The European Conference
June 28 - July 2, 2021 Poznań, POLAND
Conference is over. Poster submission is closed.
Accepted abstracts
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Please proof read your published abstracts. If necessary, send us the corrected version by email, before May 28th.
Lp. | Name | Presenting Author | Presentation number | Title | |
1 | Krzysztof Ptaszyński | K. Ptaszyński | Y&B session Y-4-01 | Quantum thermodynamics with nanospintronic devices | |
2 | Börge Göbel | Börge Göbel | Y&B session Y-3-02 | Beyond skyrmions: Alternative magnetic nano-objects for spintronics | |
3 | Hariom Jani | Hariom Jani | Y&B session Y-3-03 | Discovery and control of room-temperature antiferromagnetic topological textures | |
4 | Michael Heigl | Michael Heigl | Y&B session Y-3-04 | Dipolar-stabilized first and second-order antiskyrmions in ferrimagnetic multilayers | |
5 | Andrew Ross | A. Ross | Y&B session Y-3-05 | Control and understanding of magnon transport in insulating antiferromagnets | |
6 | Anna Francuz | A. Francuz | Y&B session Y-2-06 | Determining topological order with tensor networks | |
7 | Marta Roman | Marta Roman | Y&B session Y-1-07 | Interplay between multiple charge density waves and magnetic states in $R$NiC$_2$ compounds | |
8 | Krzysztof Szulc | K. Szulc | Y&B session Y-3-08 | Multilayered spin-wave devices based on transmission and resonance phenomena | |
9 | Giuseppe Cuono | G. Cuono | Y&B session Y-3-09 | Magnetic phases in the quasi-one dimensional A$_{2}$Cr$_{3}$As$_{3}$ (A=Na, K, Rb, Cs) superconductors | |
10 | Rafael Vieira | R. Martinho Vieira | Y&B session Y-7-10 | First-principles approach to calculate entropy in magnetocaloric materials. | |
11 | Simone Koecher | S. Köcher | oral O-6-01 | Computationally Driven Evaluation of Magnetocrystalline Anisotropy | |
12 | Bernadeta Dobosz | B. Dobosz | oral O-8-01 | ESR (Electron Spin Resonance) method to control the interaction of magnetic nanoparticles with cells | |
13 | Jacek Dziarmaga | Jacek Dziarmaga | oral O-2-01 | Tensor network study of the $m=1/2$ magnetization plateau in the Shastry-Sutherland model at finite temperature | |
14 | Tianping Ma | Tianping Ma | oral O-3-01 | Magnetic antiskyrmions in tetragonal Heusler materials with D\textsubscript{2d} symmetry | |
15 | Bivas Rana | B. Rana | oral O-5-01 | Nonlinear control of damping constant by electric field in ultrathin ferromagnetic films | |
16 | Jarosław Juraszek | Jarosław Juraszek | oral O-1-01 | Non-saturating lower critical field of the multiband superconductor PrOs$_{4}$Sb$_{12}$ with broken\,time-reversal\,symmetry | |
17 | Piotr Rzeszut | Piotr Rzeszut | oral O-7-01 | Neuromorphic computing architecture based on serially connected magnetic tunnel junctions | |
18 | Michał Ślęzak | M. Ślęzak | oral O-5-02 | Resolving the Spin Structure of Antiferromagnets in SOLARIS | |
19 | Dorota Gotfryd | D. Gotfryd | oral O-2-02 | Spin-orbital entanglement in magnetic quantum materials | |
20 | Michał Jurczyszyn | M. Jurczyszyn | oral O-8-02 | Distribution of Mn dopants in Bi$_2$Se$_3$ single crystals | |
21 | Christian Holzmann | Christian Holzmann | oral O-6-02 | Perpendicular magnetic anisotropy in TmIG and GdIG thin films | |
22 | Maciej Fidrysiak | M. Fidrysiak | oral O-1-02 | A unified microscopic description of paramagnon and plasmon excitations in hole-doped high-$T_c$ cuprates | |
23 | Mario Fix | Mario Fix | oral O-4-02 | Magnetically switchable ultrafast spintronic THz emitters | |
24 | Mehran Mirzaei | Mehran Mirzaei | oral O-7-02 | An eddy current speed sensor for rectangular bars | |
25 | Matthias Küß | M. Küß | oral O-3-02 | Nonreciprocal magnetoacoustic surface waves in a dipolar coupled ferromagnetic bilayer | |
26 | Adolfo Avella | Adolfo Avella | oral O-1-03 | Defects, Disorder, and Spin-Orbital Polarons in Orbital Degenerate, Doped Mott Insulators | |
27 | Alexander Mook | Alexander Mook | oral O-2-03 | Interaction-stabilized topological magnon insulator in honeycomb ferromagnets | |
28 | Rafał Bielas | R. Bielas | oral O-7-03 | The influence of particle shell on magnetic heating in Pickering emulsions | |
29 | Qi Wang | Qi Wang | oral O-3-03 | Nanoscale magnonic devices | |
30 | Maciej Chrobak | M. Chrobak | oral O-4-03 | Nontrivial topology of Mg- and Fe-doped single-crystalline Bi$_2$Se$_3$ studied by Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations | |
31 | Tomasz Polak | Tomasz Polak | oral O-8-03 | Coexistence of two kinds of superfluidity in Bose-Hubbard model with density-induced tunneling | |
32 | Wojciech Marciniak | W. Marciniak | oral O-6-03 | Magnetic properties of carbon-doped Fe$_{1-x}$Co$_{x}$ supercells studied by conformation space mapping | |
33 | Anastasios Markou | Anastasios Markou | oral O-5-03 | Topological Hall effect in tetragonal Heusler thin films | |
34 | Krzysztof Wohlfeld | Krzysztof Wohlfeld | oral O-1-04 | Revisiting the problem of the single hole in an antiferromagnet | |
35 | Jiri Chaloupka | J. Chaloupka | oral O-2-04 | Towards Kitaev Spin Liquid in 3$\boldsymbol{d}$ Transition Metal Compounds | |
