Professor Bozena Hilczer 
Scientific activity
iv) Size effects in single phase multiferroics. Magnetoelectric multiferroics allowing mutual control of magnetization by electric field and vice versa, open an opportunity to design and develop advanced magnetoelectric RAMs, magnetic field sensors, spintronic technology and other novel applications. Tuning of magnetoelectric coupling and ferroelectric and piezoelectric responses will be possible if the effect of size and the nature of limiting surfaces, as well as the role of defects and domain walls in the electric conductivity and functional responses will be understood. This is considered as a scientific challenge of the studies. Aliovalent doping of BiFeO3 and formation of solid solutions and composites with various perovskites was studied for ceramics obtained from nanopowders produced by mechanical activated/microwave assisted hydrothermal synthesis.
- Journal of Electroceramics 35(2015)33-44; 27(2011)154-161; 20(2008)21025
- Phase Transitions 87(2014)909-921; 86(2013)748-757; 86(2013)284-289
- Composites Part B 64(2014)147-154
- Journal of Materials Science 49(2014)2596-2604
- Acta Physica Polonica A 126(2014)971-974
- Ferroelectrics 448(2013)58-70; 336(2006)279-287
- Solid State Ionics 215(2012)1-6
- Processing and Application Ceramics 4(2010)99-106
- Journal of the European Ceramic Society 29(2009)1999-3006; 27(2007)4399-4402
- Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 5(2009)3246-3251
- Crystal Research and Technology 41(2006)576-579