Registration fee


The registration fee for the Worhshop is the following:


Early registration (before March 31, 2004) fee

              Full participants                                               250 EURO

              Students                                                           150 EURO  

              Accompanying persons                                   170 EURO

The payment must include all bank charges.


Late registration (after March 31, 2004) fee will be increased by 50 EURO.


Registration fee should be sent by bank transfer in EURO to:

Bank                       Bank Zachodni WBK SA, Poznan (Poland)                                                             

 Account Name        Institute of Molecular Physics - AUXET

Account Number     2 O/Poznan No. 93 1090 1346 0000 0000 3423 4292


Polish participants should send the registration fee in ZŁOTY to:

Bank                       Bank Zachodni WBK SA, Poznan (Poland)                                                             

 Account Name        Institute of Molecular Physics - AUXET

Account Number     2 O/Poznan No. 07 1090 1346 0000 0000 3402 4865