36 | Nicholas Sedlmayr | N. Sedlmayr | oral O-4-04 | Spin Orbit Torque in Quantum Well Edges | |
37 | Paweł Gruszecki | P. Gruszecki | oral O-3-04 | Magnon Scattering by a Driven Space-Time Magnonic Crystal | |
38 | Domański Tadeusz | T. Domański | oral O-5-04 | Unconventional transition to topological superconductivity in a self-organized magnetic ladder | |
39 | Robin Neumann | Robin R. Neumann | oral O-3-05 | Orbital Magnetic Moment of Magnons | |
40 | Wojciech Brzezicki | W. Brzezicki | oral O-5-05 | Weak antilocalization and one-dimensional topological states in the layered SnTe systems | |
41 | Bartlomiej Wiendlocha | B. Wiendlocha | oral O-1-05 | Superconductivity in noncentrosymmetric ThCoC$_2$ and the effect of Ni doping | |
42 | Lingjia Shen | L. Shen | oral O-6-05 | Microscopic Mechanism of the Exchange Bias in Mn$_{50}$Ni$_{40-x}$Sn$_{10+x}$: a Small-Angle Neutron Scattering Study | |
43 | Piotr Trocha | Piotr Trocha | oral O-4-05 | Nagaoka ferromagnetism in spin-polarized transport through quadruple quantum dot system | |
44 | Barbier Maxime | M.Barbier | oral O-3-06 | Mo4Ce4Al7C3: A nanolamellar ferromagnetic Kondo lattice | |
45 | Sebastian A. Diaz | S. A. Díaz | oral O-2-06 | Chiral Hinge Magnons in Second-Order Topological Magnon Insulators | |
46 | Krychowski | Krychowski | oral O-1-06 | Transport through strongly correlated triple quantum dot | |
47 | Sukanta Kumar Jena | Sukanta Kumar Jena | oral O-5-06 | Magnetic domain structure and interfacial Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction in the epitaxial W/Co/Pt multilayers | |
48 | Damian Tomaszewski | D. Tomaszewski | oral O-4-06 | Kondo effect in the presence of the spin accumulation and non-equilibrium spin currents | |
49 | Andrzej Musiał | Andrzej Musiał | oral O-6-06 | Deeper insight into crystal structure and magnetic properties of (Fe$_{0.7}$Co$_{0.3}$)$_2$B alloys with 5\textit{d} atom substitutions | |
50 | Jakub Kaczkowski | J. Kaczkowski | oral O-1-07 | Cation ordering in Bi-based double perovskites: a density functional analysis | |
51 | Gabriela Wójtowicz | G. Wójtowicz | oral O-5-07 | Towards efficient simulations of quantum transport with open--system tensor networks | |
52 | Sarah Heidtfeld | S. Heidtfeld | oral O-4-07 | Generation of Terahertz Transients from Co$_2$Fe$_{0.4}$Mn$_{0.6}$Si Heusler alloy/ Heavy-Metal Bilayers | |
53 | Imre Hagymasi | Imre Hagymási | oral O-2-07 | Possible Inversion Symmetry Breaking in the $S = 1 / 2$ Pyrochlore Heisenberg Magnet | |
54 | Gabriel Chaves | Gabriel D. Chaves-O'Flynn | oral O-3-07 | String Method Exploration of the Energy Landscape in Perpendicularly Magnetized Nanodisks with Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Interaction | |
55 | Hai Zhong | H. Zhong | oral O-3-08 | Quantitative imaging of antiferromagnetic spin cycloidal textures on strain engineered $\rm BiFeO_{3}$ thin films with a scanning nitrogen-vacancy magnetometer | |
56 | Aritra Sinha | A. Sinha | oral O-2-08 | Quantized Bubble Nucleation | |
57 | Carmine Autieri | C. Autieri | oral O-5-08 | Berry phase engineering at oxide interfaces | |
58 | Piotr Busz | P. Busz | oral O-4-08 | The controlled electrical manipulation of the quantum dot spin detectable in the dc electron transport. | |
59 | Francisco Meirinhos | Francisco Meirinhos | oral O-1-09 | Time evolution of terahertz-pumped heavy-fermion systems | |
60 | Piotr Kozłowski | P. Kozłowski | oral O-2-09 | Modeling of electronic and magnetic properties of mixed-valence polyoxovanadate molecular magnets. | |
61 | Alexander Shick | A. B. Shick | oral O-5-09 | Electronic structure and magnetic properties of Dy-doped Bi$_2$Te$_3$ | |
62 | Krzysztof Grochot | K.Grochot | oral O-4-09 | Current-Induced Magnetization Switching of Exchange-Biased NiO Heterostructures Characterized by Spin-Orbit Torque | |
63 | Ewa Młyńczak | E. Młyńczak | oral O-3-09 | Electronic structure of Fe(001) with symmetry breaking due to the magnetization direction | |
64 | Evangelos Almpanis | E. Almpanis | oral O-4-10 | Micron-sized spherical optomagnonic resonators | |
65 | Christian Martens | Christian Martens | oral O-1-10 | Non-equilibrium dynamics of stripes in cuprate superconductors | |
66 | Radovan Vranik | R. Vranik | oral O-2-10 | Stable Organic Radicals On Metal Substrates Studied by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy | |
67 | Vinayak Shantaram Bhat | V. Bhat | oral O-3-10 | Direct Observation of Magnon Modes in Kagome Artificial Spin Ice with Topological Defects | |
68 | Archana Mishra | A. Mishra | oral O-5-10 | Yu-Shiba-Rusinov Qubit | |
69 | Jozef Strečka | J. Strečka | oral O-2-11 | Influence of a spatial anisotropy on presence of the intermediate one-half magnetization plateau of spin-1/2 Ising-Heisenberg branched chain | |
70 | Krzysztof Wójcik | Krzysztof P. Wójcik | oral O-1-11 | Multiple quantum phase transtitons in low-bandwidth two-impurity Kondo systems | |
