News archive

Researchers’ Night 2024

Noc Naukowców 2024

On September 27, we invite you to the Institute of Molecular Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences for the next edition of the “Researchers’ Night”. This unique event brings the world of science closer to anyone curious about the surrounding world and wants to discover its mysteries in an inspiring way. This year, we have prepared fascinating demonstrations, workshops, lectures, and interactive experiments from various areas of physics. This is a great opportunity to bring together scientists and people who don’t engage with scientific work in their daily lives. The event is open to everyone, regardless of age – children are welcome under adult supervision! This night will be full of inspiration and discoveries!

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Patent for the separation of the helium-3 isotope

Urząd Patentowy Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej

On the basis of the application No. P.439502, the Patent Office of the Republic of Poland has granted a patent to the Polish Oil and Gas Company-Odolanów Branch, the Institute of Molecular Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the Wrocław University of Science and Technology. The patent is for an invention entitled "Method of separating liquid or gas in a rectification installation, backfilling the rectification shelf and using superconducting materials".

The co-authors of the patent from our Institute are: Prof. Dr. hab. Wojciech Kempiński, Prof. Dr. hab. Zbigniew Trybuła, Dr. Jakub Niechciał, and Dr. Piotr Banat.

Patent document.

New scientific projects financed by the National Science Centre

We are pleased to announce that two of our employees were among the winners of the SONATA-19 competition, which is aimed at scientists with a doctoral degree obtained up to 7 years before the year of submitting the grant application:

  • Dr. Eng. Krzysztof Ptaszyński:
    "Nonequilibrium phase transitions, synchronization and chaos in thermodynamically consistent models" (funding: 1 201 820 PLN) – 
    read more,

  • Dr. Krzysztof Wójcik:
    The theory of surface quantum criticality" (funding: 864 492 PLN) – read more.

Both grant applications were evaluated within the section of ST (Science and Engineering) in the ST3 panel (Condensed Phase Physics). In this panel, out of 25 submitted applications, 5 received funding from the National Science Centre.

We congratulate the winners and wish them further successes in implementing their projects.


Professor nomination at IFM PAN

We are happy to announce that Dr. hab. Konstantin Tretiakov, prof. IMP PAS, by the decision of the President of the Republic of Poland, received the title of professor of natural sciences in the discipline of physical sciences.

We congratulate the Professor on his promotion and wish him many further scientific successes!

The Institute organizes the first Hydrogen Exhibition in Poland

Wystawa Wodorowa

From March 16 until June 15, 2024, the Hydrogen Exhibition organized by our Institute was opened at the Poznań International Fair. This is the first exhibition of this type in Poland open to the general public. The aim of the project is to build a bridge between science and society in the context of the role of hydrogen in industry and the economy and to raise awareness of its importance in a "green" and sustainable future. Over 200 square meters of exhibition space contains a wealth of information and exhibits, thanks to which exhibition visitors have access to reliable and up-to-date knowledge and can see why the energy transformation is so important for the security of our planet. As a part of the event, an information and consultation point was also created with access to the opinions of experts in the field of hydrogen.


We support Poznań Science Slam

Poznań Science Slam 2024

On April 20, the "Poznań Science Slam 2024" conference will be held at the Biocentre of the Poznań University of Life Sciences. This event will enable science enthusiasts and young science students from all over Poland to develop their interests and create a unique opportunity to present their own research, analyses and innovations.

The Institute of Molecular Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences took honorary patronage over this unique conference. The winner of the main prize will be able to complete a research internship at our Institute, and another outstanding speaker - as part of our special award - will be able to take part in this year's Scientific Workshops "Summer with Helium".

We wish all conference speakers successful speeches.

New scientific activities at IMP PAS

National Science Centre

In the last quarter of this year, two scientific activities have received funding from the National Science Centre under the MINIATURA competition. The originators and implementers of these projects are:

  • Dr. Eng. Roman Strzelczyk:
    "Explanation of the origin of triplet centres in glassy carbons using low-temperature electron paramagnetic resonance studies" (implementation period: 12 months)
  • Dr. Eng. Adam Mizera:
    "Research on carbon nanocomposites of quantum dots with conductive polymers for applications in electrochemical supercapacitors" (implementation period: 12 months).

In the first case, the scientific activity involves conducting preliminary research, while in the second one – a research internship is organised.

We congratulate the beneficiaries on their success and wish them good luck in implementing their projects.

New projects of IMP PAS financed by MEiN

Ministerstwo Edukacji i Nauki

We are pleased to announce that two science popularisation activities conducted at our Institute have received funding from the Minister of Education and Science under the "Social Responsibility of Science" program. The funding covered:

  • a series of lectures entitled"Fizyka Warta Poznania" (coordinator: Dr. hab. Maria Pugaczowa-Michalska; funding amount: 93,360 PLN; implementation period: 2 years) which has been run by our employees since 2019;
  • a campaign called "Hydrogen – scientists' response to energy, climate and environmental challenges" (coordinator: Dr. Eng. Łukasz Lindner; funding amount: 362,934 PLN; implementation period: 1 year) which is undertaken to popularise topics related to hydrogen technologies.

Congratulations to the coordinators and all persons involved in the implementation of these projects.

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