Instytut Fizyki Molekularnej Polskiej 
Akademii Nauk, ul. Mariana Smoluchowskiego 17, 60-179 Poznan Instytut Fizyki Molekularnej Polskiej Akademii Nauk, 
ul. Mariana Smoluchowskiego 17, 60-179 Poznan Polska Akademia Nauk

Konstantin V. Tretiakov

List of publications

66. K. W. Wojciechowski, J. Smardzewski, T. Strek, and K. V. Tretiakov
Computer Simulations of Poisson's Ratio of a Simple Periodic Model Structure of Cubic Symmetry - Comparison of Results Obtained by Different Methods
Computational Methods in Science and Technology 30(3-4), 63-67 (2024).

65. J. W. Narojczyk, J. Smardzewski, P. Kedziora, K. V. Tretiakov and K. W. Wojciechowski
Fine-Tuning of Elastic Properties by Modifying Ordering of Parallel Nanolayer Inclusions in Hard Sphere Crystals
Physica Status Solidi B 261, 2400529 (2024).

64. K. V. Tretiakov and K. Hyzorek
Strong Impact of Particle Size Polydispersity on the Thermal Conductivity of Yukawa Crystals
Materials 17, 4955 (2024).

63. J. W. Narojczyk, K. W. Wojciechowski, J. Smardzewski, and K. V. Tretiakov
Auxeticity Tuning by Nanolayer Inclusion Ordering in Hard Sphere Crystals
Materials 17, 4567 (2024).

62. K. V. Tretiakov and K. W. Wojciechowski
Determination of Elastic Moduli of the r-12 Soft Disk Crystal by the Minimum Image Method
Computational Methods in Science and Technology 30(1), 11-16 (2024).

61. J. W. Narojczyk, K. V. Tretiakov, J. Smardzewski, and K. W. Wojciechowski
Hardening of fcc hard-spheres crystals by introducing nanochannels: Auxetic aspects
Physical Review E 108, 045003 (2023).

60. K. V. Tretiakov, P. M. Piglowski and K. W. Wojciechowski
Auxeticity modifications and unit cell doubling in Yukawa fcc crystals with [001]-nanochannels filled by hard spheres
Smart Materials and Structures 32, 025008 (2023).

59. J. W. Narojczyk, K. V. Tretiakov and K. W. Wojciechowski
Poissn's Ratio of f.c.c. Hard-Spheres Crystals with Cubic Supercells Containing Four Nanochannels Filled by Hard Spheres of Another Diameter
Physica Status Solidi B 259(12), 2200464 (2022).

58. L. Smardzewski, L. Krzyzaniak, K. W. Wojciechowski, K. Pelinski, K. V. Tretiakov and J. W. Narojczyk
Bending Performance and Failure Behavior of Wooden Sandwich Panels with Corrugated Cores
Physica Status Solidi B 259(12), 2200423 (2022).

57. K. V. Tretiakov and K. W. Wojciechowski
Auxeticity and Its Pressure Dependence for Strongly Anisotropic Hard Cyclic Tetramers
Physica Status Solidi - Rapid Research Letters 16(12), 2200288 (2022).

56. K. V. Tretiakov, K. W. Wojciechowski, J. W. Narojczyk, and P. M. Piglowski
Poisson's Ratio of Yukawa Systems with Nanoinclusions: Nanochannel vs. Nanolayer
Computational Methods in Science and Technology 28(3), 81-85 (2022).

55. J. W. Narojczyk, K. V. Tretiakov and K. W. Wojciechowski
Rise of the Poisson's Ratio in f.c.c. Hard Sphere Crystals with the Narrowest Orthogonal Nanochannels Filled by Hard Spheres of Another Diameter
Computational Methods in Science and Technology 28(2), 61-75 (2022).

54. J. W. Narojczyk, K. V. Tretiakov and K. W. Wojciechowski
Partially Auxetic Properties of Face-Centered Cubic Hard-Spheres Crystals with Nanochannels of Different Sizes, Parallel to [001]-Direction and Filled by Other Hard Spheres
Physica Status Solidi B 259, 2200006 (2022).