71 | Ryszard Gieniusz | Ryszard Gieniusz | oral O-3-11 | Hysteresis of the frequency spin wave excitations in Ir/Co/Pt mutlilayers with Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction | |
72 | Piotr Bogusławski | P. Bogusławski | oral O-4-11 | Transition metal ions in ZnO: theory of the $s,p-d$ exchange coupling | |
73 | Maciej Wiesner | M. Wiesner | oral O-5-11 | Electron-phonon coupling in the copper intercalated Bi$_2$Se$_3$ hybrid devices. | |
74 | Karol Szałowski | K. Szałowski | oral O-2-12 | Two-spin and multi-spin quantum entanglement in V12 polyoxovanadate molecular nanomagnet | |
75 | Marcin Bialek | Marcin Bialek | oral O-3-12 | Strong coupling of antiferromagnetic resonance to sub-tehahertz cavity fields | |
76 | Marvin Lenk | Marvin Lenk | oral O-1-12 | Dynamical properties of topological Kondo insulators | |
77 | Michał Grzybowski | M. J. Grzybowski | oral O-4-12 | Antiferromagnetic Hysteresis above the Spin Flop Field | |
78 | Katarina Karlova | Katarína Karl'ová | oral O-2-13 | Effect of uniaxial single-ion anisotropy on a stability of intermediate magnetization plateaus of a spin-1 Heisenberg diamond cluster | |
79 | Dr. Vladislav Borisov | V. Borisov | oral O-3-13 | Magnetic interactions and excitations in high-T$_c$ three-dimensional Slater insulator NaOsO$_3$ | |
80 | Kamil Nowak | Kamil Nowak | oral O-5-13 | Surface electronic structure of magnetically doped topological insulators studied by means of STM and STS | |
81 | Andrzej Wisniewski | A. Wisniewski | oral O-1-13 | Impact of pressure on the Griffiths phase and exchange-bias in the disordered cobaltite Gd$_{0.5}$Sr$_{0.5}$CoO$_{3-\delta}$ | |
82 | Sławomir Ziętek | Sławomir Ziętek | oral O-4-13 | PyMag - macrospin modeling tool for spintronics applications | |
83 | Robert Pelka | R. Pełka | oral O-2-14 | Towards rationalizing photoswitchable behavior of Cu$^{\mathrm{II}}_{2}$Mo$^{\mathrm{IV}}$ cyanido-bridged molecule | |
84 | Ramon Cardias | R. Cardias | oral O-3-14 | New insights on the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction | |
85 | Xiaodong Zhang | X. Zhang | oral O-1-14 | \textbf{Tuning the tilting of the spiral plane by Mn doping in YBaCuFeO$_5$ multiferroic} | |
86 | Stanisław Łazarski | Stanisław Łazarski | oral O-4-14 | Spin-orbit torque induced magnetisation dynamics and switching in CoFeB/Ta/CoFeB system with mixed magnetic anisotropy | |
87 | Hubert Głowiński | H. Głowiński | oral O-5-14 | The relation between the ratio of orbital to spin magnetic moment and anisotropy of Au/CoFeB/Au and Au/CoFe/Au thin films | |
88 | Jannis Willwater | J. Willwater | oral O-2-15 | Exotic magnetization plateau in the S=1/2 kagome candidate Y$_\mathbf{3}$Cu$_\mathbf{9}$(OH)$_\mathbf{{19}}$Cl$_\mathbf{8}$ | |
89 | Jan Kisielewski | J. Kisielewski | oral O-3-15 | Magnetic ordering in single films and multilayers with Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction, influenced by static and dynamic magnetic field. | |
90 | Piotr Stefański | Piotr Stefański | oral O-1-15 | Majorana states in $1D$-topological superconductor with on-site Coulomb interactions | |
91 | Alberto Calloni | A. Calloni | oral O-5-15 | Elucidating the magnetic behaviour of metastable Fe/Ni layers grown on top of the oxygen-reconstructed Fe(001) surface | |
92 | Anna Krzyżewska | A. Krzyżewska | oral O-4-15 | Selected transport phenomena induced by cubic forms of spin-orbit interaction in 2D structures | |
93 | Konrad Jerzy Kapcia | Konrad J. Kapcia | oral O-1-16 | Extended Falicov-Kimball Model: Rigorous Analytic Solution in Large Dimensions | |
94 | Leonie Heinze | L. Heinze | oral O-2-16 | Magnetism of single-crystalline clinoatacamite, Cu$_2$Cl(OH)$_3$, a distorted antiferromagnetic kagome compound | |
95 | Alexandra Domozhirova | A.N. Domozhirova | oral O-4-16 | Electronic transport and optical properties of WTe$_2$ single crystal | |
96 | Simon Streib | S. Streib | oral O-3-16 | Local spin Hamiltonians in ab initio spin dynamics | |
97 | F. Zighem | F. Zighem | oral O-5-16 | Multicracking and magnetic behavior of magnetic nanowires/polymer substrate systems | |
98 | Abdul Khaliq | Abdul Khaliq | oral O-4-17 | Frustrated magnetic ordering in Ge$_{1-x-y}$(Sn$_{x}$Mn$_{y}$)Te multiferroics | |
99 | Zbigniew Wojtkowiak | Zbigniew Wojtkowiak | oral O-2-17 | Verification of the new Baxter phase in the 3D Ashkin-Teller model | |
100 | Agnieszka Cichy | Agnieszka Cichy | oral O-1-17 | Orbital ordering of ultracold alkaline-earth atoms in optical lattices | |
101 | Javier Herrero-Martin | J. Herrero-Martin | oral O-5-17 | Reversible control of electric polarization in SrTiO3-CoFe2O4 at room temperature by XAS | |
102 | Mr. Pushpendra Gupta | Pushpendra Gupta | oral O-4-18 | Simultaneous observation of anti-damping and inverse spin Hall effect in La$_{0.67}$Sr$_{0.33}$MnO$_{3}$/Pt | |
103 | Justyna Rychły | Justyna Rychły | oral O-3-18 | Shaping spin wave spectra of 1D magnonic crystals via geometrical parameters | |
104 | Ganesh Ji Omar | Ganesh Ji Omar | oral O-1-18 | Orbital Engineering of Spin-Orbit effect at Correlated Oxide Interface | |
