The European Conference
June 26-30, 2017 Poznań, POLAND
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Our Conference has been held in Poznań every three years since 1975. It is one of the largest and oldest Polish cities, the capital of the historic region of Wielkopolska (Great Poland),
where the Polish state came into being over one thousand years ago.
Historically, Poznań was mentioned for the first time in a 10th century chronicle (earliest document on Polish history) contemporaneous with establishment of the first Polish bishopric in 968. Today, Poznań is an important industrial, trade, cultural,
and academic centre.
Detailed information about Poznań is available under the following internet addresses:
- Discover Poznań (by Poznań City Hall)
- You Are In Poznań (Bulletin of Poznań City Hall)
- In Your Pocket - Poznań
Weather in Poznań: Weather Underground, WeatherOnline.
Information about Poznań in Wikipedia and in Wikitravel.