsevier

Fundamental and Applied Toxicology    Elsevier

Fundamental and Clinical Pharmacology          Elsevier

Fungal Genetics and Biology                 Elsevier

Fusion Engineering and Design              Elsevier

Fuß & Sprunggelenk                             Springer

Future Generation Computer Systems   Elsevier

Future Prescriber                            Wiley

Futures                                                 Elsevier

Fuzzy Optimization & Decision Making Kluwer

Fuzzy Sets and Systems                        Elsevier

Gait and Posture                                   Elsevier   
Games and Economic Behavior             Elsevier

GAMM - Mitteilungen                            Wiley

Gas Separation and Purification             Elsevier

Gastric Cancer                                     Springer

GCB Bioenergy                            Wiley

Gefässchirurgie                                     Springer

Gene Expression Patterns                     Elsevier

Gene                                                    Elsevier

General and Comparative Endocrinology         Elsevier

General Hospital Psychiatry                  Elsevier

General Pharmacology                          Elsevier

General Relativity and Gravitation          Kluwer

Genes to Cells                        Wiley

Genes, Brain and Behavior                        Wiley

Genes, Chromosomes and Cancer                Wiley

genesis                                        Wiley

Genetic Analysis: Biomolecular Engineering      Elsevier

Genetic Epidemiology                        Wiley

Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines           Springer

Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution     Springer

Genetica                                               Springer

Genetics, Selection, Evolution               Elsevier

Genomics                                             Elsevier

Geoarchaeology                    Wiley

Geobiology                        Wiley

Geobios                                               Elsevier

Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta       Elsevier

Geoderma                                            Elsevier

Geodinamica Acta                                Elsevier

Geofluids                    Wiley

Geoforum                                             Elsevier

Geographie, Economie, Societe            Elsevier

GeoInformatica                                   Springer

GeoJournal                                           Springer

Geological Journal                            Wiley

Geologie en Mijnbouw                        Springer

Geologische Rundschau                        Springer

Geology Today                                     Wiley

Geo-Marine Letters                              Springer

Geomechanics Abstracts                       Elsevier

Geometriae Dedicata                           Springer

Geometric And Functional Analysis       Springer

Geomorphology                                    Elsevier

Geophysical Journal International        Wiley

Geophysical Prospecting                    Wiley
Georgian Mathematical Journal             Kluwer

Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research        Wiley

Geotechnical & Geological Engineering Kluwer

Geotextiles and Geomembranes            Elsevier

Geothermics                                         Elsevier

Geriatric Nephrology and Urology        Springer

Geriatric Nursing                                  Elsevier

Geriatrics & Gerontology International    Wiley

german research        Wiley

Gerodontology        Wiley

Gesunde Pflanzen                                 Springer

Glass and Ceramics                            Springer

Glass Physics and Chemistry                Springer

Glia                                                       Wiley

Global and Planetary Change                Elsevier

Global Change & Human Health          Springer

Global Change Biology                        Wiley

Global Ecology and Biogeography        Wiley

Global Environmental Change Part B: Environmental Hazards  Elsevier

Global Environmental Change               Elsevier

Global Finance Journal                          Elsevier

Glycoconjugate Journal                         Kluwer

Government Information Quarterly        Elsevier

GPS Solutions                                      Springer

Graefe's Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology Springer

Grammars                                           Springer

Granular Matter                                    Springer

Graphical Models and Image Processing          Elsevier

Graphical Models                                 Elsevier

Graphs and Combinatorics                    Springer
Green Chemistry                        

Grass and Forage Science            Wiley

Grassland Science                        Wiley

Ground Water                              Wiley

Ground Water Monitoring & Remediation

Group Decision and Negotiation           Springer

Group                                                  Springer

Growth Hormone and IGF Research     Elsevier

Grundwasser                                        Springer

Gynäkologische Endokrinologie            Springer

Gynecologic Oncology                          Elsevier

Gynecological Surgery                          Springer

Gynecology Obstetrique and Fertilite     Elsevier

Habitat International                              Elsevier

Haemophilia                        Wiley

Harmful Algae                                      Elsevier

Head & Neck                    Wiley

Headache                Wiley

Health & Social Care in the Community

Health and Place                                   Elsevier

Health Care Analysis                           Springer

Health Care Management Science        Springer

Health Expectations                    Wiley

Health Information and Libraries Journal        Wiley

Health Policy                                        Elsevier

Health Services & Outcomes Research Methodology      Springer

Hearing Research                                 Elsevier

Heart and Lung: The Journal of Acute and Critical Care           Elsevier

Heart and Vessels                                 Springer

Heart Failure Reviews                          Springer

Heat and Mass Transfer                        Springer

Heat Recovery Systems and CHP         Elsevier

Heat Transfer - Asian Research                    Wiley

HEC Forum                                       Springer

Helgoland Marine Research                  Springer

Helicobacter                Wiley

Helsinki Monitor                                 Springer

Helvetica Chimica Acta            Wiley

Hematological Oncology            Wiley

Hemodialysis International            Wiley

HEPAC Health Economics in Prevention and Care      Springer

Hepatology                Wiley

Hepatology Research                    Wiley

Hepatology Research                            Elsevier

Hepatology                                           Elsevier

Hernia                                                  Springer

Herz                                                     Springer

Herzschrittmachertherapie undElektrophysiologie         Springer

Heteroatom Chemistry                Wiley

Heterocycles                                        Elsevier

High Energy Chemistry                         Springer

High Performance Plastics                     Elsevier

High Performance Textiles                    Elsevier

High Temperature                                 Springer

Higher Education Policy                        Elsevier

Higher Education                                  Springer

Higher-Order and Symbolic Computation       Springer

Hippocampus                Wiley

Histochemical Journal                          Springer

Histochemistry and Cell Biology            Springer

Histopathology                Wiley

Historia Mathematica                            Elsevier

History of European Ideas                    Elsevier

HIV Medicine                Wiley

HNO                                                   Springer

Holz als Roh- und Werkstoff                 Springer

Home Care Provider                            Elsevier

Homeopathy                                         Elsevier

Hormones and Behavior                       Elsevier

Human Brain Mapping                    Wiley

Human Cell

Human Ecology                                    Kluwer

Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing

Human Genetics                                   Springer

Human Immunology                              Elsevier

Human Movement Science                   Elsevier

Human Mutation                        Wiley

Human Pathology                                 Elsevier

Human Physiology                                Kluwer

Human Psychopharmacology: Clinical and Experimental

Human Relations                                   Kluwer

Human Resource Management Review Elsevier

Human Rights Case Digest                   Springer

Human Studies                                     Springer

Husserl Studies                                     Springer

Hydrobiologia                                       Springer

Hydrogeology Journal                           Springer

Hydrological Processes                    Wiley

Hydrometallurgy                                   Elsevier

Hydrotechnical Construction               Springer

Hyperfine Interactions                       Springer

Ibis                                    Wiley

Icarus                                                   Elsevier

ICES Journal of Marine Science           Elsevier

Ichthyological Research                        Springer
IEP Optoelectronics        EBSCO  2003- aktualne, za wyjątkiem ostatnich 12 miesiecy

IIE Transactions                                   Springer

III-Vs Review                                      Elsevier

Il Farmaco                                            Elsevier

Image and Vision Computing                Elsevier

Imaging Decisions MRI                            Wiley

Immunity                                              Elsevier

Immunoanalyse and Biologie Specialisee          Elsevier

Immunogenetics                                    Springer

Immunological Reviews                        Wiley

Immunology                            Wiley

Immunology Letters                              Elsevier

Immunology Today                               Elsevier

Immunopharmacology                           Elsevier

Immunotechnology                                Elsevier

Indagationes Mathematicae                   Elsevier

Indo-Iranian Journal                              Kluwer

Indoor Air

Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research  ACS

Industrial Crops and Products               Elsevier

Industrial Laboratory                           Springer

Industrial Marketing Management         Elsevier

Infant Behavior and Development          Elsevier

Infection                                               Springer

Infection, Genetics and Evolution           Elsevier

Inflammation Research                          Springer

Inflammation                                         Kluwer

Informatik Forschung und Entwicklung  Springer

Informatik-Spektrum                            Springer

Information and Computation                Elsevier

Information and Management                Elsevier

Information and Organization                Elsevier

Information and Software Technology   Elsevier

Information Economics and Policy         Elsevier

Information Fusion                                Elsevier

Information Management Report           Elsevier

Information Processing and Management         Elsevier

Information Processing Letters              Elsevier

Information Retrieval                             Kluwer

Information Sciences - Applications      Elsevier

Information Sciences                             Elsevier

Information Security Technical Report   Elsevier

Information Systems and e-Business Management       Springer

Information Systems Frontiers               Kluwer

Information Systems Journal

Information Systems                             Elsevier

Information Technology and Management        Springer

Information Technology for Development

Infrared Physics and Technology           Elsevier

Injury Extra                                          Elsevier

Injury                                                   Elsevier

Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies   Elsevier

Innovative Higher Education                  Springer

Inorganic Chemistry   ACS

Inorganic Chemistry Communications    Elsevier

Inorganic Materials                      Springer

Inorganica Chimica Acta                       Elsevier

Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology      Elsevier

Insect Conservation Diversity        Wiley

Insect Molecular Biology                Wiley

Insect Science                                    Wiley

Insectes Sociaux                                   Springer

Insight - the Journal of the American Society of Ophthalmic Registered Nurses            Elsevier

Instructional Science                            Springer

Instruments and Experimental Techniques        Springer

Insurance: Mathematics and Economics Elsevier

Integral Equations and Operator Theory          Springer

Integrated Assessment                          Springer

Integrated Circuits International             Elsevier    

Integrated Ferroelectrics        EBSCO  2003- aktualne, za wyjątkiem ostatnich 12 miesiecy

Integrated Pest Management Reviews   Springer

Integration, the VLSI Journal                Elsevier
Integrative Biology                            RSC

Integrative Medicine                             Elsevier

Intelligence                                           Elsevier

Intelligent Data Analysis                        Elsevier

Intensive and Critical Care Nursing       Elsevier

Intensive Care Medicine                       Springer

Intensivmedizin und Notfallmedizin        Springer

Interacting with Computers                   Elsevier

Interactive Cardio and Thoracic Surgery          Elsevier

Interchange                                           Springer

Interface Science                                  Springer

Intermetallics                                     Elsevier

Internal Medicine Journal                    Wiley

International and Comparative Corporate Law Journal Springer

International Applied Mechanics           Springer

International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health         Springer

International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation        Elsevier

International Business Review               Elsevier

International Children's Rights Monitor  Kluwer

International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer         Elsevier

International Conference on Air Pollution - Proceedings           Kluwer

International Congress Series                Elsevier

International Contact Lens Clinic           Elsevier

International Contract Adviser: A Quarterly Journal of Transactional Business  Kluwer

International Corporate Rescue             Kluwer

International Criminal Law Review        Kluwer

International Dairy Journal                     Elsevier

International Economics and Economic Policy  Springer

International Endodontic Journal

International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics Kluwer

International Hepatology Communications        Elsevier

International Immunopharmacology       Elsevier

International Information and Library Review   Elsevier

International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance Kluwer

International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics

International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering        Wiley

International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids        Wiley

International Journal for Parasitology     Elsevier

International Journal for Philosophy of Religion Kluwer

International Journal for Quality in Health Care Elsevier

International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling        Springer

International Journal for the Semiotics of Law  Kluwer

International Journal of Accounting Information Systems          Elsevier

International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing

International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives          Elsevier

International Journal of Andrology        Wiley

International Journal of Angiology          Springer

International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents    Elsevier

International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology

International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation           Elsevier

International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics in Materials  Elsevier

International Journal of Applied Quality Management   Elsevier

International Journal of Approximate Reasoning           Elsevier

International Journal of Aromatherapy   Elsevier

International Journal of Asian Management      Springer

International Journal of Biological Macromolecules      Elsevier

International Journal of Bio-Medical Computing           Elsevier

International Journal of Biometeorology Springer

International Journal of Cancer        Wiley

International Journal of Cardiac Imaging         Springer

International Journal of Cardiology        Elsevier

International Journal of Chemical Kinetics        Wiley

International Journal of Circuit Theory & Applications        Wiley

International Journal of Climatology        Wiley

International Journal of Clinical Oncology         Springer

International Journal of Clinical Practice        Wiley

International Journal of Coal Geology    Elsevier

International Journal of Colorectal Disease       Springer

International Journal of Communication Systems

International Journal of Comparative Labour Law and Industrial Relations      Springer

International Journal of Computer Vision          Kluwer

International Journal of Computers for Mathematical Learning  Springer

International Journal of Cosmetic Science        Wiley

International Journal of Dairy Technology        Wiley

International Journal of Dental Hygiene        Wiley

International Journal of Dermatology        Wiley

International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience   Elsevier

International Journal of Earth Sciences   Springer

International Journal of Eating Disorders        Wiley

International Journal of Educational Development         Elsevier

International Journal of Educational Research   Elsevier

International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems   Elsevier

International Journal of Energy Research

International Journal of Engineering Science     Elsevier

International Journal of Experimental Pathology

International Journal of Expert Systems Elsevier

International Journal of Fatigue              Elsevier

International Journal of Flexible Manufacturing Systems          Springer

International Journal of Food Microbiology      Elsevier

International Journal of Food Science & Technology

International Journal of Forecasting       Elsevier

International Journal of Fracture            Springer

International Journal of Franchising and Distribution Law         Springer

International Journal of Games Theory   Springer

International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry        Wiley

International Journal of Group Tensions Kluwer

International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics      Elsevier

International Journal of Health Care Finance & Economics      Springer

International Journal of Health Planning and Management

International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow    Elsevier

International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer           Elsevier

International Journal of Hematology       Elsevier

International Journal of Historical Archaeology Kluwer

International Journal of Hospitality Management           Elsevier

International Journal of Human-Computer Studies        Elsevier

International Journal of Hydrogen Energy         Elsevier

International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology

International Journal of Immunogenetics

International Journal of Immunopharmacology  Elsevier

International Journal of Impact Engineering       Elsevier

International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics   Elsevier

International Journal of Industrial Organization  Elsevier

International Journal of Infectious Disease        Elsevier

International Journal of Information Management         Elsevier

International Journal of Information Security     Springer

International Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves    Springer

