The European Conference
In Memory of Professor Roman Micnas
June 26-30, 2023 | Poznań, POLAND
Accepted abstracts
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Please proof read your published abstracts.
Lp. | Name | Presenting Author | Presentation number | Title | |
1 | Mateusz Gołębiewski | M. Gołębiewski | Y&B session Y-02 | Gyroid Nanostructures in Magnonics | |
2 | Aritra Sinha | A. Sinha | Y&B session Y-03 | Wrestling with the finite temperature two dimensional Fermi-Hubbard Model: A Tensor Network Approach | |
3 | Nozomi Soya | N. Soya | Y&B session Y-04 | Generation and transport of spin current in SrTiO$_3$-based magnetic heterostructure | |
4 | Adam Pacewicz | Adam Pacewicz | Y&B session Y-05 | Electrodynamic theory of resonances in gyromagnetic materials: insights and applications | |
5 | Marlena Dziurawiec | M. Dziurawiec | Y&B session Y-06 | Detecting localization in 1D lattices through strong light-matter interactions | |
6 | Anand Manaparambil | Anand Manaparambil | Y&B session Y-07 | Nonequilibrium Kondo effect under finite thermal bias: An accurate treatment of electronic correlations | |
7 | Ankit Labh | Ankit Labh | Y&B session Y-08 | Field-Dependent Magnetic Ordering Dome and Quantum Spin Fluctuations in the Natural Mineral Henmilite | |
8 | Björn Niedzielski | Björn Niedzielski | Y&B session Y-09 | Magnon-Fluxon Interaction in Coupled Superconductor/Ferromagnet Hybrid Periodic Structures | |
9 | Jarosław Juraszek | Jarosław Juraszek | Y&B session Y-10 | Two-band superconductivity in the prototypical heavy-fermion compound CeCu$_{2}$Si$_{2}$ studied by local magnetization measurements | |
10 | Fabrizio Cossu | Fabrizio Cossu | oral O-5-01 | Evolution of half-metallic ferromagnetism in (111)-oriented manganite superlattices | |
11 | Jerzy Goraus | Jerzy Goraus | oral O-3-01 | Magnetic properties of V$_2$MnGa, V$_2$MnAl, V$_2$FeGa and V$_2$FeAl. | |
12 | Marco Lo Schiavo | M. Lo Schiavo | oral O-1-01 | Quantum entanglement in an extended Hubbard model as evaluated from a spin concurrence measure | |
13 | Anna Bajorek | Anna Bajorek | oral O-6-01 | Ex-situ versus in-situ synthesis of NZFO/f-MWCNTs nanocomposites | |
14 | Johannes Richter | Johannes Richter | oral O-2-01 | Thermodynamcis of highly frustrated quantum magnets: Kagome vs. Square-Kagome | |
15 | Krzysztof Ptaszyński | K. Ptaszyński | oral O-4-01 | System-reservoir entanglement during Markovian relaxation of a quantum dot | |
16 | Dimitrios Papadopoulos | D. Papadopoulos | oral O-8-01 | Halbach Arrays in Magnetomechanics: A Promising Technology for Biomedical Applications | |
17 | J. M. D. Coey | J. M. D. Coey | oral O-7-01 | How can a magnetic field influence the evaporation of water? | |
18 | Krzysztof P. Wójcik | Krzysztof P. Wójcik | oral O-1-02 | Spin-split van Hove singularities and Kondo physics | |
19 | Stefan Krompiewski | S. Krompiewski | oral O-5-02 | Comparative studies of graphene and phosphorene zigzag edge nanoribbons with antidots | |
20 | Piotr Kozłowski | P. Kozłowski | oral O-2-02 | Electron transfer and magnetism in hybrid molecular magnets based on \{V$_{12}$O$_{32}$\} vanadium cage and functionalized with phtalocyaniato lanthanide moieties (LnPc)$_n$ (n=1,2) | |
21 | Ruben Leenders | R. A. Leenders | oral O-3-02 | Ultrafast Nonlinear Conversion of Magnons in an Antiferromagnet | |
22 | Sergiu Arapan | Sergiu Arapan | oral O-6-02 | A magnetic C36 Laves phase in Co-Fe-Ta system | |
23 | Priyanka Garg | Priyanka Garg | oral O-4-02 | Highly tunable spin Hall magnetoresistance in room-temperature magnetoelectric multiferroic, $Sr_3Co_2Fe_{24}O_{41}\vert$Pt hybrids | |
24 | Bernadeta Dobosz | B. Dobosz | oral O-8-02 | The influence of the magnetic field on the entry of nanodrugs into cells | |
25 | Marek Przybylski | Marek Przybylski | oral O-7-02 | Magnetic Particle Based MRI Thermometry at 0.2 T and 3 T | |
26 | Agnieszka Cichy | Agnieszka Cichy | oral O-1-03 | Connection between the semiconductor--superconductor transition and the spin-polarized superconducting phase in the honeycomb lattice | |
27 | Kostyantyn Gusliyenko | Kostyantyn Gusliyenko | oral O-5-03 | Magnetic vortex string gyrotropic dynamics in thick cylindrical nanodots | |
28 | SHALINI BADOLA | S. Badola | oral O-2-03 | Raman signatures of spin-liquid-like state and spin-phonon coupling in Sr$_2$CuTe$_{0.5}$W$_{0.5}$O$_6$ | |
29 | karel vyborny | karel vyborny | oral O-4-03 | Control of transport in semiconducting MnTe by magnetic order | |
