The European Conference
June 26-30, 2017 Poznań, POLAND
PM'17 Best Poster Awards
Three prizes will be awarded to the registered young scientists, i.e. PhD students and postdocs, presenting the best posters. During the poster sessions, the jury will choose the winning posters, assessing the quality of the content and its presentation, both on paper and by the presenting author. Only the posters corresponding to manuscripts submitted for publication in the Conference Proceedings will be considered in the evaluation process. The winners will be announced during the Closing Ceremony. The awards will comprise certificates and the following monetary prizes:
- First Poster Prize of 200 Euro (sponsored by the European Physical Society, only the PhD students are eligible)
- Second Prize of 150 Euro
- Third Prize of 100 Euro
PM'17 Best Oral Presentation Awards
Three prizes for the best oral presentations by young scientists will be awarded, according to the similar rules. The monetary prizes will be of the same value as above. All young scientists are eligible.
The prizes were financed by the European Physical Society, Cryo-Tech International, IRtech Sp. z o.o., ABE-IPS Sp. z o.o. and PM'17.
Awards Jury
B. Tsukerblat, Beer Sheva, Israel (chairman)
- B. Dąbrowski, DeKalb, USA
- G. Kamieniarz, Poznań, Poland
- J. Dubowik, Poznań, Poland
- J. Rusz, Uppsala, Sweden
- D. Kaczorowski, Wrocław, Poland