Access and participation in the scientific network MAGELMET
(rules drafted and adopted by the local participants)
Access rules
- The network is open to institutions, research teams, research and development
institutes and other Polish and foreign legal persons carrying out scientific
research (theoretical or experimental) in the area of magnetoelectronics,
hereinafter referred to as network participants.
- Participation in the network shall be through thematic groups (created or
dissolved as the need arises).
- A new research group wishing to participate in the network shall be given an
associated participant status and may be accepted as a full member within six
months, following a positive decision of the network co-ordinating council
- Participation in the network "New materials for magnetoelectronics" shall not
preclude participation in other domestic or foreign networks.
Participation in the network activities (projects)
- Each network participant shall appoint a person responsible for regular
contacts with the network co-ordinator and a co-ordinator of a relevant thematic
- The network participant, through the person responsible for contacts with
the network, shall take part in all the procedures related to the functioning of
the network (such as determining the scope of the research, the timetable of the
events, the appointment of persons responsible for individual tasks etc.)
- The network participant shall be required to delegate a representative who
shall participate in annual meetings of the network participants and in thematic
workshops, in which the results of the research of each participant shall be
- The network participant shall be required to make available to other
participants the equipment in his possession, to organise traineeship programmes
and internship programmes for young researchers, to exchange information on
scientific events related to the subjects thematically covering the network
activities (projects) and to promote the research subjects pursued by the
network prticipants.
- The network participant may at any time leave the network at his own
request, and may also be subject to compulsory expulsion on justified grounds
(such as, eg. failure to participate actively in the research and organisational
works carried out within the network). Expulsion of a network participant shall
be made pursuant to a decision of the co-ordinating council(board) of the
- The representatives of the associated participant shall be obliged to
participate in the annual meetings of the network and the scientific
conferences/seminars organised by the network.
- The associated participant shall not have a right to participate in the
decision making process related to the decisions regarding the network.
Rules regarding the appointment of the network co-ordinators
- The institution co-ordinating the network is the Institute of Molecular
Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences ( IFM PAN).
- The network co-ordinator (a full-time employee of the co-ordinating
institution ) shall be appointed by the network founders (founding participants)
meeting for a 3-year term.
- The two deputies of the network co-ordinator shall be appointed at the request
of the network co-ordinator for a 3-year term.
- Network co-ordinators of the thematic groups (if such a need be) shall be
appointed by the network participants for a 3-year term.
- The network co-ordinator, his deputies and thematic group co-ordinators shall
constitute the co-ordinating council (board) of the network.
Responsibilities of the network co-ordinators
- The co-ordinating council (board) shall stimulate the co-operation of the
network participants and the creation of new research groups (ALBO:
identification of new research subjects/themes).
- The network co-ordinator shall represent the network (or shall appoint
persons to represent the network) before other thematic networks and scientific
- The netork co-ordinator, after consultation with the other members of the
co-ordinating council, shall assign the funds to be used for the realisation of
the network purposes.
- The network co-ordinator as well as the thematic group co-ordinators shall
organise scientific workshops, conferences and other meetings of the network
- The network co-ordinator shall secure access for the network participants to
information necessary for the realisation of the network purposes, and to
ensure the up-dating of the web sites of the network.
NOTE: Implementation of the above amendments in the rules shall require a
consent of the majority of the network participants.