30 | Karol Szałowski | K. Szałowski | oral O-5-04 | Proximity effects in graphene/1T-TaS$_2$ heterostructure triggered by charge density wave and controlled with electric field | |
31 | Ewa Młyńczak | E. Młyńczak | oral O-3-04 | New insights into intrinsic anomalous Hall effect from Fe(001) angle resolved photoemission | |
32 | Abhishek Pandey | Abhishek Pandey | oral O-1-04 | Evolution of magnetic ground state in $A$Co$_2$As$_2$ ($A$ = K, Ca, Sr, Ba) system | |
33 | Justyn Snarski-Adamski | Justyn Snarski-Adamski | oral O-6-04 | Magnetic properties of FeB and MnB doped with 3$d$, 4$d$ and 5$d$ transition metal elements | |
34 | Gael Bastien | G. Bastien | oral O-2-04 | Multiferroicity with improper ferroelectricity and uniaxial ferromagnetism in EuAl$_{12}$O$_{19}$ | |
35 | Marta Gryglas-Borysiewicz | Marta Gryglas-Borysiewicz | oral O-4-04 | Peculiar magnetic phase in antiferromagnetic MnTe | |
36 | Loghman Jamilpanah | Loghman Jamilpanah | oral O-3-05 | Generating different skyrmion types in ferromagnetic/ferrimagnetic bilayers | |
37 | Bincy Susan Jacobs | B. S. Jacobs | oral O-1-05 | Structural, electronic and magnetic properties of doped CrAs | |
38 | Alexander Chizhik | Alexander Chizhik | oral O-6-05 | Magnetic domain structures in amorphous microwires with distributed magnetic anisotropy | |
39 | Maciej Maśka | M. M. Maśka | oral O-2-05 | Topological superconductivity induced by two-dimensional nontrivial spin structures | |
40 | Orest Pavlosiuk | O. Pavlosiuk | oral O-4-05 | Effect of electron irradiation on the magnetotransport properties of half-Heusler topological semimetal GdPtBi | |
41 | B. Blyzniuk | B. Blyzniuk | oral O-5-06 | Magnetization reversal in Fe(001) films grown on MgO(001) by magnetic field assisted molecular beam epitaxy | |
42 | Abdul Khaliq | Abdul Khaliq | oral O-3-06 | Anomalous Hall effect, weak (anti)-localization and magnetic interactions in Ge1-x-ySnxMnyTe epitaxial multiferroics | |
43 | Valeriia Bilokon | V. Bilokon | oral O-1-06 | Many-body correlations in one-dimensional optical lattices with alkaline-earth(-like) atoms | |
44 | Uladzislaw Gumiennik | Uladzislaw Gumiennik | oral O-6-06 | The Effect of Copper Ion Substitution on the Magnetic Microstructure and Magnetic Characteristics of Nickel Ferrite | |
45 | Piotr Graczyk | Piotr Graczyk | oral O-4-06 | Generation of femtosecond spin-current pulses at Fe/MgO interface by quasi-static voltage | |
46 | Grzegorz Centała | Grzegorz Centała | oral O-3-07 | Shaping the spectrum of 2D magnonic crystal by modification of surface anisotropy | |
47 | Andrzej Wiśniewski | Andrzej Wiśniewski | oral O-6-07 | Temperature driven spin switching and exchange bias in ErFeO$_{3}$ compensated ferrimagnet | |
48 | Dr. Karan Singh | Dr. Karan Singh | oral O-4-07 | Topological features in the magnetotransport of EuIn2As2 | |
49 | Emil Siuda | E. Siuda | oral O-5-08 | Efficient cooling with hot magnons | |
50 | Matus Mihalik | Matus Mihalik | oral O-1-08 | Vacancy-driven magnetism of GdMnO$_{3+\delta}$ multiferroic compound | |
51 | Wojciech Marciniak | Wojciech Marciniak | oral O-6-08 | DFT analysis of magnetic properties of L1$\rm_0$ (Fe$_{1-x}$Co$_{x}$)Pt alloys for heat assisted magnetic recording | |
52 | Dariusz Kaczorowski | D. Kaczorowski | oral O-4-08 | Putative topological states in antiferromagnetic semimetal EuSnP | |
53 | Ross H Colman | R. H. Colman | oral O-2-08 | Expanding the library of $S_{eff}$ = 1/2 pyrochlore antiferromagnets: Structure and magnetic properties of NaCdCo$_2$F$_7$ and NaCdCu$_2$F$_7$ | |
54 | Konrad J. Kapcia | Konrad J. Kapcia | oral O-3-08 | Ultrafast demagnetization and electronic processes in cobalt trigerred by x-ray photons | |
55 | Sana Zakar | Sana Zakar | oral O-3-09 | Magnetic and transport properties of Ge1-x-ySixMnyTe crystals | |
56 | Karol Załęski | K. Załęski | oral O-5-09 | Heusler alloy thin films on graphene-based substrates | |
57 | Jakub Pawlak | Jakub Pawlak | oral O-4-09 | Spin-Current-Induced Magnetization Dynamics in Multiferroic Pt/Co/BTO/LSMO Tunnel Junctions | |
58 | Imre Hagymasi | I. Hagymási | oral O-1-09 | Observation of strongly correlated electronic ground state in rhombohedral graphite | |
59 | Altifani Rizky Hayyu | Altifani Rizky Hayyu | oral O-3-10 | Investigation of Magnetocaloric Effect in RE$_{5}$Pd$_2$In$_4$ (RE = Tb--Tm) Compounds | |