International Journal of Insect Morphology and Embryology    Elsevier

International Journal of Intelligent Systems

International Journal of Intercultural Relations   Elsevier

International Journal of Laboratory Hematology

International Journal of Law and Psychiatry      Elsevier

International Journal of Legal Medicine  Springer

International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture          Elsevier

International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law         Springer

International Journal of Mass Spectrometry and Ion Processes            Elsevier

International Journal of Mass Spectrometry      Elsevier

International Journal of Mechanical Sciences    Elsevier

International Journal of Medical Informatics     Elsevier

International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery

International Journal of Mental Health Nursing

International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research

International Journal of Micrographics and Optical Technology            Elsevier

International Journal of Mineral Processing       Elsevier

International Journal of Multiphase Flow          Elsevier

International Journal of Nautical Archaeology   Elsevier

International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics            Elsevier

International Journal of Numerical Modelling        Wiley

International Journal of Nursing Practice        Wiley

International Journal of Nursing Studies Elsevier

International Journal of Nursing Terminologies and Classifications        Wiley

International Journal of Obstetric Anesthesia    Elsevier   

International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Elsevier

International Journal of Osteoarchaeology        Wiley

International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry        Wiley

International Journal of Parallel Programming   Kluwer

International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology  Elsevier

International Journal of Pharmaceutics   Elsevier

International Journal of Plasticity            Elsevier

International Journal of Politics, Culture, and Society   Springer

International Journal of Primatology       Kluwer

International Journal of Production Economics Elsevier

International Journal of Project Management    Elsevier

International Journal of Psychophysiology        Elsevier

International Journal of Quantum Chemistry        Wiley

International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics    Elsevier

International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials Elsevier

International Journal of Refrigeration      Elsevier

International Journal of Rehabilitation & Health            Kluwer

International Journal of Research in Marketing Elsevier

International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering        Wiley

International Journal of Rheumatic Diseases        Wiley

International Journal of Robust & Nonlinear Control        Wiley

International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences & Geomechanics Abstracts      Elsevier

International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences Elsevier

International Journal of Salt Lake Research      Kluwer

International Journal of Satellite Communications and Networking

International Journal of Science & Mathematics Education       Springer

International Journal of Sexuality and Gender Studies   Springer

International Journal of Solids and Structures   Elsevier

International Journal of Speech Technology     Springer

International Journal of Stress Management      Springer

International Journal of Technology and Design Education        Springer

International Journal of the Sociology of Law   Elsevier

International Journal of Theoretical Physics      Springer

International Journal of Thermal Sciences         Elsevier

International Journal of Thermophysics  Kluwer

International Journal of Transport Management            Elsevier

International Journal of Trauma Nursing Elsevier        Wiley

International Journal of Urology        Wiley

International Journal of Value-Based Management       Springer

International Journal of Wireless Information Networks           Springer

International Journal on Digital Libraries           Springer

International Journal on Minority and Group Rights      Kluwer

International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer         Springer

International Law FORUM du droit international         Kluwer

International Microbiology                    Springer

International Negotiation                      Springer

International Nursing Review        Wiley

International Ophthalmology                  Kluwer

International Orthopaedics                    Springer

International Peacekeeping                    Kluwer

International Political Science Review    Elsevier

International Politics                              Springer

International Public Management Journal          Elsevier

International Review of Economics and Finance           Elsevier

International Review of Education         Springer

International Review of Financial Analysis        Elsevier

International Review of Hydrobiology        Wiley

International Review of Law and Economics    Elsevier

International Statistical Review

International Tax and Public Finance     Springer

International Transactions in Operational Research       Elsevier

International Urogynecology Journal      Springer

International Urology and Nephrology   Kluwer

International Wound Journal        Wiley

International Zoo Yearbook        Wiley

Intertax                                                 Kluwer

Interventional Cardiology Newsletter     Elsevier

Inventiones mathematicae                      Springer

Inverse Problems             IOP

Invertebrate Biology        Wiley

Invertebrate Neuroscience                    Springer

Investigational New Drugs                    Springer

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science     IOP

Irrigation and Drainage

Irrigation and Drainage Systems            Springer

Irrigation Science                                  Springer

ISA Transactions                                  Elsevier

ISBT Science Series        Wiley

Island Arc                    Wiley

Isokinetics and Exercise Science           Elsevier

ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing          Elsevier

Issues in Education                               Elsevier
Issues in Environmental Science and Technology       RSC

ITBM-RBM (RBM)                             Elsevier

ITBM-RBM News (RBM News)         Elsevier

Izvestiya: Mathematics     IOP

Japan and the World Economy             Elsevier

Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Part 1, Part 2  dostępne artykuły z ostatnich 3 miesięcy, konieczna rejestracja

Japanese Journal of Cancer Research    Elsevier

Japanese Journal of Ophthalmology       Elsevier

Japanese Journal of Ophthalmology       Springer

JBIC Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry            Springer

JDDG                        Wiley

Jewish History                                      Springer

Joint Bone Spine                                   Elsevier

Journal de Chimie Physique et de Physico-Chimie Biologique  Elsevier
Journal de Physique I, II, III (1991-1997)       P

Journal de Pediatrie et de Puericulture   Elsevier

Journal des Mathematiques Pures et Appliquees          Elsevier

Journal for General Philosophy of Science        Springer

Journal for Specialists in Pediatric Nursing        Wiley

Journal of (the) Physical Society of Japan dostępne artykuły z ostatnich 3 miesięcy, konieczna rejestracja

Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology  Kluwer

Journal of Academic Ethics                   Kluwer

Journal of Accounting and Economics   Elsevier

Journal of Accounting and Public Policy           Elsevier

Journal of Accounting Education           Elsevier
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America   AIP/APS  Systematic and sequential downloading of articles is prohibited!

Journal of Adolescence                         Elsevier

Journal of Adolescent Health                 Elsevier

Journal of Adult Development               Springer

Journal of Advanced Nursing

Journal of Aerosol Science                    Elsevier

Journal of Affective Disorders               Elsevier

Journal of African Earth Sciences          Elsevier

Journal of Aging and Identity                 Kluwer

Journal of Aging Studies                        Elsevier

Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry  ACS

Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research    Elsevier

Journal of Agriculture and Environmental Ethics          Springer

Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science        Wiley

Journal of Air Transport Management   Elsevier

Journal of Algebra                                Elsevier

Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics       Springer

Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics       Springer

Journal of Algorithms                            Elsevier

Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology      Elsevier

Journal of Alloys and Compounds    Elsevier

Journal of American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus Elsevier
Journal of the American Chemical Society  ACS
Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry          RSC

Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis      Elsevier

Journal of Analytical Chemistry             Springer

Journal of Anatomy                    Wiley

Journal of Anesthesia                            Springer

Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics        Wiley

Journal of Animal Ecology                Wiley

Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition

Journal of Anthropological Archaeology           Elsevier

Journal of Anxiety Disorders                 Elsevier

Journal of Applied Biobehavioral Research    Wiley

Journal of Applied Crystallography            Wiley 1997- aktualne

Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology Elsevier

Journal of Applied Ecology            Wiley

Journal of Applied Electrochemistry      Springer

Journal of Applied Entomology            Wiley

Journal of Applied Geophysics              Elsevier

Journal of Applied Ichthyology            Wiley

Journal of Applied Logic                       Elsevier

Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics           Elsevier

Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics   Springer

Journal of Applied Microbiology            Wiley

Journal of Applied Phycology                Kluwer
Journal of Applied Physics 1931- aktualne P

Journal of Applied Polymer Science            Wiley 1996- aktualne

Journal of Applied Psychoanalytic Studies        Springer

Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities

Journal of Applied Social Psychology        Wiley

Journal of Applied Spectroscopy      Springer

Journal of Applied Toxicology            Wiley

Journal of Approximation Theory          Elsevier

Journal of Aquatic Ecosystem Health     Kluwer

Journal of Aquatic Ecosystem Stress and Recovery    Springer

Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory     Springer

Journal of Archaeological Research       Springer

Journal of Archaeological Science         Elsevier

Journal of Arid Environments                Elsevier

Journal of Arthroplasty                          Elsevier

Journal of Artificial Organs                    Springer

Journal of Asian Earth Sciences             Elsevier

Journal of Asian Economics                  Elsevier

Journal of Asian Pacific Communications         Elsevier

Journal of Assisted Reproduction & Genetics   Springer

Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics   Elsevier

Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics Elsevier

Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry         Springer

Journal of Audiovisual Media in Medicine        Elsevier

Journal of Autism & Developmental Disorders Springer

Journal of Autoimmunity                        Elsevier

Journal of Automated Reasoning           Springer

Journal of Avian Biology        Wiley

Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation      Elsevier

Journal of Banking and Finance             Elsevier

Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry        Elsevier

Journal of Behavioral Education            Springer

Journal of Behavioral Medicine             Springer

Journal of Biochemical and Biophysical Methods         Elsevier

Journal of Biochemical and Molecular Toxicology

Journal of Bioeconomics                      Springer

Journal of Bioenergetics & Biomembranes      Springer

Journal of Biogeography        Wiley

Journal of Biological Physics                Springer

Journal of Biomechanics                        Elsevier

Journal of Biomedical Informatics          Elsevier

Journal of Biomedical Materials Research

Journal of Biomolecular NMR               Springer

Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering         Elsevier

Journal of Biotechnology                       Elsevier

Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies           Elsevier

Journal of Bone and Mineral Metabolism         Springer

Journal of Breath Research      IOP

Journal of Business and Psychology      Springer

Journal of Business Ethics                     Springer

Journal of Business Research                Elsevier

Journal of Business Venturing                Elsevier

Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology      Springer

Journal of Cardiac Failure                     Elsevier

Journal of Cardiac Surgery

Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia      Elsevier

Journal of Cardiovascular Electrophysiology

Journal of Career Development             Kluwer

Journal of Catalysis                               Elsevier

Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery      Elsevier

Journal of Cellular Biochemistry                Wiley

Journal of Cellular Physiology                Wiley

Journal of Cereal Science                      Elsevier
Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data   ACS

Journal of Chemical Crystallography      Springer

Journal of Chemical Ecology                Springer
Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling  ACS

Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy       Elsevier
Journal of Chemical Physics  wszystkie roczniki   AIP/APS  Systematic and sequential downloading of articles is prohibited!
Journal of Chemical Sciences   1977- aktualne  F

Journal of Chemical Society. Dalton Transactions            (2000-2002, potemkontytuowane jako Dalton Transactions) RSC

Journal of Chemical Society. Perkin Transactions 1   RSC
Journal of Chemical Society. Perkin Transactions 2        
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation   ACS

Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology

Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics    Elsevier

Journal of Chemometrics                Wiley

Journal of Child and Adolescent Group Therapy          Springer

Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Nursing

Journal of Child and Family Studies       Springer

Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry      Elsevier

Journal of Chromatography A               Elsevier

Journal of Chromatography B, Analytical Technologies in the Biomedical and Life Sciences     Elsevier

Journal of Chromatography B: Biomedical Sciences and Applications  Elsevier

Journal of Classification                         Springer

Journal of Cleaner Production               Elsevier

Journal of Clinical and Experimental Nephrology          Springer

Journal of Clinical Anesthesia                Elsevier

Journal of Clinical Apheresis                Wiley

Journal of Clinical Epidemiology            Elsevier

Journal of Clinical Forensic Medicine    Elsevier

Journal of Clinical Geropsychology        Springer

Journal of Clinical Immunology              Springer

Journal of Clinical Laboratory Analysis    Wiley

Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing  Springer

Journal of Clinical Monitoring                Kluwer

Journal of Clinical Neuroscience            Elsevier

Journal of Clinical Nursing                    Wiley

Journal of Clinical Periodontology         Wiley

Journal of Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics

Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings       Springer

Journal of Clinical Research and Drug Development     Elsevier

Journal of Clinical Ultrasound               Wiley

Journal of Clinical Virology                   Elsevier

Journal of Cluster Science                     Springer

Journal of Colloid and Interface Science    Elsevier
Journal of Combinatorial Chemistry   ACS

Journal of Combinatorial Designs        Wiley

Journal of Combinatorial Optimization   Springer

Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A       Elsevier

Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B       Elsevier

Journal of Communication Disorders     Elsevier

Journal of Community Health                Springer

Journal of Comparative Economics       Elsevier

Journal of Comparative Germanic Linguistics   Springer

Journal of Comparative Pathology         Elsevier

Journal of Comparative Physiology A    Springer

Journal of Comparative Physiology B    Springer

Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis Kluwer

Journal of Complexity                           Elsevier

Journal of Computational Analysis and Applications     Springer

Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics     Elsevier

Journal of Computational Chemistry       Wiley

Journal of Computational Electronics     Springer

Journal of Computational Neuroscience     Springer

Journal of Computational Physics          Elsevier

Journal of Computer and System Sciences       Elsevier

Journal of Computer-Aided Materials Design    Springer

Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design     Springer

Journal of Computer-Assisted Microscopy      Springer

Journal of Constructional Steel Research          Elsevier

Journal of Consumer Policy                   Springer

Journal of Consumer Policy                   Springer

Journal of Contaminant Hydrology        Elsevier

Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy          Springer

Journal of Contemporary Water Research & Education

Journal of Controlled Release                Elsevier

Journal of Corporate Finance                Elsevier

Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics      IOP

Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery Elsevier

Journal of Criminal Justice                     Elsevier

Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology  Kluwer

Journal of Cryptology                           Springer

Journal of Crystal Growth                     Elsevier

Journal of Cultural Economics               Springer

Journal of Cultural Heritage                   Elsevier

Journal of Cutaneous Medicine and Surgery: Incorporating Medical and Surgical Dermatology            Springer

