News archive

"Fizyka Warta Poznania" under the patronage of MENSA

Mensa Polska

Open lectures “Fizyka Warta Poznania” organized by IFM PAN obtained the prestigious patronage of MENSA.

This patronage is an appreciation for the work of the speakers from IFM PAN and recognition of the quality of the lectures.

MENSA is the largest and oldest non-profit organization associating people with a high IQ. It was founded in 1946 by British scientist and lawyer Lancelot Ware and Australian lawyer Roland Berrill. MENSA brings together national associations, including MENSA Poland.

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Minister's award for scientists from IFM PAN

Dzień Nauki Polskiej

Prof. Zbigniew Trybuła, Prof. Wojciech Kempiński and MSc Małgorzata Trybuła, were honored with the prestigious award of the Minister of Science and Education for significant achievements in the field of didactic activity in 2020.

The award is an expression of recognition for educational activities during a special Jubilee Session "Hel in Odolanów - science, industry, education", dedicated to the memory of Professor Jan Stankowski and being a culmination of 35 years of the Scientific Workshop "Summer with Helium".

The Minister's awards for significant achievements in the field of scientific, didactic, implementation and organizational activities as well as for the overall achievements are announced annually on the Polish Science Day, 19 February. 

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Wykłady otwarte laureatów nagród PTF

W najbliższą sobotę, 19.12., dwaj Laureaci tegorocznych nagród PTF wygłoszą okolicznościowe wykłady otwarte dostępne na kanale youtube. Będą to:

1. Otwarty wykład Laureata Nagrody Naukowej PTF im. Wojciecha Rubinowicza prof. dr hab. inż. Dariusza Kaczorowskiego z Instytutu Niskich Temperatur i Badań Strukturalnych PAN we Wrocławiu na temat "Anomalny transport elektronowy w izolatorach i semimetalach topologicznych" (początek o godz. 13:00)

2. Otwarty wykład Laureata Nagrody PTF za rozprawę doktorską dr. inż. Krzysztofa Ptaszyńskiego z Instytutu Fizyki Molekularnej w Poznaniu na temat "Termodynamika nierównowagowa układów kropek kwantowych" (początek o godz. 14:00).

Transmisja wykładów na Youtube będzie dostępna w kanale:

Źródło: PTF

Nomination for the Polish Intelligent Development Award

Nominowacja do Polskiej Nagrody Inteligentnego Rozwoju

MSc. eng. Sylwia Zięba was nominated for the Polish Intelligent Development Award "Scientist of Future 2021" in the category of Science and Technology for an innovative future for the research project "Influence of temperature and pressure on the helical network of hydrogen bonds of new solid electrolytes".

Nominations for the Polish Intelligent Development Award are granted to people setting trends in intelligent and sustainable development, having a significant impact on the changing market.

The organizer of the Award is the Center for Intelligent Development, and the partner of the Award is Silesian Center for Ethics in Business and Sustainable Development at the Silesian University of Technology.

Congratulations to Msc. eng. Sylwia Zięba!


Employees of IMP PAS awarded by the Polish Physical Society

Polish Physical Society

The Polish Physical Society (PPS) has awarded two of our employees for their outstanding scientific achievements:

The Wojciech Rubinowicz Scientific Award of the PPS was awarded to Prof. dr hab. inż. Dariusz Kaczorowski (submitted by the Wrocław Branch of the PPS) for his outstanding contribution to the discovery of topologically protected non-trivial electronic states in model semimetallic materials.

The PPS award for the doctoral dissertation went to Dr. inż. Krzysztof Ptaszyński for the dissertation entitled "Nonequilibrium statistical physics of quantum dot systems: current fluctuations and thermodynamics of information flow".

Congratulations to our winners!

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