60 | Andrzej Majhofer | A. Majhofer | oral O-5-10 | Chains of nanoparticles with cubic magnetic anisotropy: a Monte Carlo simulation | |
61 | Krychowski | D. Krychowski | oral O-4-10 | Electron-phonon interaction and electronic correlations in transport through electrostatically and tunnel coupled quantum dots | |
62 | Piotr Stefański | Piotr Stefański | oral O-1-10 | Quantum dot detects Majorana modes of both chiralities | |
63 | Dara Marin | Dara Marin | oral O-2-10 | Magnetic states in ZnO nanoparticles : The interface between organic and inorganic materials | |
64 | Simonnot | A. Simonnot | oral O-3-11 | Modelling magnetic walls in NiO | |
65 | Jan Barański | Jan Barański | oral O-5-11 | Time of Majorana mode leakage into the region of quantum dots | |
66 | Ryszard J. Radwanski | R. J. Radwanski | oral O-1-11 | Spin-orbit singlet magnetism - Induced atomic U- and Ru-moment in URu$_2$Si$_2$ and in Sr$_2$RuO$_4$ | |
67 | Piotr Busz | P. Busz | oral O-4-11 | Single spin dynamics control and spin readout in single atoms by electrical means with spin-polarized STM | |
68 | Konrad Puzniak | K. Puzniak | oral O-2-11 | Magnetic structure and phase diagram of the quasi-1D Ising-like antiferromagnet PbCo2V2O8 | |
69 | Giuseppe Cuono | Giuseppe Cuono | oral O-3-12 | Interplay between magnetism and topology in HgTe doped with Cr and V | |
70 | Piotr Majek | Piotr Majek | oral O-4-12 | Interplay of magnetism and Majorana quasiparticles in artificial molecules | |
71 | Adam S. Sajna | Adam S. Sajna | oral O-3-13 | Semiclassical dynamics of disordered fermions with non-local interactions | |
72 | Maciej Chrobak | M. Chrobak | oral O-4-13 | Magnetoresistance vs. electronic structure in Cu doped single crystalline Bi$_2$Se$_3$ topological insulator | |
73 | Bogdan Bułka | Bogdan R. Bułka | oral O-5-13 | Detection of persistent current correlation in cavity-QED | |
74 | Krzysztof Szulc | K. Szulc | oral O-3-14 | Spin-wave dynamics in the magnetic heterostructures with regular stripe-domain texture | |
75 | Daniel Kiphart | D. Kiphart | oral O-5-14 | Atomistic simulations and magnetic properties of Co/Tb-Co bilayers | |
76 | Bivas Rana | B. Rana | oral O-3-15 | Orientational anisotropy of magnetic damping in Ta/CoFeB/MgO heterostructures | |
77 | Silvia Gallego | S. Gallego | oral O-5-15 | Towards controlled chirality in disordered systems: Bi on 2Ni/Co multilayers | |
78 | Mujeeb Ahmad | Mujeeb Ahmad | oral O-4-15 | Experimental evidence of nonlinear Hall effect in $\rm\bf Pb_{1-x}Sn_xTe$ topological crystalline insulators | |
79 | Stanisław Baran | Stanisław Baran | oral O-3-16 | Thermal evolution of magnetic structures in $R_2$Ni$_2$In ($R$ = Tb and Ho) | |
80 | Anuj Kumar Dhiman | Anuj Kumar Dhiman | oral O-5-16 | Nonreciprocal spin wave dynamics in uniformly and nonuniformly magnetized symmetric Pt/Co/Pt multilayers | |
81 | Andrzej Szytuła | Andrzej Szytuła | oral O-3-17 | Magnetic structures and magnetoelastic effect in R$_5$Pt$_2$In$_4$ (R = Tb--Tm) investigated by neutron powder diffraction | |
82 | Piotr Trocha | P. Trocha | oral O-5-17 | Thermoelectric properties of a hybrid quantum dot containing topological superconductor | |
83 | Krzysztof Sobucki | Krzysztof Sobucki | oral O-3-18 | Inelastic spin wave beam scattering on localised modes for controlling beams’ trajectory and frequency. | |
84 | Adam Rycerz | Adam Rycerz | oral O-5-18 | Mott transition in the Hubbard model on anisotropic honeycomb lattice with implications for strained graphene | |
85 | Monika Oboz | M. Oboz | oral O-3-19 | Structure and magnetism of AlCoCrCuFeNi high-entropy alloy | |
86 | Jan Kisielewski | Jan Kisielewski | oral O-3-20 | Between waves and patterns: spin wave freezing in films with Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction | |
87 | Andrzej Janutka | Kacper Brzuszek | oral O-3-21 | Micromagnetic study of response of arrays of superparamagnetic nanoparticles to high-frequency field at finite temperatures | |
88 | Jarosław W. Kłos | Jarosław W. Kłos | oral O-3-22 | Shaping the spin wave spectra of planar 1D magnonic crystals by the geometrical constraints | |
89 | Mateusz Zelent | Mateusz Zelent | oral O-3-23 | Stabilization and racetrack application of asymmetric N\'eel skyrmions in hybrid nanostructures | |
90 | Gabriel D. Chaves-O'Flynn | Gabriel D. Chaves-O'Flynn | oral O-3-25 | Energy Landscape for Thermally Activated Switching of Perpendicular Magnetic Nanopillars in a Transverse field | |