Journal of Cutaneous Pathology            Wiley

Journal of Cystic Fibrosis                      Elsevier

Journal of Dentistry                               Elsevier

Journal of Dermatological Science         Elsevier

Journal of Dermatology                        Wiley

Journal of Development Economics       Elsevier

Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities      Springer

Journal of Diabetes and its Complications        Elsevier

Journal of Differential Equations            Elsevier

Journal of Digestive Diseases                Wiley

Journal of Digital Imaging                      Springer

Journal of Discrete Algorithms               Elsevier

Journal of Dynamical and Control Systems      Springer

Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations     Springer

Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education Elsevier

Journal of East Asian Linguistics            Kluwer

Journal of Ecology                    Wiley

Journal of Econometrics                        Elsevier

Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization           Elsevier

Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control     Elsevier

Journal of Economic Growth                Springer

Journal of Economic Inequality             Springer

Journal of Economic Psychology           Elsevier

Journal of Economic Theory                  Elsevier

Journal of Economics and Business       Elsevier

Journal of Economics                            Springer

Journal of Educational Change              Springer

Journal of Elasticity                               Springer

Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry    Elsevier

Journal of Electrocardiology                  Elsevier

Journal of Electroceramics                Springer

Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology  Elsevier

Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena      Elsevier

Journal of Electronic Testing                 Springer

Journal of Electrostatics                        Elsevier

Journal of Emergency Medicine             Elsevier

Journal of Emergency Nursing               Elsevier

Journal of Empirical Finance                  Elsevier

Journal of Energy Finance and Development    Elsevier

Journal of Engineering and Technology Management    Elsevier

Journal of Engineering Mathematics       Kluwer

Journal of Engineering Physics and Thermophysics      Springer

Journal of English for Academic Purposes        Elsevier

Journal of Environmental Economics and Management Elsevier

Journal of Environmental Management   Elsevier
Journal of Environmental Monitoring             RSC

Journal of Environmental Psychology     Elsevier

Journal of Environmental Radioactivity   Elsevier

Journal of Epilepsy                                Elsevier

Journal of Esthetic and Restorative Dentistry

Journal of Ethnopharmacology              Elsevier

Journal of Ethology                               Springer
Journal of the European Ceramic Society  Elsevier

Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology        Wiley

Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice        Wiley

Journal of Evolution Equations               Springer

Journal of Evolutionary Biochemistry and Physiology        Springer

Journal of Evolutionary Biology            Wiley

Journal of Evolutionary Economics        Springer

Journal of Experimental Child Psychology        Elsevier

Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology   Elsevier
Journal of Experimental Nanoscience        EBSCO  2006- aktualne, za wyjątkiem ostatnich 12 miesiecy

Journal of Experimental Social Psychology       Elsevier

Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A: Ecological Genetics and Physiology

Journal of Experimental Zoology Part B: Molecular and Developmental Evolution

Journal of Family and Economic Issues  Springer

Journal of Family Violence                    Springer

Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery Elsevier

Journal of Fermentation and Bioengineering      Elsevier

Journal of Field Ornithology            Wiley

Journal of Field Robotics            Wiley

Journal of Financial Economics              Elsevier

Journal of Financial Intermediation         Elsevier

Journal of Financial Markets                 Elsevier

Journal of Financial Services Research  Kluwer

Journal of Fish Biology            Wiley

Journal of Fish Biology                          Elsevier

Journal of Fish Diseases            Wiley

Journal of Fluency Disorders                 Elsevier

Journal of Fluids and Structures             Elsevier

Journal of Fluorescence                        Kluwer

Journal of Fluorine Chemistry                Elsevier

Journal of Food Biochemistry            Wiley

Journal of Food Composition and Analysis      Elsevier

Journal of Food Engineering                  Elsevier

Journal of Food Lipids            Wiley

Journal of Food Process Engineering        Wiley

Journal of Food Processing and Preservation    Wiley

Journal of Food Quality                        Wiley

Journal of Food Safety                        Wiley

Journal of Food Science                    Wiley

Journal of Food Science Education    Wiley

Journal of Foodservice                        Wiley

Journal of Forensic Sciences                Wiley

Journal of Forest Research                    Springer

Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications    Springer

Journal of Functional Analysis               Elsevier

Journal of Fusion Energy                       Kluwer

Journal of Gambling Studies                  Kluwer

Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology    Wiley

Journal of Gastroenterology                  Springer

Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery         Elsevier

Journal of Gender, Culture, & Health       Springer

Journal of Gene Medicine                    Wiley

Journal of General Plant Pathology        Springer

Journal of Genetic Counseling              Springer

Journal of Geochemical Exploration       Elsevier

Journal of Geodesy                               Springer

Journal of Geodynamics                        Elsevier

Journal of Geographical Systems           Springer

Journal of Geometry and Physics           Elsevier

Journal of Geometry                             Springer
Journal of Geophysics and Engineering      IOP

Journal of Global Optimization             Springer

Journal of Government Information        Elsevier

Journal of Graph Theory                    Wiley

Journal of Grid Computing                   Springer

Journal of Happiness Studies              Springer

Journal of Hazardous Materials             Elsevier

Journal of Health Economics                 Elsevier

Journal of Hepato-Biliary-Pancreatic Surgery   Springer

Journal of Hepatology                           Elsevier

Journal of Heuristics                            Springer

Journal of High Energy Physics      IOP

Journal of High Technology Management Research      Elsevier

Journal of Historical Geography            Elsevier

Journal of Hospital Infection                  Elsevier

Journal of Housing and the Built Environment   Springer

Journal of Housing Economics               Elsevier

Journal of Human Evolution                   Elsevier

Journal of Human Genetics                    Springer

Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics    Wiley

Journal of Hydrology                            Elsevier

Journal of Immigrant Health                   Kluwer

Journal of Immunological Methods        Elsevier

Journal of Inclusion Phenomena and Macrocyclic Chemistry   Springer

Journal of Inclusion Phenomena and Macrocyclic Chemistry    Springer

Journal of Inclusion Phenomena and Molecular Recognition in Chemistry       Springer

Journal of Income Distribution               Elsevier

Journal of Indian Philosophy                  Springer

Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology     Springer

Journal of Industry, Competition & Trade: From Theory to Policy       Springer

Journal of Infection and Chemotherapy  Springer

Journal of Infection                               Elsevier

Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease  Kluwer

Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers       Springer

Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry          Elsevier

Journal of Inorganic Materials               Elsevier

Journal of Insect Behavior                   Springerr

Journal of Insect Conservation             Springer

Journal of Insect Physiology                  Elsevier

Journal of Instrumentation     IOP

Journal of Integrative Plant Biology    Wiley

Journal of Intellectual Disability Research    Wiley

Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems        Springer

Journal of Intelligent Information Systems         Springer

Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing        Springer

Journal of Internal Medicine        Wiley

Journal of International Accounting, Auditing and Taxation       Elsevier

Journal of International Arbitration         Springer

Journal of International Economics        Elsevier

Journal of International Entrepreneurship          Springer

Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money       Elsevier

Journal of International Insurance          Springer

Journal of International Management     Elsevier

Journal of International Money and Finance     Elsevier

Journal of International Wildlife Law & Policy  Springer

Journal of Interventional Cardiac Electrophysiology      Springer

Journal of Interventional Cardiology        Wiley

Journal of Invertebrate Pathology          Elsevier

Journal of Investigative Dermatology     Elsevier

Journal of Labelled Compounds and Radiopharmaceuticals

Journal of Laboratory and Clinical Medicine    Elsevier

Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics        Wiley

Journal of Light Metals                          Elsevier

Journal of Lipid Mediators and Cell Signalling  Elsevier

Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming   Elsevier

Journal of Logic, Language and Information     Kluwer

Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries     Elsevier

Journal of Low Temperature Physics     Springer (dawniej Kluwer)

Journal of Luminescence                       Elsevier

Journal of Macroeconomics                  Elsevier

Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging        Wiley 1999-aktualne

Journal of Magnetic Resonance       Elsevier

Journal of Magnetic Resonance, Series A Elsevier

Journal of Magnetic Resonance, Series B Elsevier

Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials    Elsevier

Journal of Mammalian Evolution            Springer

Journal of Mammary Gland Biology and Neoplasia     Springerr

Journal of Management & Governance  Springer

Journal of Management                         Elsevier

Journal of Manufacturing Systems         Elsevier

Journal of Marine Science and Technology      Springer

Journal of Marine Systems                    Elsevier

Journal of Market-Focused Management         Springer

Journal of Mass Spectrometry            Wiley 1996- aktualne

Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management     Springer

Journal of Materials Chemistry               RSC

Journal of Materials Processing Technology     Elsevier

Journal of Materials Science Letters    Springer

Journal of Materials Science                  Springer (dawniej Kluwer)

Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics   Springer

Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine      Springer

Journal of Materials Synthesis and Processing    Springer

Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications       Elsevier

Journal of Mathematical Behavior          Elsevier

Journal of Mathematical Biology            Springer

Journal of Mathematical Chemistry        Kluwer

Journal of Mathematical Economics       Elsevier

Journal of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics         Springer

Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision     Springer

Journal of Mathematical Modelling & Algorithms        Springer
Journal of  Mathematical Physics wszystkie roczniki AIP/APS 
Journal of Mathematical Psychology      Elsevier

Journal of Mathematical Sciences         Springer

Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education      Springer

Journal of Medical Humanities               Springer

Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Oncology

Journal of Medical Primatology            Wiley

Journal of Medical Systems                   Kluwer

Journal of Medical Ultrasonics              Springer
Journal of Medicinal Chemistry   ACS

Journal of Medical Virology                    Wiley

Journal of Medieval History                  Elsevier

Journal of Membrane Biology               Springer

Journal of Membrane Science               Elsevier

Journal of Memory and Language         Elsevier

Journal of Metamorphic Geology            Wiley

Journal of Microbiological Methods      Elsevier

Journal of Microcomputer Applications Elsevier

Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering     IOP

Journal of Microscopy                            Wiley

Journal of Midwifery and Womens Health        Elsevier

Journal of Mining Science                     Kluwer
Journal of Modern Optics        EBSCO  1998- aktualne, za wyjątkiem ostatnich 18 miesiecy

Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology   Elsevier

Journal of Molecular Biology                 Elsevier

Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical      Elsevier

Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic     Elsevier

Journal of Molecular Catalysis               Elsevier

Journal of Molecular Evolution              Springer

Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling   Elsevier

Journal of Molecular Graphics               Elsevier

Journal of Molecular Histology              Kluwer

Journal of Molecular Histology              Kluwer

Journal of Molecular Liquids                 Elsevier

Journal of Molecular Medicine              Springer

Journal of Molecular Modeling              Springer

Journal of Molecular Recognition            Wiley

Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy  Elsevier

Journal of Molecular Structure         Elsevier

Journal of Molecular Structure: THEOCHEM     Elsevier

Journal of Monetary Economics            Elsevier

Journal of Morphology                    Wiley

Journal of Multinational Financial Management Elsevier

Journal of Multivariate Analysis             Elsevier

Journal of Muscle Foods                Wiley

Journal of Muscle Research & Cell Motility     Springer

Journal of Nanoparticle Research    Springer
Journal of Natural Products   ACS

Journal of Near-Death Studies              Springer

Journal of Network and Computer Applications          Elsevier

Journal of Network and Systems Management Kluwer

Journal of Network Industries              Springer

Journal of Neural Engineering     IOP

Journal of Neural Transmission              Springer

Journal of Neurochemistry                Wiley

Journal of Neurocytology                      Springer

Journal of Neuroendocrinology                Wiley

Journal of Neuroimmunology                 Elsevier

Journal of Neurolinguistics                     Elsevier

Journal of Neurology                            Springer

Journal of Neuro-Oncology                  Springer

Journal of Neuroscience Methods         Elsevier

Journal of Neuroscience Research        Wiley

Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids          Elsevier

Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation     Springer

Journal of Nonlinear Science                 Springer

Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics    Elsevier

Journal of Nonverbal Behavior              Springer
Journal of Nuclear and Radiochemical Sciences 2000- aktualne  F

Journal of Nuclear Cardiology               Elsevier

Journal of Nuclear Materials                 Elsevier

Journal of Number Theory                    Elsevier

Journal of Nurse-Midwifery                  Elsevier

Journal of Nursing Management        Wiley

Journal of Nursing Scholarship        Wiley

Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry        Elsevier

Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, & Neonatal Nursing

Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Research    Wiley

Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation   Springer

Journal of Oceanography                    Springer

Journal of Operations Management       Elsevier

Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics     IOP

Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications        Springer
Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials
Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery         Elsevier
The Journal of Organic Chemistry   ACS

Journal of Oral Pathology & Medicine    Wiley

Journal of Oral Rehabilitation        Wiley
Journal of Organic Chemistry            ACS

Journal of Organometallic Chemistry     Elsevier

Journal of Ornithology                           Springer

Journal of Orofacial Orthopedics / Fortschritteder Kieferorthopädie    Springer

Journal of Orthopaedic Nursing             Elsevier

Journal of Orthopaedic Research        Wiley

Journal of Orthopaedic Research          Elsevier

Journal of Orthopaedic Science             Springer

Journal of Orthopaedics andTraumatology       Springer

Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health        Wiley

Journal of Pain and Symptom Management      Elsevier

Journal of Pain                                      Elsevier

Journal of Paleolimnology                     Springer

Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing  Elsevier

Journal of Pathology                Wiley

Journal of Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology          Elsevier

Journal of Pediatric Health Care            Elsevier

Journal of Pediatric Nursing                  Elsevier

Journal of Pediatric Oncology Nursing   Elsevier

Journal of Pediatric Surgery                  Elsevier

Journal of Pediatrics                              Elsevier

Journal of Peptide Science                    Wiley

Journal of PeriAnesthesia Nursing         Elsevier

Journal of Periodontal Research

Journal of Personnel Evaluation in Education    Springer

Journal of Pest Science                         Springer

Journal of Petroleum Geology                Wiley

Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering  Elsevier

Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis      Elsevier

Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences                Wiley

Journal of Pharmacokinetics & Biopharmaceutics        Springer

Journal of Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics   Springer

Journal of Pharmacological and Toxicological Methods            Elsevier

Journal of Philosophical Logic               Springer

Journal of Phonetics                              Elsevier

Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry       Elsevier

Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology           Elsevier

Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology, C: Photochemistry Reviews        Elsevier

Journal of Physical Chemistry   ACS
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A    ACS
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B
Journal of Physical Chemistry C    ACS

Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters    

Journal of Phycology            Wiley

Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data   AIP

Journal of Physical Organic Chemistry        Wiley

Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical     IOP

Journal of Physics B: Atomic,Molecular and Optical     IOP

Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids       Elsevier

Journal of Physics Condensed Matter        IOP
Journal of Physics – Conference Series      

Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics     IOP

Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics     IOP

Journal of Physiology                Wiley

Journal of Physiology-Paris                   Elsevier

Journal of Phytopathology            Wiley

Journal of Pineal Research            Wiley

Journal of Plant Growth Regulation        Springer

Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science    Wiley

Journal of Plant Research                      Springer

Journal of Poetry Therapy                     Kluwer

Journal of Policy Modeling                    Elsevier

Journal of Polymer Research            Springer

Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry

Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics

Journal of Polymers and the Environment         Springer

Journal of Porous Materials                   Springer

Journal of Power Sources                     Elsevier

Journal of Pragmatics                            Elsevier

Journal of Process Control                    Elsevier

Journal of Productivity Analysis             Springer

Journal of Products and Toxics Liability Elsevier

Journal of Professional Nursing             Elsevier

Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry               Elsevier

Journal of Prosthodontics                Wiley

Journal of Protein Chemistry                 Springer
Journal of Proteome Research    ACS

Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing

Journal of Psychiatric Research             Elsevier

Journal of Psycholinguistic Research      Springer

Journal of Psychology and Judaism        Springer

Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment      Springer

Journal of Psychosomatic Research       Elsevier

Journal of Psychotherapy Integration     Springer

Journal of Public Economics                  Elsevier

Journal of Public Health Dentistry            Wiley

Journal of Public Health                        Springer

Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management            Elsevier

Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra     Elsevier

Journal of Quality Management             Elsevier

Journal of Quantitative Criminology       Springer

Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer   Elsevier

Journal of Quaternary Science                Wiley

Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry        Elsevier

Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry        Elsevier

Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry        Springer

Journal of Radiological Protection     IOP

Journal of Radiosurgery                        Kluwer

Journal of Raman Spectroscopy            Wiley 1996- aktualne

Journal of Rapid Methods and Automation in Microbiology

Journal of Rational-Emotive and Cognitive-Behavior Therapy  Springer

Journal of Real Estate Literature            Springer

Journal of Reducing Space Mission Cost         Springer

Journal of Regulatory Economics           Springer

Journal of Religion and Health              Springer

Journal of Reproductive Immunology     Elsevier

Journal of Research in Personality         Elsevier

Journal of Research in Science Teaching        Wiley

Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services     Elsevier

Journal of Retailing                                Elsevier
Journal of Rheology                              AIP

Journal of Risk and Uncertainty             Springer

Journal of Rural Health            Wiley

Journal of Rural Studies                        Elsevier

Journal of Russian Laser Research        Springer

Journal of Safety Research                    Elsevier

Journal of Scheduling                            Kluwer

Journal of School Psychology                Elsevier

Journal of Science Education and Technology  Springer

Journal of Science Teacher Education   Springer

Journal of Scientific Computing             Springer

Journal of Scientific Instruments      IOP

Journal of Sea Research                        Elsevier

Journal of Second Language Writing     Elsevier

Journal of Seismology                           Springer

Journal of Sensory Studies            Wiley

Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery Elsevier

Journal of Sleep Research            Wiley

Journal of Small Animal Practice        Wiley

Journal of Social and Evolutionary Systems      Elsevier

Journal of Social Distress and the Homeless     Springer

Journal of Software Maintenance and Evolution: Research and Practice

Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology     Springer

Journal of Solid State Chemistry            Elsevier

Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry  Springer

Journal of Solution Chemistry                Springer

Journal of Sound and Vibration             Elsevier

Journal of South American Earth Sciences       Elsevier

Journal of Southeast Asian Earth Sciences       Elsevier

Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment

Journal of Statistical Physics            Springer (dawniej Kluwer)

Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference      Elsevier

Journal of Stored Products Research     Elsevier

Journal of Strategic Information Systems          Elsevier

Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases          Elsevier

Journal of Structural and Functional Genomics  Springer

Journal of Structural Biology                 Elsevier

Journal of Structural Chemistry              Springer

Journal of Structural Geology                Elsevier

Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment  Elsevier

Journal of Substance Abuse                  Elsevier

Journal of Superconductivity             Springer (dawniej Kluwer)

Journal of Supramolecular Chemistry     Elsevier

Journal of Surgical Oncology            Wiley

Journal of Surgical Research                 Elsevier

Journal of Sustainable Product Design   Kluwer

Journal of Symbolic Computation          Elsevier

Journal of Synchrotron Radiation

Journal of Systems and Software           Elsevier

Journal of Systems Architecture            Elsevier

Journal of Systems Integration               Springer

Journal of Technology Transfer, The      Springer

Journal of Terramechanics                     Elsevier
Journal of The Franklin Institute             Elsevier

Journal of Texture Studies                Wiley
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America    AIP/APS  Systematic and sequential downloading of articles is prohibited!
Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology       Elsevier
Journal of the American Chemical Society  ACS

Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners    Wiley

Journal of the American Ceramic Society

Journal of the American College of Cardiology Elsevier

Journal of the American College of Surgeons   Elsevier

Journal of the American Dietetic Association    Elsevier

Journal of the American Geriatrics Society        Wiley

Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association           Elsevier

Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology

Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry          Elsevier

Journal of the American Society for Surgery of the Hand         Elsevier

Journal of the American Water Resources Association    Wiley

Journal of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology       Springer

Journal of the Autonomic Nervous System       Elsevier

Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan 2002-aktualne    F

Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology   

Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology   Elsevier

Journal of the European Ceramic Society  Elsevier

Journal of the European Mathematical Society Springer

Journal of the Gay and Lesbian Medical Association    Springer

Journal of the History of Biology           Springer

Journal of the History of International Law       Springer

Journal of the Japanese and International Economies    Elsevier
Journal of the Korean Chemical Society 1949- aktualne         F

Journal of the Korean Chemical Society 1949- aktualne         F

Journal of the Korean Physical Society 1968- aktualne          F

Journal of the Korean Physical Society 1968- aktualne          F

Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids            Elsevier

Journal of the Neurological Sciences     Elsevier

Journal of the Operations Research Society of Japan   Elsevier

Journal of the Peripheral Nervous System    Wiley
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A (Statistics in Society)    Wiley

Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Statistical Methodology)    Wiley

Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C (Applied Statistics)    Wiley

Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture    Wiley

Journal of the Society for Gynecologic Investigation     Elsevier

Journal of the World Aquaculture Society    Wiley

Journal of Theoretical Biology               Elsevier

Journal of Theoretical Probability          Kluwer

Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry    Springer

Journal of Thermal Biology                    Elsevier

Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery          Elsevier

Journal of Thrombosis and Thrombolysis         Springer

Journal of Time Series Analysis            Wiley

Journal of Transport Geography            Elsevier

Journal of Traumatic Stress                    Wiley

Journal of Traumatic Stress                   Springer

Journal of Travel Medicine                    Wiley

Journal of Urban Economics                 Elsevier
Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A   AIP/APS  Systematic and sequential downloading of articles is prohibited!
Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B  AIP/APS  Systematic and sequential downloading of articles is prohibited!
Journal of Value Inquiry                        Kluwer

Journal of Vascular Nursing                  Elsevier

Journal of Vascular Surgery                  Elsevier

Journal of Vegetation Science            Wiley

Journal of Vestibular Research              Elsevier

Journal of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care

Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine     Wiley

Journal of Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics

Journal of Vinyl & Additive Technology    Wiley

Journal of Viral Hepatitis            Wiley

Journal of Virological Methods              Elsevier

Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation    Elsevier

Journal of Visual Languages and Computing     Elsevier

Journal of VLSI Signal Processing         Springer

Journal of Vocational Behavior              Elsevier

Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation       Elsevier

Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research        Elsevier

Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics        Elsevier

Journal of WOCN                                Elsevier

Journal of Wood Science                      Springer

Journal of World Business                     Elsevier

Journal of World Prehistory                  Springer

Journal of World Trade                         Springer

Journal of X-Ray Science and Technology       Elsevier

Journal of Youth and Adolescence        Springer

Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research

Journal of Zoology

JSAE Review                                       Elsevier

Kinetics and Catalysis                           Springer

Klinische Neuroradiologie                     Springer

Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy       Springer

Knowledge and Information Systems    Springer

Knowledge-Based Systems                  Elsevier

K-Theory                                             Springer

L1 - Educational Studies in Language & Literature       Springer

La Revue de Medecine Interne             Elsevier

Laboratory Automation and Information Management  Elsevier

Laboratory Information Management    Elsevier
Lab on a Chip                    RSC

Labour Economics                                Elsevier

Lakes & Reservoirs: Research and Management

Lancet Neurology                                 Elsevier

Lancet Oncology                                  Elsevier

Land Degradation & Development        Wiley

Land Use Policy                                   Elsevier

Landscape and Urban Planning             Elsevier

Landscape Ecology                              Springer

Landslides                                            Springer

Langenbecks Archiv für Chirurgie         Springer
Langmuir                                              ACS

Langenbeck's Archives of Surgery        Springer

Language and Communication               Elsevier

Language Policy                                   Kluwer

Language Sciences                               Elsevier

Languages of Design                             Elsevier

L'Annee Biologique                              Elsevier

L'Anthropologie                                    Elsevier

Laser Physics Letters                        Wiley

Laser Technik Journal                        Wiley

Lasers in Medical Science                     Springer

Lasers in Surgery and Medicine            Wiley

Law and Critique                                  Springer

Law and Human Behavior                     Springer

Law and Philosophy                             Springer

Le Lait                                                 Elsevier

Leading Edge (Tulsa, Ok)                     Springer

Learning and Individual Differences       Elsevier

Learning and Instruction                        Elsevier

Learning and Motivation                       Elsevier

Learning Environments Research           Springer

Lebensmittel-Wissenschaft und -Technologie   Elsevier

Legal History Review, The                    Springer

Legal Issues of Economic Integration     Springer

Legal Medicine                                     Elsevier

Leiden Journal of International Law       Springer

Lethaia                                                 Wiley

Letters in Applied Microbiology            Wiley

Letters in Mathematical Physics             Springer

Letters in Peptide Science                     Springer

Leukemia Research                              Elsevier

Library Acquisitions: Practice and Theory        Elsevier

Library and Information Science Research       Elsevier

Library Collections, Acquisitions, and Technical Services         Elsevier

Lichenologist                                        Elsevier

Life Sciences                                        Elsevier

Lifetime Data Analysis                          Springer

Limnology                                            Springer

Linear Algebra and its Applications       Elsevier

Lingua                                                  Elsevier

Linguistics and Education                      Elsevier

Linguistics and Philosophy        Kluwer
Linux Plus         F
Lipid Technology            Wiley

LISP and Symbolic Computation          Springer

Lithology and Mineral Resources          Springer

Lithos                                                   Elsevier

Lithuanian Mathematical Journal            Springer

Liver International            Wiley

Liver Transplantation            Wiley

Liver Transplantation                            Elsevier

Liverpool Law Review                          Kluwer

Livestock Production Science               Elsevier

Location Science                                  Elsevier

Long Range Planning                            Elsevier

Luminescence                        Wiley

Lung Cancer                                         Elsevier

Lung                                                     Springer

Lyon Pharmaceutique                           Elsevier

Machine Learning                                 Kluwer

Machine Learning                                 Springer

Machine Translation                              Springer

Machine Vision and Applications          Springer
Macromolecules                                   ACS

Macromolecular Bioscience                    Wiley

Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics    Wiley 1999- aktualne

Macromolecular Materials & Engineering    Wiley 1998- aktualne

Macromolecular Rapid Communications        Wiley 1999- aktualne

Macromolecular Symposia        Wiley 2000- aktualne   

Macromolecular Theory and Simulations        Wiley  1999- aktualne

Magnetic Resonance Imaging          Elsevier

Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry         Wiley  1996- aktualne

Magnetic Resonance in Medicine        Wiley  1999- aktualne

Magnetic Resonance Materials in Biology, Physics and Medicine         Elsevier

Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics            Springer

Magnetohydrodynamics                        Springer

Mammal Review                Wiley

Mammalian Genome                             Springer

Man and World: An International Philosophical Review           Springer

Management Accounting Research        Elsevier

Mangroves and Salt Marshes                Springer

Manual of Environmental Policy: The EU and Britain    Elsevier

Manual Therapy                                   Elsevier

Manuelle Medizin                                 Springer

Manuscripta mathematica                      Springer

Marine and Petroleum Geology             Elsevier

Marine Biology                                     Springer

Marine Biotechnology                           Springer

Marine Chemistry                                 Elsevier

Marine Ecology                                       Wiley

Marine Environmental Research            Elsevier

Marine Geology                                    Elsevier

Marine Geophysical Researches            Springer

Marine Mammal Science                    Wiley

Marine Micropaleontology                    Elsevier

Marine Models                                     Elsevier

Marine Policy                                       Elsevier

Marine Pollution Bulletin                       Elsevier

Marine Structures                                 Elsevier

Marketing Letters                                 Springer

Mass Spectrometry Reviews            Wiley

Materials and Corrosion                        Wiley

Materials and Design                            Elsevier

Materials at High Temperatures             Elsevier

Materials Characterization                     Elsevier

Materials Chemistry and Physics     Elsevier

Materials Letters                                   Elsevier

Materials Research – Revista Iberoamericana 1998- aktualne       F

Materials Research Bulletin             Elsevier

Materials Research Innovations             Springer
Materials Science   (wyd.
Politechnika Wrocławska) archiwa 2002-2011   F

Materials Science Poland  (wyd. Politechnika Wrocławska, na serwerze SpringerOnline) 2012 - aktualne     Springer
Materials Science and Technology   1999-aktualne

Materials Science and Engineering: A    Elsevier

Materials Science and Engineering: B    Elsevier

Materials Science and Engineering: C    Elsevier

Materials Science and Engineering: R: Reports Elsevier

Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing           Elsevier

Materials Science                              Springer (dawniej Kluwer)

