Professor Bozena Hilczer 
Scientific activity
iii) Electric transport in proton conductors of various structures. As free protons are unlikely to exist in solids the electric transport in proton conductors is determined by the dynamics of neighboring surroundings of the protons it appears important to describe the pathways of the specific charge carrier (with small mass, without electronic orbits, with a tendency to form hydrogen-bonds). In AxHy(XO4)(x+y)/2 crystals with superprotonic phase transition intramolecular and intermolecular phonon-assisted proton transfer has been determined. Moreover, the influence of ferroelastic properties on the superionic phase transition has been discussed. Basing on the results of structural and complex impedance studies proton pathway for several compounds of nitrogen containing heterocyclic cations (imidazolium, benzoimidazolium, 1,2,4-triazolium) with various dicarboxylic acids has been proposed.
- Crystal Growth & Design 14(2014)1211-1220
- CrystEngComm 15(2013)1950-1959; 13(2011)2698-3709
- Physical Review B 84(2011)064303/10
- Power Sources 173(2007)781-787
- Ferroelectrics 348(2007)75-81; 302(2004)77-79; 272(2002)81-86
- Crystal Reports 50(2005)108-114
- Solid State Ionics 157(2003)203-208; 145(2001)191-196
- Journal of Molecular Structure 555(2000)317-323