91 | Wojciech Rudzinski | W. Rudzi\' nski | oral O-3-26 | Spin Wave propagation in bilayers of Vanadium dichalcogenides with Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction | |
92 | Michał Rams | M. Rams | oral O-3-27 | Relaxation processes in single crystals of Co(NCS)$_2$(Ligand)$_2$ spin chains | |
93 | Thi Thu Ha Nguyen | T. T. H. Nguyen | oral O-3-28 | Structural and electronic properties of Ba$_2$TiMnO$_6$ studied by DFT calculations | |
94 | Mirali Jafari | Mirali Jafari | oral O-3-29 | Effect of strain on the electronic and magnetic properties of bilayer T-phase VS$_2$: a first-principles study | |
95 | Robert Maciaszek | Robert Maciaszek | poster P-6-01 | Experimental investigation of the correlation between particle surface smoothing and soft magnetic compact's properties | |
96 | Marceli Koralewski | Marceli Koralewski | poster P-8-01 | The kinetics of aggregation of the A\textbf{$\beta_{1-40}$} peptide monitored by magnetooptical methods | |
97 | Kotvytska Liliia | L.Kotvytska | poster P-2-01 | Study of low-dimensional magnetism in zeolitic imidazolate frameworks | |
98 | Rafał Bielas | Rafał Bielas | poster P-7-01 | Liquid marbles manipulated via magnetic fields | |
99 | Vladim\'{i}r Tkáč | V. Tkáč | poster P-4-01 | Superconductivity in Monolayer FeTe on Bi$_{2}$Te$_{3}$ | |
100 | Chin Shan Lue | Chin Shan Lue | poster P-3-01 | Anisotropic hyperfine coupling and internal field in the van der Waals antiferromagnet of FePS3 | |
101 | Yung-Kang Kuo | Yung-Kang Kuo | poster P-1-01 | Localized-Itinerant Ferromagnetism of the Two-Dimensional Van der Waals Metallic Fe5-xGeTe2 Single Crystal | |
102 | Mustafa Erkovan | Mustafa Erkovan | poster P-5-01 | Amplifying Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Interaction in Pt/Co/Pt with Dy Dusting | |
103 | Karolina Kutynia | Karolina Kutynia | poster P-6-02 | The effect of substitution of Mn by Pd on the structure and thermomagnetic properties of the Mn$_{1-x}$Pd$_x$CoGe alloys | |
104 | Waldemar Nowicki | Waldemar Nowicki | poster P-7-02 | Systematic studies of the magnetocaloric properties for the La$_0$$_.$$_6$$_5$(BaCa)$_0$$_.$$_2$$_5$X$_0$$_.$$_1$MnO$_3$ series (X = alkali metal and alkaline earth metals) | |
105 | Hana Vargova | H. Vargová | poster P-2-02 | A genuine tripartite entanglement of a Heisenberg mixed spin-(1/2,1,1) trimer in a magnetic field | |
106 | Sudip Chakraborty | Sudip Chakraborty | poster P-3-02 | Ho$_2$IrSi$_3$: A new geometrically frustrated antiferromagnetic compound with large crystalline electric field splitting | |
107 | Mikołaj Baranowski | Mikołaj Baranowski | poster P-8-02 | Faraday effect of imidazole derivatives and imidazolium halide ionic liquids | |
108 | Alexandr Stupakov | A. Stupakov | poster P-1-02 | Polaronic effects in thin films of metal-insulator nickelates | |
109 | Serdar Gökçe | Serdar Gökçe | poster P-4-02 | Magnetoresistance study of Fe doped TlInTe2 crystal | |
110 | Ewa Swierkosz | Ewa Swierkosz | poster P-5-02 | Out of plane antiferromagnetic spins induced by reorientation transition in NiO(111)/Co bilayers | |
111 | Piotr Gębara | Piotr Gębara | poster P-6-03 | The influence of changes in medium range ordering on evolution of the crtical exponents in the Fe$_{76}$Mo$_{10}$Cu$_1$B$_{13}$ alloy | |
112 | Róbert Tarasenko | R. Tarasenko | poster P-2-03 | Magnetic properties of Cu[C$_6$H$_2$(COO)$_4$][H$_3$N-(CH$_2$)$_2$-NH$_3$]$\cdot$3H$_2$O - a quasi-two-dimensional \textit{S} = 1/2 antiferromagnet on rectangular lattice | |
113 | Roman Gozdur | R. Gozdur | poster P-7-03 | Influence of thermal and magnetic couplings on magnetocaloric effect in multiphase stacked sample made of {LaFeMnSi}$_{13}$-H$_x$ alloys | |
114 | Sławomir Mamica | S. Mamica | poster P-3-03 | The influence of the demagnetizing field on the concentration of spin wave energy in two-dimensional magnonic crystals | |
115 | Serdar Gökçe | Serdar Gökçe | poster P-4-03 | Carrier transport in heavily Sb-doped Si layers near the Mott transition | |
116 | Maciej Bak | M. Bak | poster P-1-03 | Properties of bound pairs in layered Hubbard model | |
117 | Weronika Janus | W. Janus | poster P-5-03 | Electric field modulation of magnetic state in ferromagnet/antiferromagnet bilayers grown on PMN-PT(001) piezosubstrate | |
118 | Yugen Jian | Y. Jian | poster P-8-03 | Multilevel Nonlinear Transition Shift in High Density Perpendicular Magnetic Recording | |