105 | Karol Załęski | K. Załęski | oral O-5-18 | Surface potential influence on the growth of Co$_2$FeSi Heusler alloys thin films on graphene | |
106 | Valentin Sakharov | V. Sakharov | oral O-3-19 | Corrugated YIG films as basic elements for 3D magnonics | |
107 | Amir Eskandari-asl | A. Eskandari-asl | oral O-1-19 | Three-pole Composite Operator Method for the t-J model | |
108 | Cesar Tejera-Centeno | Cesar Tejera-Centeno | oral O-5-19 | Ab-initio approach to interface effects at spinel ferrite heterostructures | |
109 | Marian Mihalik | M. Mihalik | oral O-3-20 | Magnetic properties of TbMn$_{1-x}$Fe$_{x}$O$_3$ single crystals | |
110 | Roger Kalvig | R. Kalvig | oral O-5-20 | {Long-range ordered superlattice of carbon within Mn$_{5}$Ge$_{3}$C$_{0.5}$ epitaxial films} | |
111 | Piotr Majek | P. Majek | oral O-1-20 | Majorana fermions in a world of strong correlations | |
112 | Andrea Ehrmann | T. Blachowicz | oral O-3-21 | Domain wall logics in coupled bent ferromagnetic nanofibers | |
113 | Andrii Sotnikov | A. Sotnikov | oral O-1-21 | Low-temperature phases of SU(4)-symmetric fermionic mixtures in optical lattices | |
114 | Krzysztof Sobucki | Krzysztof Sobucki | oral O-5-21 | Control of the phase of spin wave reflected from a subwavelength Gires-Tournois interferometer | |
115 | Piotr Tomczak | Piotr Tomczak | oral O-3-22 | New insight into magnetic anisotropy within Ferromagnetic Resonance experiments | |
116 | Artur Błachowski | A. Błachowski | oral O-1-22 | $^{57}$Fe and $^{151}$Eu Mössbauer studies of 3\textit{d}-4\textit{f} spin interplay \newline in EuFe$_{2-x}$Ni$_x$As$_2$ | |
117 | Piotr Mazalski | Piotr Mazalski | oral O-5-22 | Creation of submicrometer sized domains by temperature-induced changes of magnetic anisotropy in ultrathin a Co/NiO bilayer | |
118 | Sylwia Gutowska | Sylwia Gutowska | oral O-1-23 | The interplay of 4$f$ state and superconductivity in CeIr$_3$: DMFT study. | |
119 | Kirill | K. Krasikov | oral O-3-23 | 3D $(H-\theta-\varphi)$ magnetic phase diagram of $ErB_{12}$ antiferromagnetic metal with dynamic charge stripes | |
120 | Justyn Snarski-Adamski | Justyn Snarski-Adamski | oral O-5-23 | Magnetic properties of 3d, 4d, and 5d transition-metal atomic monolayers in Fe/TM/Fe sandwiches: Systematic first-principles study | |
121 | Vladislav Gubanov | V. Gubanov | oral O-3-24 | Spin-wave tunable transport in the reconfigurable magnonic waveguides | |
122 | Przemysław R. Grzybowski | Przemysław R. Grzybowski | oral O-1-24 | New fractional exclusion statistics in exactly solvable models. | |
123 | Mirali Jafari | Mirali Jafari | oral O-5-24 | Spin valve effect in two-dimensional VSe$_2$ system | |
124 | Anna Zarzecka | A. Zarzecka | oral O-1-25 | Interplay of Kondo effect and RKKY interaction in CePdIn$_{1-x}$Sn$_x$ | |
125 | Maria Zentkova | Maria Zentkova | oral O-5-25 | Magnetocaloric effect in La$_{0.70}$Ag$_{0.25}$MnO$_3$ magnetic nanoparticles | |
126 | Ivan P. Miranda | I. P. Miranda | oral O-3-25 | Gilbert damping on systems without inversion symmetry: the Fe$_{50}$Co$_{50}$(100) case | |
127 | Zbigniew Kurant | Zbigniew Kurant | oral O-5-26 | Magnetic ordering in epitaxial ultrathin Co layers surrounded by Pt and W covers | |
128 | Alexander Moskvin | A. S. Moskvin | oral O-1-26 | Model of charge triplets for high-$T_c$ cuprates | |
129 | Ryszard Radwanski | Ryszard Radwanski | oral O-1-27 | Physics of strong electron correlations: YbRh$_2$Si$_2$, CeRh$_2$Si$_2$, NiO and Ba$_2$IrO$_4$ | |
130 | Luciano Jacopo D'Onofrio | L. J. D'Onofrio | oral O-3-27 | Atto-second out-of-equilibrium dynamics in germanium | |
131 | Bogdan Bułka | Bogdan R. Bułka | oral O-5-27 | Quantum coherence in noise power spectrum in quantum dots | |
132 | Stefan Krompiewski | S. Krompiewski | oral O-5-28 | Different types of magnetic edge configurations in selected graphene-like nanoribbons | |
133 | Anuj Dhiman | A. Dhiman | oral O-3-28 | Magnetization reversal and domain structure in Ta/CoFeB/MgO films and its dependence on CoFeB Thickness | |
134 | Menka Jain | Menka Jain | oral O-1-28 | Antiferromagnetism and magnetocaloric effects in GdCrO$_3$ based compounds | |
135 | Andrzej Janutka | A. Janutka | oral O-3-29 | High-frequency response of superferromagnetic metal-dielectric nanocomposites | |
136 | Sebastian Paischer | S. Paischer | oral O-3-30 | Magnonic properties of disordered Fe$_x$Co$_{1-x}$ alloys | |
137 | Zichao Li | Zichao Li | oral O-3-32 | Phase selection in Mn-Si alloys by fast solid-state reaction with enhanced skyrmion stability | |
138 | Matus Mihalik | Matus Mihalik | oral O-3-33 | Magnetization reversal in NdMn$_{0.8}$Fe$_{0.2}$O$_3$ compound | |
139 | Katarzyna Młynarek | K. Młynarek | poster P-6-01 | Structural, thermal and magnetic characterization of Al-(Ni,Cr,Cu,Y)-Fe alloys | |
140 | Zhengming Wu | Zhengming Wu | poster P-5-01 | Thermal scanning probe lithography for nanoscale magnetic domain switching | |
141 | Andrey Grachev | A. Grachev | poster P-3-01 | SPIN-WAVE TRANSPORT IN LATERAL ARRAYS OF MAGNONIC STRUCTURES | |
