The European Conference
June 23-27, 2014 Poznań, POLAND
The Conference PHYSICS OF MAGNETISM 2014 (PM'14) will be the fourteenth of the series organized, every three years since 1975, jointly by the Faculty of Physics of the Adam Mickiewicz University and the Institute of Molecular Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Poznań. The Conference is meant as an international forum for the presentation and discussion of novel scientific ideas, in a field of broadly understood magnetic phenomena (including new materials) with special emphasis on the following subjects:
- Strongly Correlated Electrons and High Temperature Superconductivity
- Quantum and Classical Spin Systems
- Magnetic Structure and Dynamics
- Spin Electronics and Magnetotransport
- Nanostructures, Surfaces and Interfaces
- Molecular Magnets
- Soft and Hard Magnetic Materials and Applications
The Conference proceedings containing plenary talks and selected papers will be published as a regular issue of Acta Physica Polonica A.