119 | Lubomira Regeciova | L. Regeciová} and P. Farkašovsk\'{y | poster P-2-04 | Magnetization processes and magnetocaloric effect of the Ising model on the octahedral lattice | |
120 | Bassam Jameel | Bassam Jameel | poster P-7-04 | Magnetorheological characterization of oil-in-oil magnetic Pickering emulsions | |
121 | Julia Kharlan | J.Kharlan, V.Lvov, V.Golub | poster P-3-04 | Nonrelaxational FMR peak broadening in martensitic films | |
122 | Ondrej Zivotsky | O. \v{Z}ivotsk\'{y} | poster P-6-04 | Influence of annealing temperature on magnetism and defects in Mn$_{2.4}$Fe$_{0.8}$Al$_{0.8}$ alloys | |
123 | Anastasiia Doroshenko | Anastasiia Doroshenko | poster P-5-04 | Fingerprints of super spin-glass state in magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles deposited on the polymer surface | |
124 | Agata Krzywicka | A. Krzywicka | poster P-1-04 | Reentrance behaviour of superfluidity in magnetic fields (part 2/2) | |
125 | Santosh Kumar Khetan | Santosh Kumar Khetan | poster P-4-04 | Signature of Quantum Transport in ferromagnet SrRuO$_3$(111) | |
126 | Małgorzata Paprzycka | Małgorzata Paprzycka | poster P-8-04 | Faraday effect of colloidal gold spherical nanoparticles with dimensions between 5 and 200 nm | |
127 | Paulina Robótka | P. Robótka | poster P-3-05 | Structural and magnetic properties of multi-frustrated La$_{0.5}$R$_{0.5}$MgCo$_2$Ni$_2$ (R = Y, Ce, Tb) compounds | |
128 | Imre Hagymasi | Imre Hagymási | poster P-2-05 | Magnetization process and ordering of the $S=1/2$ pyrochlore Heisenberg antiferromagnet in a magnetic field | |
129 | Ivan Petryshynets | Ivan Petryshynets | poster P-7-05 | Effect of the sheet-straightening process on magnetic properties and texture evolution of high-strength Fe-Si alloys. | |
130 | Marta Orzechowska | M. Orzechowska | poster P-5-05 | SAS and SAR studies of nanosized $\mathbf{Ga_xFe_{3-x}O_4}$ coated with chitosan | |
131 | Vrishali Sonar | Vrishali Sonar | poster P-1-05 | Out of Equillibrium Thermoelectric Transport in Three Terminal Quantum Dot of Ferromagnetic and Superconducting Lead | |
132 | Sławomir Wolski | Sławomir Wolski | poster P-4-05 | Electron scattering by magnetic quantum dots in topological insulators: a path to electron optics with spin-momentum locking | |
133 | Krzysztof Tadyszak | Krzysztof Tadyszak | poster P-8-05 | Lithium phthalocyanine - radical-based molecular oxygen sensor | |
134 | Sreedevi Janardhanan | S.Janardhanan | poster P-3-06 | Investigation of Spin Wave Dynamics in Si/Ti/Au/CoFeB/Au Multilayers with PMA | |
135 | Tetiana Rudeichuk | T. Rudeichuk | poster P-6-06 | Influence of different milling parameters on structural and soft magnetic properties of Fe/SiO$_2$ composites | |
136 | Sonu Kumar | S. Kumar | poster P-2-06 | Magnetic properties of quantum spin liquid candidate PrMgAl$_{11}$O$_{19}$ | |
137 | Joanna Marciniak | Joanna Marciniak | poster P-5-06 | L1$_0$ FeNi and L1$_0$ FePt ultra-thin films with in-plane and tilted magnetic anisotropy: density functional theory calculations | |
138 | Artem Lynnyk | Artem Lynnyk | poster P-1-06 | Thermodynamic properties of superconducting CuBa$_2$Ca$_3$Cu$_4$O$_{11+\delta}$ (Cu1234) system | |
139 | Emerson Coy | Emerson Coy | poster P-8-06 | Direct Mechanical Evaluation of Flexoelectric Response of Free-standing Cantilever Beams by Nanoindentation Instrumentation | |
140 | Monika Zięba | Monika Zięba | poster P-4-06 | Magnetic phase diagram of topological Sn$_{1-x}$Mn$_{x}$Te layers | |
141 | Zbigniew S. Piskuła | Zbigniew S. Piskuła | poster P-6-07 | Effects of Ni doping on structural and magnetic properties of copper ferrite | |
142 | Leonardo De Carlo | Leonardo De Carlo | poster P-2-07 | On magnetic models in wavefunction ensembles | |
143 | Shashank Shekhar | S. Shekhar | poster P-5-07 | Influence of CoFeB layer thickness on elastic parameters in CoFeB/MgO heterostructures | |
144 | Marian Mihalik | M. Mihalik | poster P-1-07 | Effect of oxygen content on magnetic properties of La$_{1-x}$Ag$_{x}$MnO$_3$ magnetic nanoparticles | |
145 | Przemysław Skokowski | Przemysław Skokowski | poster P-7-07 | Magnetocaloric effect in thin films of the Laves phases TbCo$_2$ and DyCo$_2$ grown on SiO$_x$ substrate | |
146 | Shovan Dan | Shovan Dan | poster P-8-07 | Insulating State in Topological Half Heusler compound TmPdSb | |
147 | Kacper Wrześniewski | Kacper Wrześniewski | poster P-4-07 | Tunnel magnetoresistance and cross-correlations in double quantum dot-Majorana wire system | |
