The European Conference
June 23-27, 2014 Poznań, POLAND
PM'14 Best Poster Award
Three PM’14 Poster Prizes for young scientists will be awarded for the best poster presentations. During the poster sessions of the conference, a scientific jury consisting of distinguished scientists will select the winning posters. Candidates will be judged on the quality of the content and its presentation including the presenter’s ability to convey the research and its results to the poster audience. Only posters which summarize the results of the papers submitted for publication in the Conference Proceedings will be considered in the evaluation process.
The winners will be announced at the Closing Ceremony. The Awards will comprise the certificates and monetary prizes of 250 EUR for the First Award, 150 EUR for the Second Award, and 100 EUR for the Third Award. The First Award is sponsored by the European Physical Society, the Second and Third Awards by Polish Physical Society and Sumitomo (SHI) Cryogenics of Europe GmbH. The winners will also receive book awards funded by ABE-IPS Sp. z o.o.
Additionally, two prizes for oral presentations will be awarded, for the first time, at the current edition of the conference:
PM'14 Best Oral Presentation
The prize of 250 EUR is funded by PM’14 and Sumitomo (SHI) Cryogenics of Europe GmbH.
PM'14 Best Oral Presentation By Young Experimentalist
This prize amounts to 250 EUR and is sponsored by American Elements.