Start month: September 2004
School May 2005
Leader: Prof. Wojciech Kuczyński;
The school is organised in response to the rapid development of the chiral liquid crystals investigations. The long-range dipole order discovered in these materials attracted a large attention of both scientists and engineers. The main reason for this interest is the large application potential of chiral smectic liquid crystals. On the other hand, the wealth of phases and phenomena observed in chiral smectics is very attractive for scientists. Thus, there is a need for new liquid crystalline materials suitable for use in information display devices and for good knowledge of their properties. The school is intended to provide young researchers and doctor students with a tutorial-type exposure to the basic physics and the current problems in investigations of chiral liquid crystals, the technology of electrooptic devices applying these materials and the application of nonlinear dielectric spectroscopy.
It is planned that about 30 young scientists and doctor students from various countries will attend the school. They will hear about 9 lectures given by invited internationally recognised scientists. Besides, discussion sessions will take place. Special attention will be given to provide opportunities for individual contacts between the young and more experienced participants.