The European Conference


June 24-27, 2008       Poznan, POLAND

Conference sponsored by European Physical Society


Contributed papers

Papers can be submitted either for poster or oral presentation. All abstracts will be refereed and the Organizing Committee will make a final decision on the assignment of papers to sessions and the presentation mode. The authors are asked to send the abstract to the Conference Office by e-mail ( in LaTeX format. The abstract should strictly follow the instructions given below.

The abstract should contain (up to 200 words) information about content of the paper. It should be informative and not only indicate the general scope of the paper but also state the main results obtained and conclusions drawn. The abstract should be complete in itself.

The authors are required to type the abstracts exactly according to the following instructions concerning style and format. The whole abstract must be limited to one column (13.4 cm wide and 9.7 cm high) of the following layout:


(one-line space)

Name(s) of author(s)

(one-line space)


(one-line space)

Text of the abstract ...

The title of the paper should be written at the top of the column in boldfaced upper case letters and centered. The title should be brief and descriptive. The title line(s) and author name(s) should be separated by a one-line space. The name(s) of author(s) should be written in bold typefaces and centered. The affiliation(s)/address(es) should be centered. If author's present address is different from the address where the work was carried out, this should be given as a foot-note. The affiliation(s)/address(es) and the text should be separated by one-line space. Text of the abstract should be typed with a one-line spacing, using Times Roman typeface or an equivalent. We recommend 10 or 11 point size fonts. Since two abstracts have to be placed on one page of the abstract book, in any case do not exceed the required size of the column i.e. ( 13.4 cm wide and 9.7 cm high) .

Authors should state (below the text) the Abstract Category, their preference for oral or poster presentation and the address (including e-mail) for further correspondence.

You can download the LaTeX style file pmabst.sty for abstract preparation as well as a model abstract.


1. Strongly Correlated Electrons and High Temperature Superconductivity 
       Heavy fermions and Kondo systems; Charge, orbital, and multipole orderings and excitations; 
       Quantum phase transitions; Metal-insulator transitions; Highly correlated metals and insulators; 
       Itinerant electron magnetism; Organic conductors; 
       Low dimensional conductors, Correlation effects in mesoscopic systems; Multiferroics.

2. Quantum and Classical Spin Systems
       Low dimensional quantum magnets; Frustrated magnets and spin liquids;
       Quantum phase transitions; Lattice effects and spin Peierls systems; Solitons and non-linear effects; 
       Statistical mechanics of quantum and classical systems; Molecular magnetism; Quantum tunnelling and coherence; 
       Quantum information; Organic and organo-metallic materials.

3. Magnetic Structure and Dynamics
       Crystal field and anisotropy; Magnetic structure and spin waves; Dynamic phenomena; Electronic structure; 
       Magnetic interactions; Rare-earth and actinide magnetism; Transition metal alloys and compounds; 
       Spin glasses; Random magnets; Magnonic crystals.

4. Spin Electronics and Magneto-Transport 
       Magnetoresistance effects; Current induced magnetization reversal; Spin injection and accumulation; 
       Spin Hall effect, Magnetic Semiconductors; Optical properties; Quantum computation.

5. Nano-structure, Surfaces, and Interfaces
       Surfaces and interfaces; Films, multilayers and superlattices; Exchange interaction and anisotropy; 
       Spin dynamics, Patterned films; Nanoparticles; Nanowires and dots.

6. Soft and Hard Magnetic Materials
       Amorphous and nanocrystalline materials; Granular materials; Ferrites, garnets and microwave materials; 
       Permanent magnets; Magnetization processes; Magneto-elastic and magnetostrictive materials; 
       Modeling and simulations.

7. Applications 
       Magnetic sensors; Ferromagnetic shape-memory materials; Actuators and magnetic drives; Magnetic refrigeration; 
       Magnetic fluids; Magnetic separation and levitation.

8. Other Topics 
       Biomagnetics, Magnetism in medicine, Measuring techniques and instruments, Magnetic recording and memories.

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