148 | Vinayak Shantaram Bhat | V. Bhat | poster P-3-08 | Spin Dynamics, Loop Formation and Cooperative Reversal in Artificial Quasicrystals with Tailored Exchange Coupling | |
149 | Shashank Shekhar | S. Shekhar | poster P-5-08 | The influence of underlayer on surface acoustic waves velocity in underlayer/CoFeB/MgO heterostructures | |
150 | Mirosław Werwiński | Mirosław Werwiński | poster P-1-08 | Electronic structure of YbFe$_4$Al$_8$ antiferromagnet: A combined X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and first-principles study | |
151 | Paweł Mazurek | Paweł Mazurek | poster P-7-08 | Analysis of the resolution of the passive magnetic method on the example of nondestructive testing of steel wire ropes | |
152 | Piotr Wiśniewski | Piotr Wiśniewski | poster P-4-08 | Unusual angle-dependent magnetoresistance of EuCd$_2$As$_2$ | |
153 | Anna Bisok | A. Bisok | poster P-8-08 | The determination of masses of components in physical mixtures by NMR method | |
154 | Elvira Bilokon | E. Bilokon | poster P-1-09 | Many-body phases in optical-lattice systems with alkaline-earth-like atoms. Dynamical Mean Field approach. | |
155 | Aleksandra Trzaskowska | A. Trzaskowska | poster P-3-09 | Spin wave dynamics in double CoFeB/Au layers | |
156 | Mykola Hodlevsky | J.Mazurenko | poster P-5-09 | Structure and Magnetic Properties of Hydrothermally Synthesized CuFe$_2$O$_4$/Reduced Graphene Oxide Nanocomposites | |
157 | Grzegorz Ziółkowski | Grzegorz Ziółkowski | poster P-6-09 | Magnetic anisotropy in Fe-Nb-B-RE amorphous alloys | |
158 | Ross H Colman | R. H. Colman | poster P-7-09 | The Exhausting Experimental Search for Alternative MSM-active Heusler Alloys | |
159 | Taras Kovaliuk | T. Kovaliuk | poster P-4-09 | Anisotropic Magnetotransport Properties of Magnetic Shape Memory Heusler Alloy Ni$_{50}$Mn$_{25}$Ga$_{20}$Fe$_5$ | |
160 | Jakub Musiał | Jakub Musiał | poster P-8-09 | Study of calorimetric effect in ferrogels subjected to the high-frequency rotating magnetic field | |
161 | Michał Antkowiak | M. Antkowiak | poster P-2-09 | Simulations of molecular nanomagnets with various metallic cores and topologies | |
162 | Mateusz Kowacz | M. Kowacz | poster P-5-10 | Magnetic Properties of Ir/Co/Pt Films Tuned by Ga$^+$ Ion Bombardment | |
163 | Karol Synoradzki | K. Synoradzki | poster P-6-10 | Magnetocaloric properties of polycrystalline compound PrCrGe$_{3}$ | |
164 | Amir Nasser Zarezad | A. N. Zarezad | poster P-4-10 | Topological Hall effect due to skyrmion in canted antiferromagnets | |
165 | Agostina Lo Giudice | Agostina Lo Giudice | poster P-7-10 | CoFe and NiFe-based Planar Hall Effect sensors | |
166 | Petro Danylchenko | Petro Danylchenko | poster P-2-10 | Experimental study of Cu(\textit{en})(H$_2$O)$_2$SO$_4$ embedded into mesoporous silica matrix SBA-15 with the hexagonal arrangement of pores | |
167 | Tomasz Polak | Tomasz Polak | poster P-8-10 | Reentrance behaviour of superfluidity in orbital magnetic fields (part 1/2) | |
168 | Sreedevi Janardhanan | S. Janardhanan | poster P-3-10 | Spin wave analysis on magnetic multilayers of Cobalt/Nickel | |
169 | Maciej Hendzel | Maciej Hendzel | poster P-1-10 | Selected Molecular Systems and Their Properties from Exact Diagonalization Ab Initio Solution | |
170 | Sławomir Mielcarek | S. Mielcarek | poster P-3-11 | Spin wave dynamics in CoFeB/Au/Co/Au layers | |
171 | Alice Goyal | Alice Goyal | poster P-5-11 | Faraday rotation enhancement for colloidal Au and Ag spherical nanoparticles and their mixtures | |
172 | Anna Majtyka-Piłat | A. Majtyka-Piłat, J. Deniszczyk | poster P-6-11 | Effect of oxygen point defects on electronic and magnetic properties of copper pyrophosphate material. | |
173 | Tomasz Toliński | T. Toliński | poster P-4-11 | Evidence of variable range hopping in the Zintl phase EuIn$_2$P$_2$ | |
174 | Olha Vinnik | O. Vinnik | poster P-2-11 | Magnetic field-induced phase transitions in Cu(\textit{en})$ _2 $SO$ _4 $ – dimerized S = 1/2 quantum antiferromagnet | |
175 | Karol Synoradzki | K. Synoradzki | poster P-7-11 | Magnetic composite based on ABS polymer and iron powder for 3D printing | |
176 | Piotr Józef Bardziński | Piotr J. Bardziński | poster P-8-11 | Tuning the Neel temperature of $\alpha$-TbAlB$_{4}$ by alteration of Fe:Tb ratio in multi-phase Al-Cu(B, Fe, Tb) alloys | |