142 | Agata Krzywicka | A. Krzywicka | poster P-8-01 | Coexistence of two kinds of superfluidity in Bose-Hubbard model with density-induced tunneling | |
143 | Anna Ciechan | Anna Ciechan | poster P-4-01 | Electronic properties of chromium doped Bi$_2$(Se,Te)$_3$ topological insulators | |
144 | Andrzej Skumiel | Andrzej Skumiel | poster P-7-01 | A new way to generate a rotating magnetic field in the high frequency range | |
145 | Dominik Szczęśniak | Dominik Szczęśniak | poster P-2-01 | The metal-induced gap states localization and superconducting qubit decoherence at low-dimensions | |
146 | Tomasz Ślusarski | T. Ślusarski | poster P-1-01 | Study of quench dynamics in Kondo systems using time-dependent NRG method | |
147 | Sławomir Mamica | S. Mamica | poster P-3-02 | Influence of the demagnetizing field on the spin-wave softening in bicomponent magnonic crystals | |
148 | ATANU MAITY | Atanu Maity | poster P-2-02 | Competing orders in a frustrated Heisenberg model on decorated square lattice | |
149 | Bassam Jameel | Bassam Jameel | poster P-7-02 | Propagation of ultrasonic wave in magnetic Pickering emulsion under DC magnetic field | |
150 | Maciej Urbaniak | M. Urbaniak | poster P-5-02 | Micromagnetic investigation of domain wall morphology in perpendicular anisotropy microwires with anisotropy gradient and structural defects | |
151 | Krzysztof Rościszewski | Krzysztof Rościszewski | poster P-1-02 | Multiband $d-p$ model and the electronic structure of doped quasi-two dimensional NiO$_2$ layer | |
152 | Wojciech Rudzinski | Wojciech Rudzinski | poster P-4-02 | Effect of the magnetic anisotropy on magnons in the VSe$_2$ bilayer antiferromagnet | |
153 | Artur Chrobak | A. Chrobak | poster P-6-02 | Thermodynamic equilibrium of large scale Monte Carlo magnetic simulations | |
154 | Melinda Majerová | M. Majerová | poster P-8-02 | Structure and magnetic properties of Ni- doped gehlenite glass microspheres | |
155 | Hana Cencarikova | H. Čenčariková | poster P-2-03 | The influence of a further-neighbour spin-spin interaction on a rotating magnetoelectric effect in a spin-electron model with a doubly decorated square lattice | |
156 | Anna Klepikova | Anna Klepikova | poster P-1-03 | Magnetic susceptibility anisotropy of epitaxial films Nd$_{2-x}$Ce$_x$CuO$_{4}$/SrTiO$_3$ | |
157 | Andrzej Pawlak | A. Pawlak | poster P-3-03 | A parametric model for global thermodynamic behaviour of ultrasonic attenuation in magnetic field | |
158 | Carmen Haide López Ortega | Carmen Haide López Ortega | poster P-7-03 | Magnetic anisotropy detection in a cobalt foil determined by means of a magnetoimpedance sensor | |
159 | Mirosław | M. Werwiński | poster P-6-03 | Monte Carlo calculations of Curie temperature of Y$_{1-x}$Gd$_x$(Fe$_{1-y}$Co$_y$)$_2$ pseudobinary system | |
160 | L. Smardz | L. Smardz | poster P-5-03 | Electronic structure and hydrogen absorption in Mg-Ni alloy thin films | |
161 | Krychowski | Krychowski | poster P-4-03 | Impact of Kondo correlations and spin-orbit coupling on spin and orbital currents in two-orbital quantum dot | |
162 | Patrycja Tulewicz | Patrycja Tulewicz | poster P-4-04 | Large voltage-tunable spin valve based on a double quantum dot | |
163 | Anna Bajorek | Anna Bajorek | poster P-6-04 | Unravelling magnetism and microstructure in SmCo$_5$/Fe composites | |
164 | Bincy Susan Jacobs | BS Jacobs | poster P-2-04 | Magnetic suscetibility studies of the {(Cr$_{84}$Re$_{16}$)}$_{100-\textit{x}}$V$_{\textit{x}}$ alloy system | |
165 | Mateusz Kowacz | M. Kowacz | poster P-5-04 | Influence of NiO layers on Exchange Bias Coupling and Perpendicular Magnetic Anisotropy of Co layers | |
166 | Emerson Coy | Emerson Coy | poster P-3-04 | High-temperature Magnetodielectric Bi(Fe$_{0.5}$Mn$_{0.5}$)O$_3$ Thin Films with Checkerboard-Ordered Oxygen Vacancies and Low Magnetic Damping | |
167 | Sławomir Wolski | S. Wolski | poster P-1-04 | The application of unsupervised learning to the AC susceptibility data of High-Temperature Superconductors | |
168 | Monika Oboz | M. Oboz | poster P-7-04 | Tuning the magnetocaloric response of Gd$_{7-x}$Y$_{x}$Pd$_{3}$ (2$\le$x$\le$6) alloys by microstructural modifications | |
169 | Mikołaj Baranowski | Mikołaj Baranowski | poster P-3-05 | Resonance modes of periodically structuralized microwave magnetic elements | |
170 | Kacper Wrześniewski | Kacper Wrześniewski | poster P-4-05 | Interplay of dark states and superconducting correlations in transport through quantum dot trimers | |
171 | Marcin Kowalik | Marcin Kowalik | poster P-1-05 | Estimation of Critical Temperature of High- Temperature Superconductors using machine learning approach | |
172 | M. Pugaczowa-Michalska | M. Pugaczowa-Michalska | poster P-6-05 | Structurally disordered Ce(Fe$_{0.9}$Co$_{0.1}$)$_2$ metamagnet: electronic structure, magnetism and magnetocaloric effect | |
173 | Shadrin Anton | A. V. Shadrin | poster P-2-05 | Thermodynamic features of the 1D dilute Ising model in the external magnetic field | |