Materials Technology                            Elsevier

Materials Today                                   Elsevier

Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik    Wiley

Maternal and Child Health Journal         Kluwer

Mathematical and Computer Modelling Elsevier

Mathematical Biosciences                     Elsevier

Mathematical Geology                          Kluwer

Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences

Mathematical Methods of Operational Research          Springer

Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - RAIRO      Elsevier

Mathematical Notes                              Springer

Mathematical Physics, Analysis and Geometry    Springer

Mathematical Programming                   Elsevier

Mathematical Programming                   Springer

Mathematical Social Sciences               Elsevier

Mathematics and Computers in Simulation       Elsevier

Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems Springer

Mathematische Annalen                        Springer

Mathematische Nachrichten            Wiley

Mathematische Semesterberichte          Springer

Mathematische Zeitschrift                      Springer

Matrix Biology                                      Elsevier

Maturitas                                              Elsevier

Mauerwerk                Wiley

Measurement Science and Technology     IOP

Measurement Techniques USSR           Springer

Measurement Techniques                      Springer

Measurement                                        Elsevier

Meat Science                                       Elsevier

Mecanique and Industries                     Elsevier

Meccanica                                            Springer

Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing      Elsevier

Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures 2002- aktualne       F

Mechanics of Composite Materials       Springer

Mechanics of Materials                         Elsevier

Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials         Springer

Mechanics Research Communications   Elsevier

Mechanism and Machine Theory           Elsevier

Mechanisms of Ageing and Development         Elsevier

Mechanisms of Development                Elsevier

Mechatronics                                        Elsevier
MetChemComm                            RSC

Medecine de Catastrophe                     Elsevier

Medecine et Droit                                 Elsevier

Medecine et Maladies Infectieuses        Elsevier

Medecine Nucleaire                              Elsevier

Medical and Veterinary Entomology        Wiley

Medical Dosimetry                               Elsevier

Medical Education                                Wiley

Medical Electron Microscopy               Springer

Medical Engineering and Physics           Elsevier

Medical Hypotheses                             Elsevier

Medical Image Analysis                        Elsevier

Medical Microbiology and Immunology Springer

Medical Textiles                                   Elsevier

Medical Update for Psychiatrists           Elsevier

Medicinal Research Reviews                Wiley

Médicine et Chirurgie du Pied               Springer

Medicine, Healthcare & Philosophy      Kluwer

Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics  Springer

Medizinische Klinik                               Springer

Medizinrecht                                         Springer

Membrane Technology                         Elsevier

Mental Health Services Research          Springer

Metabolic Brain Disease                       Springer

Metabolic Engineering                           Elsevier

Metabolism                                          Elsevier

Metal Finishing                                     Elsevier

Metal Powder Report                           Elsevier

Metal Science and Heat Treatment        Springer
Metallomics                            RSC

Metallurgist                                           Springer

Metascience                                         Springer

Meteorological Applications                Wiley

Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics  Springer

Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability    Springer

Methods in Cell Science                       Springer

Methods                                               Elsevier

Metrika                                                Springer

Metrologia     IOP   

Microbes and Infection                         Elsevier

Microbial Ecology                                Springer

Microbial Pathogenesis                         Elsevier

Microbiology                                        Springer

Microchemical Journal                          Elsevier

Microchimica Acta                               Springer

Microelectronic Engineering                  Elsevier

Microelectronics Journal                       Elsevier

Microelectronics Reliability                   Elsevier

Microfluidics and Nanofluidics              Springer

Micron                                                 Elsevier

Microporous and Mesoporous Materials         Elsevier

Microporous Materials                         Elsevier

Microprocessing and Microprogramming         Elsevier

Microprocessors and Microsystems      Elsevier

Microscopy Research and Technique    Wiley

Microsurgery                                        Wiley

Microsystem Technologies                    Springer

Microvascular Research                        Elsevier

Microwave and Optical Technology Letters

Midwifery                                             Elsevier

Milan Journal of Mathematics                Springer

Minds and Machines                             Kluwer

Mine Water and the Environment          Springer

Mineralium Deposita                             Springer

Mineralogy and Petrology                     Springer

Minerals Engineering                             Elsevier

Minerva                                                Springer

Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change          Springer

Mitochondrion                                      Elsevier

Mitteilungen aus dem Museum fuer Naturkunde in Berlin - Zoologische Reihe    Wiley

Mitteilungen aus dem Museum für Naturkunde in Berlin-Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift    Wiley

MLQ: Mathematical Logic Quarterly    Wiley

Mobile Networks and Applications       Springer

MOCS-MOST: Economic Policy in Transitional Economics    Springer

Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering     IOP

Modern Rheumatology                         Springer

Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology          Elsevier

Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry     Springer

Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology   Elsevier

Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience    Elsevier

Molecular and Cellular Probes              Elsevier

Molecular and General Genetics - MGG          Springer

Molecular Aspects of Medicine             Elsevier

Molecular Biology Reports                   Springer

Molecular Biology                                Springer
Molecular BioSystems                    RSC

Molecular Brain Research                     Elsevier

Molecular Breeding                              Springer

Molecular Carcinogenesis                    Wiley

Molecular Cell Biology Research Communications       Elsevier

Molecular Cell                                      Elsevier
Molecular Diagnosis                             Elsevier

Molecular Diversity                               Springer

Molecular Ecology                            Wiley

Molecular Ecology Resources                Wiley

Molecular Engineering                           Springer

Molecular Genetics and Genomics        Springer

Molecular Genetics and Metabolism      Elsevier

Molecular Imaging and Biology             Elsevier

Molecular Immunology                         Elsevier

Molecular Medicine Today                   Elsevier
Molecular Pharmaceutics                      ACS

Molecular Microbiology                    Wiley

Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution  Elsevier

Molecular Physics Reports                              /Vol.38/F

Molecular Plant Pathology                Wiley

Molecular Reproduction & Development

Molecular Therapy                               Elsevier

Monatshefte für Chemie/Chemical Monthly      Springer

Monatshefte für Mathematik                 Springer

Monatsschrift Kinderheilkunde              Springer

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters

Motivation and Emotion                        Springer

Movement Disorders                    Wiley

Multibody System Dynamics                 Kluwer

Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing          Springer

Multimedia Systems                              Springer

Multimedia Tools and Applications        Springer

Mund-, Kiefer- und Gesichtschirurgie    Springer

Muscle and Nerve                Wiley

Museum Management and Curatorship Elsevier

Mutation Research DNAging                Elsevier

Mutation Research Forum                     Elsevier

Mutation Research Letters                    Elsevier

Mutation Research/DNA Repair           Elsevier

Mutation Research/Environmental Mutagenesis and Related Subjects  Elsevier

Mutation Research/Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis   Elsevier

Mutation Research/Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis          Elsevier

Mutation Research/Genetic Toxicology Elsevier

Mutation Research/Mutation Research Genomics        Elsevier

Mutation Research/Reviews in Genetic Toxicology      Elsevier

Mutation Research/Reviews in Mutation Research       Elsevier

Mycopathologia                                    Kluwer

Mycorrhiza                                           Springer

Mycoscience                                        Springer

Mycoses                        Wiley

Nafta: Law & Business Review of the Americas          Springer
ACS Nano                ACS

NANO        EBSCO  2006- aktualne, za wyjątkiem ostatnich 12 miesiecy
Nano Letters                                      ACS
Nanoscale                    RSC

Nanoscale & Microscale - Thermophysical Engineering        EBSCO  2001- aktualne, za wyjątkiem ostatnich 12 miesiecy

Nanostructured Materials                 Elsevier

Nanotechnology     IOP

Nanotoday              Elsevier

Nanotoxicology        EBSCO  2001- aktualne, za wyjątkiem ostatnich 12 miesiecy

Natur und Recht                                   Springer

Natural Computing                               Springer

Natural Hazards                                   Springer

Natural Language & Linguistic Theory   Springer

Natural Language Semantics                 Springer
Natural Products Reports                    RSC

Natural Resources Forum                     Elsevier

Natural Resources Research                 Springer
Nature 1997- aktualne                              NatureGroup

Nature Biotechnology      EBSCO  1998- aktualne, za wyjątkiem ostatnich 12 miesiecy

Nature Cell Biology      EBSCO  1999- aktualne, za wyjątkiem ostatnich 12 miesiecy

Nature Chemical Biology      EBSCO  2005- aktualne, za wyjątkiem ostatnich 12 miesiecy

Nature Chemistry      EBSCO  2009- aktualne, za wyjątkiem ostatnich 12 miesiecy

Nature et Ressources                            Elsevier

Nature Genetics     EBSCO  1998- aktualne, za wyjątkiem ostatnich 12 miesiecy

Nature Immunology     EBSCO  2000- aktualne, za wyjątkiem ostatnich 12 miesiecy

Nature Materials     EBSCO  2004- aktualne, za wyjątkiem ostatnich 12 miesiecy
Nature Methods    EBSCO  20004- aktualne, za wyjątkiem ostatnich 12 miesiecy

Nature Nanotechnology    EBSCO  2006- aktualne, za wyjątkiem ostatnich 12 miesiecy
Nature Neuroscience    EBSCO  1998- aktualne, za wyjątkiem ostatnich 12 miesiecy

Nature Photonics    EBSCO  2006- aktualne, za wyjątkiem ostatnich 12 miesiecy
Nature Physics                                   NatureGroup

Nature Reviews. Cancer    EBSCO  2001- aktualne, za wyjątkiem ostatnich 12 miesiecy

Nature Reviews. Drug Discovery.    EBSCO  2002- aktualne, za wyjątkiem ostatnich 12 miesiecy

Nature Reviews. Genetics    EBSCO  2000- aktualne, za wyjątkiem ostatnich 12 miesiecy

Nature Reviews. Immunology.    EBSCO  2001- aktualne, za wyjątkiem ostatnich 12 miesiecy

Nature Reviews. Microbiology.    EBSCO  2004- aktualne, za wyjątkiem ostatnich 12 miesiecy

Nature Reviews. Molecular cell biology.    EBSCO  2000- aktualne, za wyjątkiem ostatnich 12 miesiecy

Nature Reviews. Neuroscience.    EBSCO  2000- aktualne, za wyjątkiem ostatnich 12 miesiecy

Nature Structural and Molecular Biology    EBSCO  2004- aktualne, za wyjątkiem ostatnich 12 miesiecy

Nature Structural and Molecular Biology.    EBSCO  2004- aktualne, za wyjątkiem ostatnich 12 miesiecy

Natures Sciences Societes                    Elsevier

Naturwissenschaften                             Springer

Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Archives of Pharmacology     Springer

Naval Engineers Journal            Wiley

Naval Research Logistics: an International Journal

NDT and E International                       Elsevier

Negotiation Journal                               Kluwer

Neohelicon                                           Springer

Neophilologus                                      Springer

Nephrology                Wiley

Netherlands Quarterly of Human Rights Springer

NETNOMICS: Economic Research and Electronic Networking         Springer

Network Security                                 Elsevier

Networks                        Wiley

Networks and Spatial Economics          Springer

Neural Computing and Applications      Springer

Neural Networks                                  Elsevier

Neural Processing Letters                     Springer

Neurobiology of Aging                          Elsevier

Neurobiology of Disease                       Elsevier

Neurobiology of Learning and Memory Elsevier

Neurochemical Research                      Springer

Neurochemistry International                 Elsevier

Neurocomputing                                   Elsevier

Neurodegeneration                               Elsevier

Neurogastroenterology & Motility        Wiley

Neurogenetics                                      Springer

NeuroImage                                         Elsevier

Neurologic Clinics                                Elsevier

Neurological Sciences                           Springer

Neuromodulation                                   Wiley

Neuromuscular Disorders                     Elsevier

Neuron                                                 Elsevier

Neuropathology                        Wiley

Neuropathology and Applied Neurobiology

Neuropeptides                                      Elsevier

Neuropharmacology                             Elsevier

Neurophysiologie Clinique / Clinical Neurophysiology  Elsevier

Neurophysiology                                  Kluwer

Neuropsychiatrie de l'enfance et de l'adolescence        Elsevier

Neuropsychologia                                 Elsevier

Neuropsychology Review                     Springer

Neuropsychopharmacology                  Elsevier

Neuroradiology                                    Springer

Neurorehabilitation                               Elsevier

Neuroscience and Behavioral Physiology         Kluwer

Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews        Elsevier

Neuroscience Letters                            Elsevier

Neuroscience Research                        Elsevier

Neuroscience                                       Elsevier

Neurosurgical Review                           Springer

Neurotoxicology and Teratology           Elsevier

Neurotoxicology                                   Elsevier

Neurourology and Urodynamics

New Astronomy Reviews                     Elsevier

New Astronomy                                   Elsevier

New Forests                                        Kluwer

New Ideas in Psychology                      Elsevier

New Journal of Chemistry                 RSC

New Journal of Physics     IOP

New Phytologist                Wiley

Newborn and Infant Nursing Reviews   Elsevier

Nitric Oxide                                         Elsevier

NMR in Biomedicine

Nonlinear Analysis                                Elsevier

Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications   Elsevier

Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications NoDEA      Springer

Nonlinear Dynamics                              Kluwer

Nonlinear Dynamics, Psychology, and Life Sciences    Kluwer

Nonlinear Oscillations                           Kluwer

Nonlinearity     IOP

Non-State Actors & International Law  Kluwer

Nordic Journal of International Law      Kluwer

North American Journal of Economics and Finance     Elsevier

Notarius International                            Kluwer

Notfall & Rettungsmedizin                     Springer

Nouvelle Revue dAeronautique et dAstronautique       Elsevier

Nuclear Data Sheets                             Elsevier

Nuclear Engineering and Design            Elsevier

Nuclear Fusion     IOP

Nuclear Geophysics                              Elsevier

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment                                            Elsevier

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms                                                            Elsevier

