Summer School on


September 15-19, 2003

Bedlewo near Poznan, Poland


All payments should be paid by a bank transfer to:

Bank: Bank Zachodni WBK SA, Poznan (Poland)

Account name: Institute of Molecular Physics - NM'03

Account number: 2 O/Poznan No. 07 1090 1346 0000 0000 3402 4865

Please make sure that your payment includes all bank charges

The following credit cards will be accepted:

Diners Club International, VISA, EUROCARD, MASTERCARD, JCB, PolCard

Note!!! All payments by credit cards must be increased by 5%


In the event of cancellation, partial refund may be made at the discretion of the NM'03 Organizing Committee. Cancellations must be made in a written form. Neither fax nor mail cancellations will be accepted.

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