177 | Aleksandra Napierała-Batygolska | Aleksandra Napierała-Batygolska | poster P-3-12 | Interpreting FMR experiments: Tradition vs. Machine Learning | |
178 | Justyna Rychły-Gruszecka | Justyna Rychły-Gruszecka | poster P-6-12 | Magnetic Anisotropy of FeCo Thin Films with B, C and N | |
179 | Jakub Meixner | Jakub Meixner | poster P-5-12 | Magnetic anisotropy and structural phase transition in ultrathin Fe (111) films: first-principles study | |
180 | Amir Nasser Zarezad | A. N. Zarezad | poster P-4-12 | Nonlinear planar Hall effect in topological insulators: contribution from scattering on magnetic impurities | |
181 | Levan Chotorlishvili | Levan Chotorlishvili | poster P-2-12 | Topological dynamical quantum phase transition in a quantum skyrmion phase | |
182 | Arathi Das Moosarikandy | A. Moosarikandy | poster P-3-13 | Temperature Dependence of Spin Pumping in Y3Fe5O12/Pt, Ni81Fe19/Pt and SnTe/Ni81Fe19 Thin Films | |
183 | Krychowski | D. Krychowski | poster P-4-13 | Effects of symmetry reduction on transport through strongly correlated triple quantum dot | |
184 | Jacek Chmielowiec | J. Chmielowiec | poster P-5-13 | Synthesis, structural magnetic and electric properties of Mn–Zn ferrite spinel nanoparticles | |
185 | Hamdi Jaballah | Hamdi Jaballah | poster P-6-13 | M\"ossbauer Spectrometry as a Tool for Probing Universality Classes in Magnetocaloric Compound (Pr,Sm)$_2$Fe$_{17}$ | |
186 | Arnab Laha | Arnab Laha | poster P-2-13 | Exceptional point-based correlative nonreciprocal light propagation in nonlinear media | |
187 | Tatiana Zajarniuk | T. Zajarniuk | poster P-2-14 | Quantum and classical aspects of a low-temperature ($\sim$500\:mK) magnetic phase transition in aluminoborates | |
188 | Marcin Białek | Marcin Białek | poster P-3-14 | Cavity-mediated coupling of terahertz magnons and vibrational modes of molecules | |
189 | Krzysztof Grochot | K.Grochot | poster P-4-14 | Study of Spin-Orbit Interactions and Multilevel Switching in Co/Pt/Co trilayer | |
190 | Maciej Zwierzycki | Maciej Zwierzycki | poster P-5-14 | Edge disorder and valley filtering in strained graphene nanostructures | |
191 | Jihed Horcheni | Jihed Horcheni | poster P-6-14 | Magnetocaloric effect in iron-rich PrFe$_{11}$Ti intermetallic alloy: A Comprehensive Investigation using Experimental and DFT calculation. | |
192 | Marcin Szpytma | M. Szpytma | poster P-5-15 | Transfer of magnetic anisotropy through an antiferromagnet in Co/NiO/Fe multilayer structure | |
193 | Krzysztof Szulc | K. Szulc | poster P-3-15 | In-depth study of dynamics in coupled magnonic waveguides | |
194 | Sylwia Kudła | Sylwia Kudła | poster P-4-15 | Influence of spatially random magnetization on the conduction of surface electrons in a topological insulator | |
195 | Mieszko Kołodziej | Mieszko Kołodziej | poster P-6-15 | Formation of structural disorder in FeNi-based alloys – semi-empirical approach | |
196 | Mathieu Moalic | M. Moalic | poster P-3-16 | Hybridizations between edge and bulk modes in an antidot lattice with perpendiculat anisotropy | |
197 | Anna Krzyżewska | A. Krzyżewska | poster P-4-16 | Nonlinear effects in 2DEG with cubic form of Rashba spin-orbit interaction | |
198 | Wojciech Dobrogowski | W. Dobrogowski | poster P-5-16 | Magnetic properties of Pt/Co/Pt trilayers with W insert layer | |
199 | Mieszko Kołodziej | Mieszko Kołodziej | poster P-6-16 | Influence of Nd substitution on the phase constitution in (Zr,Ce)Fe$_{10}$Si$_2$ alloys with the ThMn$_{12}$ structure | |
200 | Wiqar Hussain Shah | Wiqar Hussain Shah | poster P-3-17 | Competing Interactions, and magnetization dynamics in Doped Rare-Earth Manganites nano-particles | |
201 | Michał Inglot | Michał Inglot | poster P-5-17 | Localized states at the Rashba spin-orbit domain wall in a magnetized graphene: interplay of the Rashba and magnetic domain walls | |
202 | Weronika Janiszewska | W. Janiszewska | poster P-6-17 | Magnetism and magnetocaloric effect in structurally disordered Ce(Fe$_{0.9}$Co$_{0.1}$)$_{2}$ metamagnet | |
203 | Alexandre Huguet | Alexandre Huguet | poster P-4-18 | Spin-resolved transport properties of a quantum dot-Majorana nanowire system | |
204 | Mirali Jafari | Mirali Jafari | poster P-5-18 | First-Principles Investigation of the Electronic, Magnetic, and Transport Properties of MnBi2Te4 | |
205 | Andrzej Musiał | A. Musiał | poster P-6-18 | Chemically synthesized carbon coated NiFe-based nanoparticles | |