174 | Rafał Mech | R. Mech | poster P-7-05 | Adaptive structure based on phononic crystals with embedded magnetic harvesters | |
175 | ANAND MANAPARAMBIL | A. Manaparambil | poster P-5-05 | Non-equilibrium steady state transport through quantum dot spin valves | |
176 | Alicja Kawala | A. Kawala | poster P-8-05 | Electronic Structure and Superconductivity of the High Entropy Alloy Sc-Zr-Nb-Rh-Pd | |
177 | Andrea Dzubinska | A. Dzubinska | poster P-3-06 | Crystallographic, magnetic and magnetocaloric properties in Yb-based alloy | |
178 | Wilczyński Michał | M. Wilczyński | poster P-4-06 | The influence of the magnetic configuration on the charge current generated by the temperature gradient in the double planar ferromagnetic tunnel junctions | |
179 | Ewa Drzazga-Szczęśniak | Ewa Drzazga-Szczęśniak | poster P-1-06 | Superconductivity in calcium-decorated hexagonal boron nitride monolayer | |
180 | Joanna Marciniak | J. Marciniak | poster P-6-06 | DFT calculations of intrinsic properties of magnetically hard phase $L1_0$ FePt | |
181 | Ľubomíra Regeciová | Ľubomíra Regeciová | poster P-2-06 | The influence of double-exchange and Heisenberg interaction on the magnetization processes in rare-earth tetraborides | |
182 | Krzysztof Zberecki | Krzysztof Zberecki | poster P-5-06 | Magnetic properties of two-dimensional M2N3 (M-metal, N-non-metal) compunds. | |
183 | Piotr Gębara | Piotr Gębara | poster P-6-07 | Magnetocaloric effect in binary Gd-Pb alloys | |
184 | Philipp Ritzinger | Philipp Ritzinger | poster P-4-07 | Anisotropic magneto-thermal transport in Co$_{2}$MnGa thin films | |
185 | Andrii Kliuikov | A. Kliuikov | poster P-2-07 | Slow Magnetic Relaxation in a S=1/2 copper-based mononuclear complexes | |
186 | Karol Synoradzki | Karol Synoradzki | poster P-3-07 | Magnetocaloric effect in spin-glass-like GdCu$_4$Mn compound | |
187 | Frowin Dörr | Frowin Dörr | poster P-5-07 | Measuring interfacial Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction in a Pt/Co/Pt structure dusted by Gd via asymmetric domain wall expansion | |
188 | Przemysław Wiewiórski | P. Wiewiórski | poster P-7-07 | Multidimensional magnetovisual method for mapping of pre-magnetized geometric singularities subjected to mechanical loading in the elastic range | |
189 | Olga Demidenko | O. Demidenko | poster P-6-08 | Structure and magnetic characteristics of Mn$_{1-x}$Fe$_x$NiGe $(0.05\le x\le 0.30)$ solid solutions | |
190 | Alexander Peletminskii | A.S. Peletminskii | poster P-2-08 | Phase diagram of spin-1 condensate with quadrupole degrees of freedom in a magnetic field | |
191 | Emil Siuda | Emil Siuda | poster P-4-08 | Conversion of magnonic, electronic spin and charge currents in hybrid quantum dot | |
192 | Aleksandra Trzaskowska | A. Trzaskowska | poster P-5-08 | The studies on phonons and magnons in [CoFeB/Au]$_N$ multilayers of different number of repetitions | |
193 | Amadeusz Łaszcz | A. Łaszcz | poster P-7-08 | Rapid demagnetization of Suction Casting Alloy cores for Energy Harvesting | |
194 | Evgeniy Spevak | E. Spevak | poster P-1-08 | Critical temperatures of the model of hard-core bosons on a square lattice in the Bethe approximation | |
195 | Piotr Graczyk | P. Graczyk | poster P-3-08 | Modulation of the spin-wave amplitude through dynamic charge-mediated magnetoelectric coupling | |
196 | Jarosław Więckowski | Jarosław Więckowski | poster P-1-09 | Magnetic phase transition in multiferroic Sr$_{1-x}$Ba$_{x}$Mn$_{1-y}$Ti$_{y}$O$_{3}$ (with ${\textit x}$ $\ge$ 0.43 and ${\textit y}$ $\ge$ 0) system - specific heat studies | |
197 | Borislava Georgieva | B. Georgieva | poster P-6-09 | Influence on the microwave characteristics of Y-type polycrystalline hexaferrite | |
198 | Natalia Tomasovicova | Natália Tomašovičová | poster P-2-09 | The effect of an uniaxial single-ion anisotropy on the quantum and thermal entanglement of a mixed spin-(1/2,$S$) Heisenberg dimer | |
199 | Martin Kovalik | M. Kovalik | poster P-7-09 | La$_{0.80}$Ag$_{0.15}$MnO$_3$ magnetic nanoparticles for self-controlled magnetic fluid hyperthermia | |
200 | Miłosz Zdunek | M. Zdunek | poster P-5-09 | The studies on surface spin waves dispersion relations in [Ni$_{80}$Fe$_{20}$/Au/Co/Au]$_N$ multilayers with different direction of magnetization | |
201 | Roman Strzelczyk | Roman Strzelczyk | poster P-3-09 | Edge ferromagnetism of graphene oxide | |
202 | Kateryna Boboshko | Kateryna Boboshko | poster P-4-09 | Bilinear magnetorsistance in topological insulators: the role of spin-orbit scattering on impurities | |
203 | Michał Inglot | Michał Inglot | poster P-4-10 | Graphene on the magnetic substrate with a domain wall | |
204 | Armando Galluzzi | A. Galluzzi | poster P-6-10 | Magnetic instabilities in K$_2$Cr$_3$As$_3$ | |
205 | Mateusz Wachowiak | M. Wachowiak | poster P-5-10 | Higher-order interlayer exchange coupling in Nb-Fe and V-Fe multilayers | |
206 | Erik Cizmar | E. Čižmár | poster P-2-10 | Magnetocaloric effect in alternating-spin Cu(II)/Mn(II)-based complexes | |
207 | Maria Augustyniak-Jabłokow | Maria Augustyniak-Jabłokow | poster P-3-10 | Ferromagnetism of graphene-related materials: Methods and conditions for its identification | |
208 | Przemysław Skokowski | Przemysław Skokowski | poster P-7-10 | Magnetocaloric effect in CeSi$_{1.3}$Ga$_{0.7}$ alloy | |
209 | Tomasz Toliński | T. Toliński | poster P-1-10 | Competing Kondo and RKKY interactions at the presence of crystal field effects in the compound CeSi$_{1.2}$Ga$_{0.8}$ | |
210 | Mateusz Zelent | Mateusz Zelent | poster P-3-11 | Skyrmion formation in magnetic nanodots | |
211 | Mirosław Łabuz | Mirosław Łabuz | poster P-2-11 | Galois symmetry of energy levels of the XXX model for the case of octagonal two-magnon states on the generic star of quasimomentum | |
212 | Anna Krzyżewska | A. Krzyżewska | poster P-4-11 | Spin-orbit driven phenomena in Dirac fermions with Rashba spin-orbit interaction -- transport characteristics at finite temperatures | |
213 | Błażej Anastaziak | Błażej Anastaziak | poster P-5-11 | Tailoring exchange bias coupling in Au/Co/Ni systems by plasma oxidation | |
214 | Sergei Obukhov | S.A. Obukhov | poster P-1-11 | Impurity band features formed by Mn in InSb | |
215 | Macrin Białek | M. Białek | poster P-7-11 | Application of permanent magnet and magnetorheological fluid in the finger pads of a jaw gripper | |
216 | Zbigniew Śniadecki | Z. Śniadecki | poster P-6-11 | Optimization of the hard magnetic properties of MnBi alloy by minor Pd substitution | |
217 | Subrata Das | Subrata Das | poster P-3-12 | Observation of Griffiths-Phase like behaviour in polycrystalline LaFe$_{0.5}$Mn$_{0.5}$O$_{3}$ | |
218 | Okan Özdemir | O. Özdemir | poster P-5-12 | The Magnetic Properties of ${Mn}_{5}$${Ge}_{3}$ Grown on PMN-PT Thin Films | |
219 | Martyna Sedlmayr | M. Sedlmayr | poster P-4-12 | Chiral Hall effect in the kink states in topological insulators with magnetic domain walls | |
220 | Tania Paul | T.Paul | poster P-1-12 | Interplay of excitonic correlations with quantum spin hall effect and superconductivity | |
221 | Paweł Mazurek | P. Mazurek | poster P-7-12 | Usage of MFAM Technology to determine the influence of the Earth’s magnetic field on the diagnosis of steel wire rope | |
222 | Sihao Chen | S.H. Chen | poster P-6-12 | The texture transition of shear bands in Goss grains during cold rolling in grain-oriented silicon steel | |
223 | Piotr Tomczak | Piotr Tomczak | poster P-2-13 | Finite-size scaling at a topological quantum phase transition | |
225 | Mariam Jacob | M.Jacob | poster P-5-13 | Synthesis and Characterization of {Co$_ {\textit{x}}$Ni$_{1-\textit{x}}$Cr$_{2}$O$_{4}$} (0$\leq$x$\leq$1) Nano Particles. | |
226 | Ulyanov Maxim | Ulyanov Maxim | poster P-6-13 | Magnetic and structural properties of rare-earth free permanent magnets Fe-Ni-Al | |
227 | Aletta Roletta Elizabeth Prinsloo | A. R. E. Prinsloo | poster P-4-13 | Room temperature ferromagnetism in Co-Cr and Fe-Cr co-doped ZnO nanoparticles | |
228 | Murei Mulibana | M Mulibana | poster P-4-14 | The effects of Cr and Ni Doping on the Structural, Optical, and Magnetic Properties of ZnO | |
229 | Lukasz Hawelek | L. Hawelek | poster P-6-14 | Influence of Nb and Mo substitution on the structure and magnetic properties of rapidly quenched Fe$_{79.4}$Co$_5$Cu$_{0.6}$B$_{15}$ alloy | |
230 | Jakob Walowski | J. Walowski | poster P-3-14 | Tuning all-optical magnetization switching efficiency by laser pulse wavelength variation | |
231 | Challab | Challab | poster P-5-14 | Ferromagnetic resonance-induced spin pumping in CoFeB/Pd systems deposited on rigid and flexible substrates | |
232 | Michał Antkowiak | M. Antkowiak | poster P-2-14 | Generalized Heisenberg-Type Magnetic Phenomena in Nickel-Lanthanide Dinuclear Units Assembled in Coordination Polymers by Dicyanomide Ligands | |
233 | Marta Orzechowska | M. Orzechowska | poster P-5-15 | Magnetocaloric properties of $\mathbf{Ga_xFe_{3-x}O_4}$ nanoparticles coated with chitosan | |
234 | Dominik Czernia | Dominik Czernia | poster P-2-15 | Effect of proton irradiation on magnetic properties of two-dimensional Ni(II) molecular magnet | |
235 | Jakub Pawlak | J. Pawlak | poster P-4-15 | Magnetotransport of LSMO grown on various buffer layers on STO | |
236 | Katarzyna Anna Kotus | K. A. Kotus | poster P-3-15 | Scattering of spin waves in the single-mode and multi-mode ferromagnetic waveguide | |
237 | Tymon Warski | T. Warski | poster P-6-15 | Effect of Co Substitution on Structure and Magnetic Properties of High Induction Fe$_{85-(x+y) }$Cu$_{x}$Co$_{y}$B$_{15}$ Metallic Glasses | |
238 | Ganesh Ji Omar | Ganesh Ji Omar | poster P-4-16 | Zero-bias Giant Rashba Spin-Orbit Coupling at Complex Oxide Interfaces | |
239 | Adam Bonda | A. Bonda | poster P-3-16 | Observation of two-step laser-induced demagnetization process in Ni-Mn-Sn Heusler alloy film | |
240 | Łukasz Frąckowiak | Łukasz Frąckowiak | poster P-5-16 | Exchange bias coupling between Co and TbCo alloy layers with controlled concentration gradient | |