Nuclear Medicine and Biology              Elsevier

Nuclear Physics A                                Elsevier

Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements Elsevier

Nuclear Physics B                                Elsevier

Numerical Algorithms                           Kluwer

Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications

Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations

Numerische Mathematik                       Springer

Nurse Education in Practice                  Elsevier

Nurse Education Today                        Elsevier

Nurse Leader                                       Elsevier

Nursing & Health Sciences            Wiley

Nursing for Women's Health            Wiley

Nursing Forum            Wiley

Nursing in Critical Care            Wiley

Nursing Inquiry            Wiley

Nursing Outlook                                   Elsevier

Nursing Philosophy        Wiley

Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems      Kluwer

Nutrition & Dietetics        Wiley

Nutrition Bulletin        Wiley

Nutrition clinique et metabolisme           Elsevier

Nutrition Research                                Elsevier

Nutrition                                               Elsevier

Obesity Reviews                        Wiley

Obstetrics and Gynecology                   Elsevier

Occupational Health and Industrial Medicine    Elsevier

Occupational Medicine                         Elsevier

Ocean and Coastal Management           Elsevier

Ocean Dynamics                                  Springer

Ocean Engineering                                Elsevier

Ocean Modelling                                  Elsevier

Oceanographic Literature Review         Elsevier

Oceanologica Acta                               Elsevier

Odontology                                          Springer

Oecologia                                             Springer

Oikos                Wiley

Oil and Energy Trends

Oilfield Review                                     Elsevier

Omega                                                 Elsevier

ONCOLOGIE                                     Springer

Oncology Research                              Elsevier

Open Economies Review                      Kluwer

Open Systems & Information Dynamics           Kluwer

Operations Research Letters                 Elsevier

Operations Research                            Elsevier

Operative Orthopädie undTraumatologie         Springer

Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics     Elsevier

Ophthalmic Literature                           Elsevier

Ophthalmology                                     Elsevier

Opportunistic Pathogens                       Elsevier

Opthalmic and Physiological Optics    Wiley

Optical and Quantum Electronics          Kluwer

Optical Fiber Technology                      Elsevier

Optical Materials                                  Elsevier

Optical Networks Magazine                 Kluwer

Optics and Laser Technology                Elsevier

Optics and Lasers in Engineering           Elsevier

Optics Communications                        Elsevier

Optimal Control Applications and Methods    Wiley

Optimization and Engineering                Kluwer

Option/Bio                                           Elsevier

OR Spectrum                                       Springer

Oral Diseases            Wiley

Oral Microbiology and Immunology        Wiley

Oral Oncology                                      Elsevier

Oral Oncology                                      Elsevier

Oral Radiology                                     Springer

Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology & Endodontics Elsevier

Orbis                                                    Elsevier

Order                                                   Kluwer

Ore Geology Reviews                           Elsevier
Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry         RSC

Organic Electronics                               Elsevier

Organic Geochemistry                          Elsevier
Organic Letters                                     ACS

Organic Process Research & Development   ACS

Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes          Elsevier

Organizational Dynamics                       Elsevier
Organometallics                                    ACS

Origins of Life and Evolution of the Biosphere  Springer

Orthodontics & Craniofacial Research        Wiley

Orthopedics and Traumatology             Springer

Osteoarthritis and Cartilage                   Elsevier

Osteoporosis International                    Springer

Oxidation of Metals                              Kluwer

Pacific-Basin Finance Journal                Elsevier

Pacing and Clinical Electrophysiology        Wiley

Paddy and Water Environment              Springer

Paediatric Anasthesia                    Wiley

Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology    Wiley

Paediatric Respiratory Reviews             Elsevier

Pain Management Nursing                    Elsevier

Pain Medicine           

Pain Practice            Wiley

Pain                                                      Elsevier

Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology   Elsevier


Papers in Regional Science                   Springer

Parallel Computing                                Elsevier

Parasite Immunology            Wiley

Parasitology International                      Elsevier

Parasitology Research                           Springer

Parasitology Today                               Elsevier

Parkinsonism and Related Disorders     Elsevier

Particle & Particle Systems Characterization

Pastoral Psychology                              Kluwer

Pastoral Psychology                              Springer

Pathologica                                           Springer

Pathologie Biologie                               Elsevier

Pathology and Oncology Research        Elsevier

Pathology International            Wiley

Pathophysiology                                   Elsevier

Patient Education and Counseling          Elsevier

Pattern Analysis and Applications          Springer

Pattern Recognition Letters                   Elsevier

Pattern Recognition                               Elsevier

Pec Review                                          Elsevier

Pediatric Allergy and Immunology        Wiley

Pediatric and Developmental Pathology Springer

Pediatric Blood & Cancer            Wiley

Pediatric Cardiology                             Springer

Pediatric Clinics of North America        Elsevier

Pediatric Dermatology            Wiley

Pediatric Diabetes            Wiley

Pediatric Nephrology                            Springer

Pediatric Neurology                              Elsevier

Pediatric Pulmonology                        Wiley

Pediatric Radiology                               Springer

Pediatric Surgery International               Springer

Pediatric Transplantation                       Wiley

Pediatrics International                        Wiley

Peptides                                               Elsevier

Performance Evaluation                        Elsevier

Periodica Mathematica Hungarica        Kluwer
Perkin Transactions 1 1997-2000
Perkin Transactions 2 1997-2002

Periodontology 2000

Permafrost & Periglacial Processes

Personal and Ubiquitous Computing      Springer

Personal Technologies                          Springer

Personality and Individual Differences    Elsevier

Perspectives in Drug Discovery and Design      Kluwer

Perspectives In Psychiatric Care

Pest Management Science

Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology  Elsevier

Petroleum Chemistry                             Elsevier

Pflügers Archiv - European Journal of Physiology        Springer

Pharmaceutica Acta Helvetiae               Elsevier

Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal         Kluwer

Pharmaceutical Research                      Kluwer

Pharmaceutical Science and Technology Today           Elsevier

Pharmaceutical Statistics                    Wiley

Pharmacoepidemiology & Drug Safety

Pharmacological Research                    Elsevier

Pharmacology and Therapeutics            Elsevier

Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior        Elsevier

Pharmacy World and Science               Kluwer

Pharmacy World and Science               Kluwer
Phase Transitions   EBSCO  2003- aktualne, za wyjątkiem ostatnich 12 miesiecy

Pharmazie in unserer Zeit                Wiley

Phenomenology & the Cognitive Sciences        Kluwer

Philips Journal of Research                    Elsevier

Philosophical Studies                            Kluwer
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences  1665- aktualne  dostęp bezpłatny do konca 2010
Philosophical Transactions B  1900- aktualne  dostęp bezpłatny do konca 2010

Phlebology                                           Springer
Photochemical and Photobiological Sciences    RSC

Photochemistry and Photobiology            Wiley

Photodermatology, Photoimmunology & Photomedicine

Photonic Network Communications      Kluwer

Photonics and Nanostructures - Fundamentals and Applications          Elsevier

Photosynthesis Research                       Kluwer

Photosynthetica                                    Kluwer

Photovoltaics Bulletin                            Elsevier

Phycological Research                Wiley

Physica A                                            Elsevier

Physica B                                            Elsevier

Physica C                                            Elsevier

Physica D                                           Elsevier

Physica E                                            Elsevier

Physica Scripta     IOP

physica status solidi (a) applications and materials science              Wiley 1997- aktualne

physica status solidi (b) basic solid state physics                               Wiley 1997- aktualne

physica status solidi (c) Current topics in solid state physics            Wiley 2001- aktualne

Physical Biology     IOP

Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics          RSC

Physical Oceanography                         Kluwer

Physical Review A wszystkie roczniki   APS/AIP  Systematic and sequential downloading of articles is prohibited!              

Physical Review B  wszystkie roczniki   APS/AIP   Systematic and sequential downloading of articles is prohibited! 

Physical Review C     wszystkie roczniki  APS/AIP  Systematic and sequential downloading of articles is prohibited!
Physical Review D    
wszystkie roczniki  APS/AIP  Systematic and sequential downloading of articles is prohibited!
Physical Review E
   wszystkie roczniki    APS/AIP  Systematic and sequential downloading of articles is prohibited!
Physical Review Letters   wszystkie roczniki    
APS/AIP    Systematic and sequential downloading of articles is prohibited!

Physical Therapy in Sport                     Elsevier

Physics and Chemistry of Minerals        Springer

Physics and Chemistry of the Earth        Elsevier

Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Part A: Solid Earth and Geodesy  Elsevier

Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Part B: Hydrology, Oceans and Atmosphere        Elsevier

Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Part C: Solar, Terrestrial and Planetary Science    Elsevier

Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C         Elsevier

Physics Education     IOP

Physics in Medicine and Biology     IOP

Physics in Perspective                           Springer

Physics Letters A                               Elsevier

Physics Letters B                               Elsevier

Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors      Elsevier
Physics of  Fluids  wszystkie rocznik AIP/APS Systematic and sequential downloading of articles is prohibited!
Physics of Plasmas wszystkie roczniki  AIP/APS Systematic and sequential downloading of articles is prohibited!
Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology    Elsevier
Physiological Measurement     IOP

Physics Reports                                 Elsevier
Physics Today    AIP

Physics-Uspekhi     IOP

Physik in unserer Zeit            Wiley

Physiologia Plantarum            Wiley

Physiological Entomology            Wiley

Physiology and Behavior                       Elsevier

Phytochemical Analysis            Wiley

Phytochemistry Reviews                       Kluwer

Phytochemistry                                     Elsevier

Phytotherapie                                       Springer

Phytotherapy Research            Wiley

Pigment Cell & Melonoma Research        Wiley

Pisma v Zhurnal Eksperimentalnoj i Teoreticeskoj Fiziki -  1965-aktualne     F

Pisma v Zhurnal Techniceskoj Fiziki (ang.edycja: Technical Physics Letters) 1997- aktualne    F

Pituitary                                                Kluwer

Placenta                                               Elsevier

Planetary and Space Science                Elsevier

Plant and Soil                                       Kluwer

Plant Biology                                    Wiley

Plant Biotechnology Journal            Wiley

Plant Breeding                            Wiley

Plant Cell Reports                                 Springer

Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture     Kluwer

Plant Ecology                                       Kluwer

Plant Foods for Human Nutrition           Kluwer

Plant Growth Regulation                       Kluwer

Plant Journal                    Wiley

Plant Molecular Biology Reporter         Kluwer

Plant Molecular Biology                        Kluwer

Plant Pathology                Wiley

Plant Physiology and Biochemistry        Elsevier

Plant Science                                        Elsevier

Plant Species Biology                Wiley

Plant Systematics and Evolution            Springer

Plant, Cell & Environment            Wiley

Planta                                                   Springer

Plasma Chemistry & Plasma Processing           Kluwer

Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion      IOP

Plasma Processes and Polymers        Wiley

Plasma Science and Technology     IOP

Plasma Sources Science and Technology     IOP

Plasmas and Ions                                  Elsevier

Plasmas and Polymers                          Kluwer

Plasmid                                                Elsevier

Plastics, Additives and Compounding    Elsevier

Plastics, Rubber and Composites Processing and Appl.           Elsevier

Poetics                                                 Elsevier

Poiesis & Praxis                                   Springer

Polar Biology                                        Springer

Polar Research

Policy Sciences                                     Kluwer

Political Behavior                                  Kluwer

Political Geography                               Elsevier

Polyhedron                                           Elsevier

Polymer Bulletin                                Springer
Polymer Chemistry                            RSC

Polymer Composites            Wiley 1996- aktualne

Polymer Contents                              Elsevier

Polymer Degradation and Stability   Elsevier

Polymer Engineering & Science  Wiley 1996- aktualne

Polymer Gels and Networks             Elsevier
Polymer Journal        EBSCO  2007- aktualne
Polymer-Plastics Technology and Engineering        EBSCO  2000- aktualne, za wyjątkiem ostatnich 12 miesiecy
Polymer Reaction Engineering        EBSCO  2000- aktualne, za wyjątkiem ostatnich 12 miesiecy
Polymer Reviews            EBSCO  2000- aktualne, za wyjątkiem ostatnich 12 miesiecy

Polymer International             Wiley 1996- aktualne

Polymer Testing                                 Elsevier

Polymer                                              Elsevier

Polymers for Advanced Technologies         Wiley 1996- aktualne

Population and Environment                  Kluwer

Population Ecology                               Springer

Population Economics                           Springer

Population Research and Policy Review           Kluwer

Portuguese Economic Journal                Springer

Positivity                                               Kluwer

Postharvest Biology and Technology     Elsevier

Potential Analysis                                  Kluwer
Powder Metallurgy and Metal Ceramics          Kluwer

Powder Technology                              Elsevier

Power Technology & Engineering         Kluwer

Practical Diabetes International

Pramana Journal of Physics 1999- aktualne    F

Precambrian Research                          Elsevier

Precision Agriculture                             Kluwer

Precision Engineering                            Elsevier

Prenatal Diagnosis            Wiley

Prescriber                        Wiley

Prevention Science                               Kluwer

Preventive Medicine                             Elsevier

Preventive Veterinary Medicine             Elsevier

Previews of Heat and Mass Transfer     Elsevier

Primary Care Update for OB/GYNS    Elsevier

Primates                                               Springer

Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics      Elsevier

Probability Theory and Related Fields   Springer

Problems of Information Transmission   Kluwer
Proceedings: Mathematical, Physical and Eng. Sciences
  Roy.Soc.  1997- aktualne (brak dostępu tylko do ostatnich 12 miesiecy)  F

Proceedings - Spe International Symposium on Oilfield Chemistry       Kluwer

Proceedings in Applied Mathematics & Mechanics

Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science & Technology

Proceedings of the Physical Society 1/1/1926-12/31/1948

Proceedings of the Physical Society of London 1/1/1874-12/31/1925

Proceedings of the Physical Society. Section A: 1/1/1949-12/31/1957

Proceedings of the Physical Society. Section B 1/1/1949-12/31/1957

Proceedings of the Physical Society: 1/1/1958-12/31/1967

Proceedings of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences Elsevier

Proceedings of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences Elsevier
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series A

Process Biochemistry                            Elsevier

Process Control and Quality                 Elsevier

Process Safety Progress            Wiley

Programming and Computer Software   Kluwer

Progress in Aerospace Sciences            Elsevier

Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology Elsevier

Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases     Elsevier

Progress in Crystal Growth and Characterization of Materials  Elsevier

Progress in Energy and Combustion Science    Elsevier

Progress in Growth Factor Research     Elsevier

Progress in Lipid Research                    Elsevier

Progress in Materials Science                Elsevier

Progress in Neurobiology                      Elsevier

Progress in Neurology and Psychiatry        Wiley

Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry      Elsevier

Progress in Nuclear Energy                   Elsevier

Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy          Elsevier

Progress in Oceanography                    Elsevier

Progress in Organic Coatings                Elsevier

Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics          Elsevier

Progress in Pediatric Cardiology           Elsevier

Progress in Photovoltaics            Wiley

Progress in Planning                              Elsevier

Progress in Polymer Science             Elsevier

Progress in Quantum Electronics           Elsevier

Progress in Reaction Kinetics                Elsevier

Progress in Retinal and Eye Research    Elsevier

Progress in Solid State Chemistry          Elsevier

Progress in Surface Science                  Elsevier

Progress of Theoretical Physics    1996- aktualne        F

Progress of Theoretical Physics   bezplatny dostep do rocznikow: 1997- aktualne, suplementy 1955- aktualne. Konieczna indywidualna bezplatna rejestracja.
PROLA    (1893-2006)         AIP/APS      Systematic and sequential downloading of articles is prohibited!

Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics

Prospects: Quarterly Review of Education       Kluwer

Prostaglandins and Other Lipid Mediators       Elsevier

Prostaglandins and Other Lipid Mediators       Elsevier

Prostaglandins, Leukotrienes and Essential Fatty Acids            Elsevier

Prostate            Wiley

Protection of Metals                             Kluwer

Protein Expression and Purification        Elsevier

Proteins: Structure, Function and Bioinformatics

PROTEOMICS            Wiley

Protoplasma                                         Springer

Psychiatric Quarterly                             Kluwer

Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences        Wiley

Psychiatry Research                              Elsevier

Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging       Elsevier

Psychogeriatrics            Wiley

Psychological Research Psychologische Forschung      Springer

Psychology of Sport and Exercise         Elsevier

Psychoneuroendocrinology                   Elsevier

Psycho-Oncology            Wiley

Psychopharmacology                            Springer

Psychotherapeut                                   Springer

Public Choice                                       Kluwer

Public Health Nursing            Wiley

Public Health                                        Elsevier

Public Organization Review                   Kluwer

Public Relations Review                        Elsevier

Publications Mathématiques de l’Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques         Springer

Pulmonary Pharmacology and Therapeutics     Elsevier

Pulmonary Pharmacology                      Elsevier

Pump Industry Analyst                          Elsevier

Pure and Applied Geophysics               Springer

QSAR & Combinatorial Science        Wiley

Qualitative Sociology                            Kluwer

Quality & Reliability Engineering International

Quality and Quantity                             Kluwer

Quality Assurance Journal                    Wiley

Quality of Life Research                        Kluwer

Quantitative Marketing & Economics    Kluwer

Quantitative Microbiology                     Kluwer

Quantum Electronics     IOP

Quantum Information Processing           Kluwer

Quarterly Journal of Royal Meteorological Society

Quarterly Journal of the Belgian, French and Italian Operations Research Societies      Springer

Quaternary International                        Elsevier

Quaternary Perspectives                       Elsevier

Quaternary Research                            Elsevier

Quaternary Science Reviews                 Elsevier

Queueing Systems                                Kluwer

Race and Society                                  Elsevier

Radiation and Environmental Biophysics          Springer

Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids         EBSCO  2002- aktualne, za wyjątkiem ostatnich 18 miesiecy

Radiation Measurements                       Elsevier

Radiation Physics and Chemistry           Elsevier

Radiochemistry                                     Kluwer

Radiography                                         Elsevier

Radiophysics and Quantum Electronics Kluwer

Radiotherapy and Oncology                  Elsevier

Random Structures & Algorithms       

Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry    Wiley

RBM-Revue Europeenne de Technologie Biomedicale            Elsevier

RCRA Regulations and Keyword Index          Elsevier

Reaction Kinetics and Catalysis Letters Elsevier

Reaction Kinetics and Catalysis Letters Kluwer

Reactive and Functional Polymers         Elsevier

Reactive Polymers                                Elsevier

Reading and Writing                             Kluwer

Real-Time Imaging                                Elsevier

Real-Time Systems                               Kluwer

Reanimation Urgences                          Elsevier

Reanimation                                          Elsevier

Recherche Transports Securite              Elsevier

Rechtsmedizin                                       Springer

Recueil des Travaux Chimiques des Pays-Bas  Elsevier

Refocus                                                Elsevier

Refractories and Industrial Ceramics     Kluwer

Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine Elsevier

Regional Environmental Change            Springer

Regional Science and Urban Economics          Elsevier

Regulatory Peptides                              Elsevier

Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology        Elsevier

Reinforced Plastics                               Elsevier

Reliability Engineering and System Safety         Elsevier

Reliable Computing                               Kluwer

Religion                                                Elsevier

Remote Sensing of Environment            Elsevier

Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews    Elsevier

Renewable Energy                                Elsevier

Reports on Mathematical Physics          Elsevier

Reports on Progress In Physics                   IOP

Reproduction in Domestic Animals    Wiley

Reproduction, Nutrition, Development  Elsevier

Reproductive Health Matters                Elsevier

Reproductive Toxicology                      Elsevier

Reproduktionsmedizin                           Springer

Requirements Engineering                     Springer

Res Publica                                          Kluwer

Research in Developmental Disabilities  Elsevier

Research in Economics                         Elsevier

Research in Engineering Design             Springer

Research in Higher Education                Kluwer

Research in Immunology                       Elsevier

Research in Microbiology                     Elsevier

Research in Nondestructive Evaluation  Springer

Research in Nursing & Health            Wiley

Research in Science Education              Kluwer

Research in Veterinary Science             Elsevier

Research in Virology                             Elsevier

Research on Language & Computation Kluwer

Research Policy                                    Elsevier

Research Strategies                              Elsevier

Resource and Energy Economics          Elsevier

Resources Policy                                  Elsevier

Resources, Conservation and Recycling           Elsevier

Respiration Physiology                          Elsevier

Respiratory Medicine                            Elsevier

Respiratory Physiology and Neurobiology        Elsevier

Respirology            Wiley

Restoration Ecology            Wiley

Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience        Elsevier

Resuscitation                                        Elsevier

Review Economic Design                      Springer

Review of Accounting Studies               Kluwer

Review of Central and East European Law      Kluwer

Review of Derivatives Research            Kluwer

Review of Economic Dynamics             Elsevier

Review of Economics and Statistics       Elsevier

Review of Economics of the Household Kluwer

Review of Finance                                Kluwer

Review of Financial Economics             Elsevier

Review of Industrial Organization          Kluwer

Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology          Elsevier

Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting           Kluwer

Review of Radical Political Economics  Elsevier
Review of Scientific Instruments
wszystkie roczniki AIP/APS Systematic and sequential downloading of articles is prohibited!

Reviews in Endocrine & Metabolic Disorders  Kluwer

Reviews in Environmental Science & Biotechnology     Kluwer

Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries   Kluwer

Reviews in Gynaecological Practice       Elsevier

Reviews in Medical Virology                Wiley

Reviews in Molecular Biotechnology     Elsevier

Reviews of Modern Physics    wszystkie roczniki   AIP/APS Systematic and sequential downloading of articles is prohibited!

Reviews of Physiology, Biochemistry and Pharmacology          Springer
Revista Brasileira de Fisica - obecnie Brazilian Journal of Physics  1971- aktualne   F

Revista Mexicana de Fisica 2002- aktualne     F

Revue de Micropaleontologie                Elsevier

Revue du Rhumatisme                           Elsevier

Revue Francaise d'Allergologie et d'Immunologie Clinique       Elsevier

Revue Francaise des Laboratoires         Elsevier

Revue Francophone de Psycho-Oncologie      Springer

Revue Generale de Thermique              Elsevier

Revue Generale des Chemins de Fer     Elsevier

Rheologica Acta                                   Springer

Rheumatology International                   Springer

Ricerche Economiche                           Elsevier

Risk Analysis                                        Kluwer

River Research & Applications            Wiley

Robotics and Autonomous Systems      Elsevier

Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing       Elsevier

Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering Springer

Romanian Reports in Physics 2003- aktualne  F

Russian Chemical Bulletin                      Kluwer

Russian Chemical Reviews   IOP

Russian Journal of Applied Chemistry    Kluwer

Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry          Kluwer

Russian Journal of Coordination Chemistry          Springer (dawniej Kluwer)
Russian Journal of Developmental Biology       Kluwer

Russian Journal of Ecology                    Kluwer

Russian Journal of Electrochemistry       Kluwer

Russian Journal of General Chemistry    Kluwer

Russian Journal of Genetics                   Kluwer

Russian Journal of Marine Biology         Kluwer

Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing        Kluwer

Russian Journal of Organic Chemistry    Kluwer

Russian Journal of Plant Physiology       Kluwer

Russian Linguistics                                Kluwer

Russian Literature                                 Elsevier

Russian Mathematical Surveys     IOP

Russian Microelectronics                      Kluwer

Russian Physics Journal                    Springer (dawniej Kluwer)

Sadhana 1978- aktualne                        F

Safety Science                                      Elsevier

Sauvegarde de l'Enfance                       Elsevier

Sbornik: Mathematics     IOP

Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences        Wiley

Scandinavian Journal of Immunology        Wiley

Scandinavian Journal of Management    Elsevier

Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science In Sports        Wiley

Scandinavian Journal of Statistics        Wiley

Scanning            Wiley

Schizophrenia Research                        Elsevier
Science         1997- aktualne

Science & Education                            Kluwer

Science and Sports                               Elsevier

Science and Technology of Advanced Materials     IOP

Science and Technology of Advanced Materials          Elsevier

Science Citation Index Expanded    1996-aktualne      F

Science Education        Wiley

Science in China (Scienctia Sinica) Series B     Elsevier

Science in China (Scientia Sinica) Series A      Elsevier

Science of Computer Programming       Elsevier

Scientia Horticulturae                            Elsevier
Scientific American        EBSCO  1995- aktualne

Scientometrics                                      Elsevier

Scientometrics                                      Kluwer

Screening                                             Elsevier

Scripta Materialia                                 Elsevier

Scripta Metallurgica et Materiala           Elsevier

Sealing Technology                               Elsevier

Security Journal                                    Elsevier

Sedimentary Geology                            Elsevier

Sedimentology                                    Wiley

Seizure                                                 Elsevier

Selecta Mathematica                             Springer

Semiconductor Science and Technology     IOP

Semigroup Forum                                 Springer

Seminars in Arthritis and Rheumatism    Elsevier

Seminars in Cancer Biology                  Elsevier

Seminars in Cell and Developmental Biology    Elsevier

Seminars in Cell Biology                       Elsevier

Seminars In Dialysis                            Wiley

Seminars in Immunology                       Elsevier

Seminars in Neonatology                      Elsevier

Seminars in Neuroscience                     Elsevier

Seminars in Virology                             Elsevier

Sensors and Actuators A: Physical        Elsevier

Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical       Elsevier

Separation and Purification Technology Elsevier

Separations Technology                        Elsevier

Sepsis                                                  Kluwer

Serials Review                                      Elsevier

Serodiagnosis and Immunotherapy in Infectious Disease          Elsevier

Set-Valued Analysis                             Kluwer

Sex Roles                                             Kluwer

Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research and Treatment    Kluwer

Sexual Plant Reproduction                    Springer

Sexuality and Disability                         Kluwer

Shock Waves                                       Springer

Siberian Mathematical Journal               Kluwer

Signal Processing                                  Elsevier

Signal Processing: Image Communication         Elsevier


Silicon Chemistry                                  Kluwer

Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory        Elsevier

Simulation Practice and Theory             Elsevier

Skeletal Radiology                                Springer

Skin Research and Technology

Sleep and Biological Rhythms

Sleep Medicine Reviews                       Elsevier

Sleep Medicine                                     Elsevier

Small Business Economics                    Kluwer

Small Ruminant Research                      Elsevier

Smart Materials and Structures     IOP

Smart Materials Bulletin                        Elsevier

Social Choice and Welfare                    Springer

Social Indicators Research                    Kluwer

Social Justice Research                         Kluwer

Social Networks                                   Elsevier

Social Psychiatry and PsychiatricEpidemiology Springer

Social Psychology of Education             Kluwer

Social Science and Medicine                 Elsevier

Social Science Research                       Elsevier

Socio-Economic Planning Sciences       Elsevier

Sociological Forum                               Kluwer

Sociological Practice: A Journal of Clinical and Applied Sociology       Kluwer

Sociologie du Travail                            Elsevier

Soft Computing                                    Springer
Soft Matters                    RSC

Software and Systems Modeling           Springer

Software Quality Journal                       Kluwer

Software: Practice & Experience

Soil and Tillage Research                      Elsevier

Soil Biology and Biochemistry               Elsevier

Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering      Elsevier

Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering     Kluwer

Soil Science & Plant Nutrition

Soil Science Society of America Journal          Springer

Soil Technology                                    Elsevier

Soil Use and Management                Wiley

Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells  Elsevier

Solar Energy                                         Elsevier

Solar Physics                                        Kluwer

Solar System Research                         Kluwer

Solid State Communications              Elsevier

Solid State Ionics                               Elsevier

Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance  Elsevier

Solid State Sciences                             Elsevier

Solid-State Electronics                          Elsevier

Somatic Cell & Molecular Genetics       Kluwer

Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics          Springer

Sozial- und Präventivmedizin / Social and Preventive Medicine / Médecine sociale et préventive          Springer

Space Debris                                        Kluwer

Space Policy                                        Elsevier

Space Science Reviews                        Kluwer

Space Technology                                Elsevier

Spanish Economic Review                    Springer

Spatial Cognition and Computation       Kluwer

Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy Section         Elsevier

Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy           Elsevier

Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy           Elsevier

Speculations in Science and Technology          Kluwer

Speech Communication                        Elsevier

Spill Science and Technology Bulletin    Elsevier

Springer Seminars in Immunopathology Springer

Stahlbau                                        Wiley

STANDORT                                       Springer

Starch                                        Wiley

Statistica Neerlandica

Statistical Inference for Stochastic Processes   Kluwer

Statistical Methods & Applications        Springer

Statistical Papers                                  Springer

Statistics and Computing                       Kluwer

Statistics and Probability Letters            Elsevier

Statistics in Medicine                            Wiley

Steroids                                                Elsevier

Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment        Springer

Stochastic Hydrology and Hydraulics    Springer

Stochastic Processes and their Applications     Elsevier

Strahlentherapie und Onkologie             Springer

Strain                        Wiley

Stress and Health                        Wiley

Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization    Springer

Structural Change and Economic Dynamics     Elsevier

Structural Chemistry                             Kluwer

Structural Engineering Review               Elsevier

Structural Optimization                          Springer

Structural Safety                                   Elsevier

Structure                                              Elsevier

Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica          Kluwer

Studia Logica                                       Kluwer

Studies in Applied Mathematics        Wiley

Studies in East European Thought         Kluwer

Studies in Educational Evaluation           Elsevier

Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A    Elsevier

Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics     Elsevier

Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Biological and Biomedical Sciences        Elsevier

