Professor Bozena Hilczer 
Scientific activity
i) Effect of conformational and structural disorder on the properties of polymer relaxors. Polymer relaxors are functional material with giant electrostriction attractive for application in actuators. The mechanism of radiation-induced functionalization of ferroelectric polymers/copolymers as well as the conformational disorder in polymer relaxors have been determined using the results of our dielectric, Raman, infrared and electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy studies.
- Applied Physics Letters 100(2012)052904/4 
- Applied Magnetic Resonance 34(2008)37-45
- Journal of Materials Science 41(2006)117-127
- IEEE Trans. Diel. and El. Insul. 13(2005)1155-1161
- Acta Physica Polonica A 108(2005)89-94
- Radiation Effects & Defects in Solids 158(2003)349-355 
- Journal of Applied Physics 94(94(2003)5937-5944
- Macromolecules 36(2003)4436-4442
- Ferroelectrics 304(2004)13-18; 294(2003)191-201; 273(2002)21-26; 261(2001)139-148; 258(2001)291-296