53. K. V. Tretiakov and K. Hyzorek
Role of the phonon confinement effect and boundary scattering in reducing the thermal conductivity of argon nanowire
The Journal of Chemical Physics 154, 054702 (2021).

52. K. V. Tretiakov and K. W. Wojciechowski
Auxetic, Partially Auxetic, and Nonauxetic Bechaviour in 2D Crystals of Hard Cyclic Tetramers
Physica Status Solidi - Rapid Research Letters 14, 2000198 (2020).

51. K. V. Tretiakov and K. W. Wojciechowski
The Influance of the Soft Yukawa Potential and Hard Core Interactions on Auxeticity of the Face Centered Cubic Crystal of Hard-Core Repulsive Yukawa Particles
Physica Status Solidi B 257, 2000194 (2020).

50. K. Hyzorek, K. Ciesielczyk and K. V. Tretiakov
Determination of thermal conductivity coefficient by Green-Kubo formula using the minimum image method
Computational Methods in Science and Technology 25(2), 99-103 (2019).

49. J. W. Narojczyk, K. W. Wojciechowski, K. V. Tretiakov, J. Smardzewski, F. Scarpa, P. M. Piglowski, M. Kowalik, A. R. Imre, and M. Bilski
Auxetic Properties of a f.c.c. Crystal of Hard Spheres with an Array of [001]-Nanochannels Filled by Hard Spheres of Another Diameter
Physica Status Solidi B 256, 1800611 (2019).

48. K. V. Tretiakov, P. M. Piglowski, J. W. Narojczyk, M. Bilski and K. W. Wojciechowski
High Partial Auxeticity Induced by Nanochannels in [111]-Direction in a Simple Model with Yukawa Interactions
Materials 11, 2550 (2018).

47. S. Huda, B. Weigelin, K. Wolf, K. V. Tretiakov, K. Polev, G. Wilk, M. Iwasa, F. S. Emami, J. W. Narojczyk, M. Banaszak, S. Sohl, D. Pilans, A. Vahid, M. Makurath, P. Friedl, G. G. Borisy, K. Kandere-Grzybowska and B. A. Grzybowski
Levy-like movement patterns of metastatic cancer cells revealed in microfabricated systems and implicated in vivo
Nature Communications 9, 4539 (2018).

46. K. V. Tretiakov, P. M. Piglowski, J. W. Narojczyk and K. W. Wojciechowski
Selective enhancement of auxeticity through changing a diameter of nanochannels in Yukawa systems
Smart Materials and Structures 27, 115021 (2018).

45. P. M. Piglowski, J. W. Narojczyk, A. A. Pozniak, K. W. Wojciechowski, and K. V. Tretiakov
Auxeticity of Yukawa systems with nanolayers in the (111) crystallographic plane
Materials 10(11), 1338 (2017).

44. P. M. Piglowski, J. W. Narojczyk, K. W. Wojciechowski, and K. V. Tretiakov
Auxeticity enhancement due to size polydispersity fcc crystals of hard-core repulsive Yukawa particles
Soft Matter 13, 7916-7921 (2017).

43. K. V. Tretiakov, M. Bilski, and K. W. Wojciechowski
Maximum Poisson's ratios in planar isotropic crystals of binary hard discs at high pressures
Physica Status Solidi B 254, 1700543 (2017).

42. K. Hyzorek and K. V. Tretiakov
Limitations of Applicability of the Green-Kubo Approach for Calculating the Thermal Conductivity of a Confined Liquid in Computer Simulations
Computational Methods in Science and Technology 22(4), 197-200 (2016).

41. P. M. Piglowski, K. W. Wojciechowski, and K. V. Tretiakov
Partial auxeticity induced by nanoslits in the Yukawa crystal
Physica Status Solidi - Rapid Research Letters 10, 566-569 (2016).

40. K. Hyzorek and K. V. Tretiakov
Thermal conductivity of liquid argon in nanochannels from molecular dynamics simulations
The Journal of Chemical Physics 144, 194507 (2016).