Studies in Philosophy and Education      Kluwer

Substance Abuse                                  Kluwer

Subsurface Sensing Technologies and Applications      Kluwer

Superconductor Science and Technology      IOP

Superlattices and Microstructures          Elsevier

Supportive Care in Cancer                    Springer
Supramolecular Chemistry                     2004-2005

Supramolecular Science                        Elsevier   

Surface & Interface Analysis       

Surface and Coatings Technology         Elsevier

Surface Science Reports                       Elsevier

Surface Science                                    Elsevier
Surgery Today                                      Springer

Surgery                                                Elsevier

Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy          Springer

Surgical Endoscopy                              Springer

Surgical Neurology                               Elsevier

Surgical Oncology                                Elsevier

Surgical Practice                    Wiley

Survey of Ophthalmology                      Elsevier

Surveys in Geophysics                          Kluwer

Symbolic Interaction                             Elsevier


Synthese                                               Kluwer

Synthetic Metals                                Elsevier

System                                                 Elsevier

Systematic Entomology                    Wiley

Systematic Parasitology                        Kluwer

Systemic Practice and Action Research Kluwer

Systems and Control Letters                 Elsevier

Systems Engineering                        Wiley

Talanta                                                 Elsevier

Teaching and Teacher Education           Elsevier

Teaching Business Ethics                       Kluwer

Teaching Statistics                    Wiley

Techniques in Coloproctology               Springer

Technological Forecasting and Social Change  Elsevier

Technology and Disability                     Elsevier

Technology and Health Care                 Elsevier

Technology in Society                           Elsevier

Technology Management                      Elsevier

Technovation                                        Elsevier

Tectonophysics                                     Elsevier

Telecommunication Systems                  Kluwer

Telecommunications Policy                   Elsevier

Telematics and Informatics                    Elsevier

Tellus Series A: Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography

Tellus Series B: Chemical and Physical Meteorology

Terra Nova                                Wiley

Tertiary Education and Management     Kluwer

Tetrahedron Letters                              Elsevier

Tetrahedron                                          Elsevier

Tetrahedron: Asymmetry                       Elsevier

Thalamus and Related Systems             Elsevier

The Air Pollution Consultant                  Elsevier

The American Journal of Cardiology     Elsevier

The American Journal of Evaluation       Elsevier

The American Journal of Gastroenterology       Elsevier

The American Journal of Geriatric Pharmacotherapy    Elsevier

The American Journal of Medicine        Elsevier

The American Journal of Psychoanalysis          Kluwer

The American Journal of Surgery          Elsevier

The Anatomical Record: Advances in Integrative Anatomy and Evolutionary Biology

The Annals of Occupational Hygiene     Elsevier

The Annals of Regional Science            Springer

The Annals of Thoracic Surgery            Elsevier

The Arts in Psychotherapy                    Elsevier

The Astronomy and Astrophysics Review        Springer

The British Journal of Chiropractic        Elsevier

The Chemical Engineering Journal and The Biochemical Engineering Journal    Elsevier

The Chemical Record

The Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology       Springer

The Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly      Elsevier

The EDI Law Review                           Kluwer

The Electricity Journal                           Elsevier

The Environmentalist                             Kluwer

The European Journal of Health Economics, formerly: HEPAC            Springer

The European Physical Journal A          Springer

The European Physical Journal B          Springer

The European Physical Journal C          Springer

The European Physical Journal D          Springer

The European Physical Journal E           Springer

The GENEVA PAPERS on Risk and Insurance Theory          Kluwer

The Hazardous Waste Consultant         Elsevier

The History of the Family                      Elsevier

The International Food and Agribusiness Management Review            Elsevier

The International Journal of Accounting Elsevier

The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology       Springer

The International Journal of Biochemistry and Cell Biology       Elsevier

The International Journal of Children's Rights   Kluwer

The International Journal of Drug Policy           Elsevier

The International Journal of Inorganic Materials           Elsevier

The International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping          Elsevier

The International Journal of Risk and Safety in Medicine          Elsevier

The Internet and Higher Education        Elsevier

The Italian Journal of Neurological Sciences     Springer

The Journal of Academic Librarianship  Elsevier

The Journal of Comparative Neurology

The Journal of Ethics                             Kluwer

The Journal of Foot and Ankle Surgery Elsevier

The Journal of Hand Surgery                 Elsevier

The Journal of Hand Surgery: Journal of the British Society for Surgery of the Hand    Elsevier

The Journal of Headache and Pain        Springer

The Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation Elsevier

The Journal of Logic Programming        Elsevier

The Journal of Primary Prevention         Kluwer

The Journal of Product Innovation Management           Elsevier

The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics      Kluwer

The Journal of Socioeconomics             Elsevier

The Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology     Elsevier

The Journal of Supercomputing             Kluwer

The Journal of Supercritical Fluids         Elsevier

The journal of Voice                             Elsevier

The Knee                                             Elsevier

The Lancet Infectious Diseases             Elsevier

The Lancet                                           Elsevier

The Law & Practice of International Cours & Tribunals           Kluwer

The Leadership Quarterly                     Elsevier

The Netherlands Journal of Medicine    Elsevier

The Nurse Practitioner                          Elsevier

The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance        Elsevier

The Ramanujan Journal                         Kluwer

The Review of Austrian Economics       Kluwer

The Science of the Total Environment    Elsevier

The Social Science Journals                  Elsevier

The Spine Journal                                 Elsevier

The Visual Computer                            Springer

The VLDB Journal                               Springer

Theoretica Chimica Acta                       Springer

Theoretical and Applied Climatology     Springer

Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics   Elsevier

Theoretical and Applied Genetics          Springer

Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics            Springer

Theoretical and Experimental Chemistry           Kluwer

Theoretical and Mathematical Physics   Kluwer

Theoretical Chemistry Accounts            Springer

Theoretical Computer Science              Elsevier

Theoretical Foundations of Chemical Engineering         Kluwer

Theoretical Informatics and Applications RAIRO         Elsevier

Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics       Kluwer

Theoretical Medicine                            Kluwer

Theoretical Population Biology              Elsevier

Theory and Decision                             Kluwer

Theory and Society                               Kluwer

Theory of Computing Systems              Springer

Therapeutic Apheresis and Dialysis        Wiley

Theriogenology                                     Elsevier

Thermochimica Acta                             Elsevier

Thin Solid Films                                    Elsevier

Thin-Walled Structures                         Elsevier

Thrombosis Research                           Elsevier

Tissue and Cell                                     Elsevier

Tissue Antigens                                    Wiley

Topics in Catalysis                                Kluwer

Topoi                                                   Kluwer

Topology and its Applications               Elsevier

Topology                                              Elsevier

Tourism Management                           Elsevier

Toxicological Sciences                          Elsevier

Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology Elsevier

Toxicology in Vitro                               Elsevier

Toxicology Letters                                Elsevier

Toxicology                                           Elsevier

Toxicon                                                Elsevier

TrAC - Trends in Analytical Chemistry  Elsevier

TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry    Elsevier

Traffic                                Wiley

Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene   Elsevier

Transboundary and Emerging Diseases    Wiley

Transformation Groups                         Springer

Transfusion                                        Wiley

Transfusion and Apheresis Science        Elsevier

Transfusion Clinique et Biologique         Elsevier

Transfusion Medicine                    Wiley

Transfusion Science                              Elsevier

Transgenic Research                             Kluwer

Transition Metal Chemistry                   Kluwer

Transplant Immunology                         Elsevier

Transplant Infectious Disease                Wiley

Transplant International                        Wiley

Transplant International                         Springer

Transplantation Proceedings                  Elsevier

Transport in Porous Media                   Kluwer

Transport Policy                                   Elsevier

Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice    Elsevier

Transportation Research Part B: Methodological         Elsevier

Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies          Elsevier

Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment   Elsevier

Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review  Elsevier

Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour      Elsevier

Transportation                                      Kluwer

Trauma und Berufskrankheit                 Springer

Travel Medicine and Infectious Disease Elsevier

Trees                                                    Springer

Trends in Biochemical Sciences             Elsevier

Trends in Biotechnology                        Elsevier

Trends in Cardiovascular Medicine       Elsevier

Trends in Cell Biology                           Elsevier

Trends in Cognitive Sciences                 Elsevier

Trends in Ecology and Evolution           Elsevier

Trends in Endocrinology and Metabolism         Elsevier

Trends in Food Science and Technology          Elsevier

Trends in Genetics                                Elsevier

Trends in Immunology                           Elsevier

Trends in Microbiology                         Elsevier

Trends in Molecular Medicine               Elsevier

Trends in Neurosciences                       Elsevier

Trends in Parasitology                           Elsevier

Trends in Pharmacological Sciences      Elsevier

Trends in Plant Science                         Elsevier

Trends in Polymer Science                    Elsevier

Trends in Urology Gynaecology & Sexual Health

Tribology International                          Elsevier

Tribology Letters                                  Kluwer

Tropical Animal Health and Production Kluwer

Tropical Medicine & International Health

Tubercle and Lung Disease                   Elsevier

Tuberculosis                                         Elsevier

Tunneling and Underground Space Technology            Elsevier

Turkish Journal of Physics 1998- aktualne          F

Ukrainian Mathematical Journal             Kluwer

Ultramicroscopy                                   Elsevier

Ultrasonic Imaging                                Elsevier

Ultrasonics Sonochemistry                    Elsevier

Ultrasonics                                           Elsevier

Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology      Elsevier

Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynaecology

Universal Access in the Information Society     Springer

Urban Ecosystems                                Kluwer

Urban Review                                      Kluwer

Urban Water                                        Elsevier

Urgences Medicales                             Elsevier

Urologic Oncology                               Elsevier

Urological Research                              Springer

Urology                                                Elsevier

User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction  Kluwer

Uspechi Fizicheskich Nauk 1918  -aktualne
Physics-Uspekhi (Usp.Fiz Nauk in english)     IOP

Uspiechy Chimii (Russian Chemical Review)

Utilities Policy                                       Elsevier

Vaccine                                                Elsevier

Vacuum                                                Elsevier

Vakuum in Forschung und Praxis            Wiley

Value in Health                Wiley

Vascular Pharmacology                        Elsevier

Vegetation History and Archaeobotany Springer       

Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia        Wiley

Veterinary Clinical Pathology        Wiley

Veterinary Clinics of North America: Small Animal Practice     Elsevier

Veterinary Dermatology        Wiley

Veterinary Dermatology                        Elsevier

Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology Elsevier

Veterinary Journal                                 Elsevier

Veterinary Microbiology                       Elsevier

Veterinary Ophthalmology                    Wiley

Veterinary Parasitology                         Elsevier

Veterinary Radiology & Ultrasound        Wiley

Veterinary Research Communications   Kluwer

Veterinary Research                             Elsevier

Veterinary Surgery                            Wiley

Vibrational Spectroscopy                      Elsevier

Virchows Archiv                                   Springer

Virology                                               Elsevier

Virtual Reality                                       Springer

Virus Genes                                          Kluwer

Virus Research                                     Elsevier

Vision Research                                    Elsevier

Vistas in Astronomy                              Elsevier

Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations         Kluwer

Vox Sanguinis                                        Wiley

Waste Management and Research        Elsevier

Waste Management                              Elsevier

Water and Environment Journal            Wiley

Water Policy                                        Elsevier

Water Quality & Ecosystems Modeling Kluwer

Water Quality International                   Elsevier

Water Quality Professional                    Elsevier

Water Research                                    Elsevier

Water Resources Management             Kluwer

Water Resources Management             Springer

Water Resources                                  Kluwer

Water Science and Technology             Elsevier

Water, Air, and Soil Pollution                Kluwer

Water, Air, and Soil Pollution: Focus     Kluwer

Wave Motion                                       Elsevier

Wear                                                    Elsevier

Weather        `                                    Wiley

Weed Biology and Management        Wiley

Weed Research                                Wiley

Welding in the World / Le Soudage dans le Monde     Elsevier

Wetlands Ecology and Management      Kluwer

Wireless Networks                               Kluwer

Wireless Personal Communications       Kluwer

Women's Health Issues                         Elsevier

Women's Studies International Forum   Elsevier

Wood Science and Technology             Springer

Work                                                   Elsevier

World Competition                               Kluwer

World Development                             Elsevier

World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology       Kluwer

World Journal of Surgery                      Springer

World Journal of Urology                     Springer

World Patent Information                      Elsevier

World Pumps                                       Elsevier

World Trade & Arbitration Materials    Kluwer

World Wide Web                                 Kluwer

Wound Repair and Regeneration        Wiley

Xenotransplantation                Wiley

X-Ray Spectrometry                Wiley  1996-aktualne


Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik        Wiley

Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik       Springer

Zeitschrift für anorganische und allgemeine Chemie        Wiley

Zeitschrift für Epileptologie                    Springer

Zeitschrift für Ernährungswissenschaft    Springer

Zeitschrift für Gerontologie undGeriatrie           Springer

Zeitschrift für Herz-, Thorax- undGefäßchirurgie          Springer

Zeitschrift für Kardiologie                      Springer

Zeitschrift für Lebensmitteluntersuchung und -forschung A        Springer

Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung A, B, C rok 2002-2003        F

Zeitschrift für Physikalische Chemie   2003-2005  F

Zeitschrift fur Physikalische Chemie 2000-2002 F

Zeitschrift für Physik A Hadrons and Nuclei     wszystkie roczniki
Zeitschrift für Physik B Condensed Matter    wszystkie roczniki
Zeitschrift für Physik C Particles and Fields    wszystkie roczniki
Zeitschrift für Physik D Atoms, Molecules and Clusters

Zeitschrift für Planung                            Springer

Zeitschrift für Rheumatologie                 Springer

Zeolites                                                Elsevier
Zhurnal Eksperimentalnoj i Teoreticeskoj Fiziki  1982- aktualne

Zhurnal Eksperimentalnoj i Teoreticeskoj Fiziki - Pisma   1965-aktualne     F

Zhurnal Techniceskoj Fiziki (ang. edycja: Technical Physics) 1997- aktualne      F

Zoo Biology            Wiley

Zoologica Scripta            Wiley

Zoologica Scripta                                 Elsevier

Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society

Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society         Elsevier

Zoomorphology                                    Springer

Zoonoses and Public Health                Wiley