206 | Dariia | Dariia | poster P-3-19 | Brillouin light scattering study of Co2FeGe Heusler thin films | |
207 | Sumesh Karuvanveettil | S. Karuvanveettil | poster P-4-19 | Temperature and Frequency Dependent Spin Pumping in NbN/Ni81Fe19 Bilayer Thin Films | |
208 | Anna Bajorek | Anna Bajorek | poster P-5-19 | Effect of temperature on the structural and microstructural evolution of core-shell type nanocomposites based on MFe$_2$O$_4$@SiO$_2$ (M= Ni, Co) | |
209 | Bogdan Idzikowski | B. Idzikowski | poster P-6-19 | Magnetocaloric effect in amorphous Fe$_{11}$Ni$_{70}$Zr$_7$B$_{12}$ | |
210 | Pavlo Baloh | P. Baloh | poster P-3-20 | Study of magnetic properties of the rare-earth ion doped phosphate glass Dy(PO$_3$)$_3$ | |
211 | Piotr Pigoń | Piotr Pigoń | poster P-4-20 | Electronic and Topological Properties of a Topological Insulator Thin Film Sandwiched between Ferromagnetic Insulators | |
212 | Lesław Smardz | L. Smardz | poster P-5-20 | Influence of interface mixed layer on non-collinear exchange coupling in V/Fe multilayers | |
213 | Michał Falkowski | M. Falkowski | poster P-3-21 | Investigation on the magnetocaloric effect in the rhombohedral ternary ordered variant of the cubic Laves phase of Pr$_{2}$Rh$_{3}$Ge | |
214 | Kateryna Boboshko | Kateryna Boboshko | poster P-4-21 | Bilinear magnetoresistance and planar Hall effect in topological insulators: Interplay of scattering on spin-orbital impurities and non-equilibrium spin polarization | |
215 | Bivas Rana | B. Rana | poster P-3-22 | Control of magnetic damping by introducing ultrathin nonmagnetic layer with varying spin-orbit coupling strength at CoFeB/MgO interface | |
216 | Izabella Wojciechowska | Izabella Wojciechowska | poster P-4-22 | Topoligically induced Hall effects in graphene-based EX-SO-TIC van-der-Waals heterostructures | |
217 | Maria Zentkova | M. Mihalik | poster P-3-23 | Magnetic relaxations in La$_{0.80}$Ag$_{0.15}$MnO$_{3+\delta}$ nanoparticles | |
218 | Grzegorz Michałek | Grzegorz Michałek | poster P-4-23 | Impact of intra- and inter-orbital BCS pairing on electrical transport through carbon nanotube quantum dot | |
219 | Magdalena Szubka | M. Szubka | poster P-3-24 | Effects of Biodegradation on Electronic Properties of Common Lithium Manganese Oxides | |
220 | Janusz Dubowik | J. Dubowik | poster P-3-25 | Resonances In Metallic Structures | |
221 | Uladzislau Makartsou | Uladzislau Makartsou | poster P-3-26 | Statistical Control of Vortex Chirality in Ferromagnetic Rings with Nanoelements | |
222 | Katarzyna Anna Kotus | K. A. Kotus | poster P-3-27 | The transmission of spin wave affected by the location of an antidot defect within a waveguide | |
223 | Katarzyna Anna Kotus | K. A. Kotus | poster P-3-28 | Exciting skyrmion dynamics through higher-order spin-wave modes | |
224 | Maria Pugaczowa-Michalska | M. Pugaczowa-Michalska | poster P-3-29 | On the stability of low-symmetry phases in Zr$_2$CoSi | |
225 | Gabriel Chaves | Gabriel Chaves | poster P-3-30 | Jacobi Elliptic Functions describe a large class of 1D domain walls in thin infinite slabs. | |
226 | Łukasz Bernacki | Ł. Bernacki | poster P-3-31 | Identification of magnetic anisotropy axes by means of the thermomagnetic Nernst effect | |
227 | Qurat Ul Ain | Qurat Ul Ain | poster P-3-32 | Magnetic properties of the topologically non-trivial compound CaMnSb$_2$ | |
228 | Jakob Walowski | J. Walowski | poster P-3-33 | Laser pulse and photon energy tuning for increased all-optical magnetization switching efficiency | |
229 | Igor Di Marco | I. Di Marco | poster P-3-34 | Magnetic adatoms on two-dimensional NbSe$_2$ | |
230 | Gauthier Philippe | Gauthier Philippe | poster P-3-35 | Doppler effect for spin waves: micromagnetic studies | |
231 | Samih Isber | S. Isber | poster P-3-36 | Ultra-thin high-quality magnetic insulator films | |
232 | Mufti Perdana Avicena | Mufti Perdana Avicena | poster P-3-37 | Monodomain magnetization state at remanence in antidot lattices with inhomogenous perpendicular magnetic anisotropy | |
233 | Stefan Stagraczyński | Stefan Stagraczyński | poster P-3-38 | Magnon transport in bilayer CrCl$_3$ | |
234 | Sara Memarzadeh | Sara Memarzadeh | poster P-3-39 | Effect of magnon-magnon interaction on the ferromagnetism in hexagonal manganese pnictide monolayers | |
235 | Andrzej Szajek | A. Szajek | poster P-3-40 | Electronic structure of CeCu$_{4}$In from band structure calculations and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy |