Institute of Molecular Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences

Scientific Computing Laboratory

  • Maintenance of the local computer network and ensuring uninterrupted Internet access,
  • Supply of network services in accordance to the needs of the scientific departments of the Institute, as well as maintenance and development of the local network infrastructure,
  • Maintenance of computational clusters, installation of operating systems and selected application software,
  • Providing assistance in choosing hardware - laptops, workstations and compute servers - according to the tasks planned in the scientific departments. Arranging purchases of equipment and software and then installing, configuration and deployment.
  • IT support of scientific conferences organized by the Institute,
  • General IT support to the scientific and administrative staff.

Tło strony

Żel fizyczny utworzony przez żelator methyl-4,6-O-(p-nitrobenzylidene)-α-D-glukopyranozę z butanolem w stężeniu 2%, obraz z polaryzacyjnego mikroskopu optycznego