39. K. V. Tretiakov, P. M. Piglowski, K. Hyzorek and K. W. Wojciechowski
Enhanced auxeticity in Yukawa systems due to introduction of nanochannels in [001]-direction
Smart Materials and Structures 25, 054007 (2016).

38. J. W. Narojczyk, P. M. Piglowski, K. W. Wojciechowski, and K. V. Tretiakov
Elastic properties of mono- and polydisperse two-dimensional crystals of hard-core repulsive Yukawa particles
Physica Status Solidi B 252, 1508-1513 (2015).

37. K. V. Tretiakov and K. W. Wojciechowski
Quick and accurate estimation of the elastic constants using the minimum image method
Computer Physics Communications 189, 77-83 (2015).

36. K. V. Tretiakov and K. W. Wojciechowski
Partially auxetic behavior in fcc crystals of hard-core repulsive Yukawa particles
Physica Status Solidi B 251, 383-387 (2014).

35. K. V. Tretiakov, I. Szleifer, and B. A. Grzybowski
The Rate of Energy Dissipation Determines Probabilities of Non-equilibrium Assemblies
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 52, 10304-10308 (2013).

34. K. V. Tretiakov and K. W. Wojciechowski
Elastic properties of fcc crystals of polydisperse soft spheres
Physica Status Solidi B 250, 2020-2029 (2013).

33. K. V. Tretiakov and K. W. Wojciechowski
Free Volume Approximation and Equation of State for the fcc Phase of Polydisperse Hard Spheres
Computational Methods in Science and Technology 19(1), 59-64 (2013).

32. B. A. Grzybowski, B. Kowalczyk, I. Lagzi, D. Wang, K. V. Tretiakov, and D. A. Walker
Inorganic salts direct the assembly of charged nanoparticles into composite nanoscopic spheres, plates, or needles
Faraday Discussions 159, 201 (2012).

31. K. V. Tretiakov and K. W. Wojciechowski
Elasticity of two-dimensional crystals of polydisperse hard disks near close packing: Surprising behavior of the Poisson's ratio
The Journal of Chemical Physics 136, 204506 (2012).

30. P. Kolat, B. T. Maruszewski, K. V. Tretiakov, and K. W. Wojciechowski
Solitary waves in auxetic rods
Physica Status Solidi B 248, 148 (2011).

29. M. Kowalik, K. V. Tretiakov, and K. W. Wojciechowski
On Relative Stability of Selected Hard Tetramer Solids
Computational Methods in Science and Technology 16(2), 141-146 (2010).

28. H. Nakanishi, K. J. M. Bishop, B. Kowalczyk, A. Nitzan, E. A. Weiss, K. V. Tretiakov, M. M. Apodaca, R. Klajn, J. F. Stoddart, and B. A. Grzybowski
Photoconductance and inverse photoconductance in films of functionalized metal nanoparticles
Nature 460, 371-375 (2009).

27. K. V. Tretiakov
Negative Poisson's ratio of two-dimensional hard cyclic tetramers
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 355, 1435 (2009)

26. T. Strek, P. Kedziora, B. Maruszewski, A. Pozniak, K. V. Tretiakov, and K. W. Wojciechowski
Finite element analysis of auxetic obstacle deformation and fluid flow in a channel
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 355, 1387 (2009)

25. K. V. Tretiakov, K. J. M. Bishop, and B. A. Grzybowski
Additivity of the excess energy dissipation rate in a dynamically self-assembled system
Journal of Physical Chemistry B 113, 7574 (2009)

24. K. V. Tretiakov, K. J. M. Bishop, B. Kowalczyk, A. Jaiswal, M. A. Poggi, and B. A. Grzybowski
Mechanism of the Cooperative Adsorption of Oppositely Charged Nanoparticles
Journal of Physical Chemistry A 113, 3799 (2009)

23. K. V. Tretiakov, K. J. M. Bishop, and B. A. Grzybowski
On the dependence between forces and dissipation rates mediating Dynamic Self-Assembly
Soft Matter 5, 1279 (2009)

22. K. V. Tretiakov and K. W. Wojciechowski
Poisson's ratio of binary and polydisperse soft disk crystals
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 354, 4484 (2008)

21. K. V. Tretiakov and K. W. Wojciechowski
Elastic properties of soft sphere crystal from Monte Carlo simulations
Journal of Physical Chemistry B 112, 1699 (2008)

20. K. V. Tretiakov and K. W. Wojciechowski
Elastic properties of soft disk crystals
Reviews on Advanced Materials Science 14, 104 (2007)

19. K. V. Tretiakov and K. W. Wojciechowski
Poisson's ratio of a soft sphere system
Materials Science - Poland 25, 541 (2007)

18. K. V. Tretiakov and K. W. Wojciechowski
Poisson's ratio of simple planar "isotropic" solids in two dimensions
Physica Status Solidi B 244, 1038 (2007)

17. K. V. Tretiakov and K. W. Wojciechowski
Elastic properties of degenerate crystalline phase of two-dimensional hard dimers
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 352, 4221 (2006)

16. C. R. Miranda, K. V. Tretiakov and S. Scandolo
A computational study of elastic properties of disordered systems with voids
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 352, 4283 (2006)

15. K. V. Tretiakov and K. W. Wojciechowski
Poisson's ratio of the fcc hard spheres at high densities
The Journal of Chemical Physics 123, 074509 (2005)

14. K. V. Tretiakov and K. W. Wojciechowski
Monte Carlo simulation of two-dimentional hard body systems with extreme values of the Poisson's ratio
Physica Status Solidi B 242, 730 (2005)

13. K. V. Tretiakov and S. Scandolo
Thermal conductivity of solid argon at high pressure and high temperature: a molecular dynamics study
The Journal of Chemical Physics 121, 11177 (2004)

12. K. V. Tretiakov and S. Scandolo
Thermal conductivity of solid argon from molecular dynamics simulations
The Journal of Chemical Physics 120, 3765 (2004)

11. K. W. Wojciechowski, K. V. Tretiakov, A. C. Branka, and M. Kowalik
Elastic properties of two-dimensional hard disks in the close-packing limit
The Journal of Chemical Physics 119, 939 (2003)

10. K. W. Wojciechowski, K. V. Tretiakov, and M. Kowalik
Elastic properties of dense solid phases of cyclic pentamers and heptamers in two dimensions
Physical Review E 67, 036121 (2003)

9. K. W. Wojciechowski and K. V. Tretiakov
Elastic properties of the f.c.c. hard sphere crystal free of defects
Computational Methods in Science and Technology 8, 84 (2002)

8. K. V. Tretiakov and K. W. Wojciechowski
Orientational transition between isotropic crystalline phases in planar systems of hard cyclic pentamers and heptamers
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 14, 1261 (2002)

7. K. V. Tretiakov and K. W. Wojciechowski
Elastic properties of the rectangular crystalline phase of planar hard cyclic pentamers
Task Quarterly 5, 331 (2001)

6. K. W. Wojciechowski and K. V. Tretiakov
Elastic constants of dense crystalline phases of two-dimensional hard cyclic heptamers
Computational Methods in Science and Technology 6, 101 (2000)

5. K. V. Tretiakov and K. W. Wojciechowski
Efficient Monte Carlo simulations using a shuffled nesteed Weyl sequence random number generator
Physical Review E 60, 7626 (1999)

4. K. W. Wojciechowski and K. V. Tretiakov
Computer simulation of elastic properties of solids under pressure
Computer Physics Communications 121-122, 528 (1999)

3. K. W. Wojciechowski and K. V. Tretiakov
Monte Carlo simulations of the hard square-triangle fluid close to melting
Computational Methods in Science and Technology 3, 63 (1997)

2. K. V. Tretiakov and K. W. Wojciechowski
Pseudorandom number generators
Pro Dialog 5, 97 (1997) (in Polish)

1. K. W. Wojciechowski and K. V. Tretiakov
Determination of elastic constants by Monte Carlo simulations
Computational Methods in Science and Technology 1, 25 (1996)

Last Update: November 2024