241 | Katarzyna Pawlik | Katarzyna Pawlik | poster P-6-16 | Studies of the coercivity mechanism in the bulk nanocomposite Pr-Fe-B-type magnets | |
242 | Sheetal Devi | S. Devi | poster P-2-16 | Signature of field-induced spin ice state and evolution of structural and magnetic phase on La substitution in disordered pyrochlore oxide Dy$_{2}$Zr${2}$O$_{7}$ | |
243 | Olha Vinnik | O. Vinnik | poster P-3-17 | Dimerized nature of magnetic interactions in the S = 1/2 quantum antiferromagnet Cu(en)$ _2 $SO$ _4 $ | |
244 | Hariom Jani | Hariom Jani | poster P-5-17 | Reversible ionic control of antiferromagnetic anisotropy | |
245 | Magdalena Ceglarska | M. Ceglarska | poster P-2-17 | Magnetic investigations of a single crystal of spin chain | |
246 | Kuchi Rambabu | Kuchi Rambabu | poster P-6-17 | Chemical synthesis of NdFeB particles with high (BH)max by modified reduction-diffusion method | |
247 | Amir Nasser Zarezad | A.N. Zarezad | poster P-4-17 | Bilinear magnetoresistance and planar Hall effect in topological insulators | |
248 | Alexey | V. Karpasyuk | poster P-3-18 | Effect of electronic configuration of substituents for manganese and nonstoichiometry defects on the properties of La$_{0.7}$Sr$_{0.3}$Mn$_{0.9}$$^{57}$Fe$_{0.05}$Me$_{0.05}$O$_{3+\gamma}$ (Me = Zn, Mg) manganites | |
249 | Lokesha Handalagere Shankarappa | H. S. Lokesha | poster P-4-18 | Role of chromium on structure, optical and magnetism of Cr doped ZnO nanoparticles | |
250 | Barbara Gambin | B. Gambin | poster P-5-18 | Impact of the ferrogel fine structure on magnetic heating efficiency | |
251 | Lucia Galisova | L. Gálisová | poster P-2-18 | Non-chiral spin frustration versus local unfrustrated spin chirality in an exactly solvable spin-electron planar model of inter-connected trigonal bipyramids | |
252 | Mathieu Moalic | M. Moalic | poster P-3-19 | Mutual magnetostatic coupling between the saturated ferromagnetic stripe and a nanodot | |
253 | Anna Miklewska | A. Miklewska | poster P-5-19 | Comparison of the influence of superparamagnetic nanoparticles concentration and coverage on the alternating magnetic field thermal effect. | |
254 | ZAIED Meher | ZAIED Meher | poster P-6-19 | Additive manufacturing of soft ferromagnetic Fe6.5\%Si annular cores: process parameters and magnetic properties | |
255 | Jalen Chrysos | J. Chrysos | poster P-4-19 | Vector Spin Capsule Neurons - Towards a Spintronic Vector Deep Learning Framework | |
256 | Andrea Ehrmann | A. Ehrmann | poster P-6-20 | Magnetization reversal asymmetry in structured ferromagnetic nanoparticles with hard/soft areas | |
257 | Katarzyna Rećko | K. Rećko | poster P-5-20 | Surface modification and magnetic study of widely Ga-doped magnetite nanoparticles | |
258 | Magdalena Szubka | M. Szubka | poster P-3-20 | Revisiting structural, magnetic and electronic properties of CaCoSi$_n$O$_{2n+2}$ series. | |
259 | Mustafa Erkovan | Mustafa Erkovan | poster P-5-21 | Enhancing Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Interaction in Pt/Co/Pt structure by Gd dusting | |
260 | Mateusz Gołębiewski | Mateusz Gołębiewski | poster P-3-21 | Self-imaging of spin waves in thin, multimode ferromagnetic waveguides | |
261 | Antoni Żywczak | Antoni Żywczak | poster P-6-21 | Physical properties of the Ti$_{45}$Zr$_{38}$Co$_{17}$ nano-alloy and their amorphous hydrides. | |
262 | E.T. Sibanda | E.T. Sibanda | poster P-5-22 | Size Effect on Magnetic Properties of MnCr$_2$O$_4$ Nanoparticles | |
263 | Dawid M. Nalecz | D. M. Nalecz | poster P-3-22 | Crystal-field states of the Sm$^{2+}$ ion in topological Kondo insulator SmB$_6$: specific heat studies | |
264 | Dominika Kuźma | Dominika Kuźma | poster P-5-23 | Direct and multistage spin reversal in chains of magnetic nanoparticles | |
265 | Alena Semiannikova | A.A. Semiannikova | poster P-3-23 | Peculiarities of magnetic properties and electronic structure in Mn$_2$\textit{Y}Al (\textit{Y} = Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni) Heusler compounds | |
266 | Rodion Likerov | Rodion Likerov | poster P-3-24 | Magnetic interactions and spin dynamics of the $^{53}$Cr in the orthosilicate host crystals | |
267 | Nikita Ilin | Nikita Ilin | poster P-6-24 | Low-temperature magnetization behavior in rapidly quenched alloys Fe-Cu-Nb-Si-B | |
268 | Silvia Gallego Queipo | S. Gallego | poster P-5-24 | Tuned spin-textures at heavy metal/magnetic multilayered heterostructures | |
269 | Marek Wójcik | M. Wójcik | poster P-3-25 | {Magnetic structure of the Mn$_2$GaC thin film (MAX phase) - $^{55}$Mn Nuclear Magnetic Resonance study} | |
270 | B Bharati | B. Bharati | poster P-5-25 | Structural and Magnetic Properties of DyCrTiO$_5$ Nanoparticles | |
271 | Grzegorz Ziółkowski | Grzegorz Ziółkowski | poster P-6-25 | Magnetization processes of fractal-like core-shell nanoparticles | |
272 | Gabriel Kuderowicz | G. Kuderowicz | poster P-3-26 | Investigation of the soft mode behavior in superconducting Heusler LiPd$_2$Ge | |
273 | Antoni Żywczak | Antoni Żywczak | poster P-5-26 | Magneto-dynamic properties of LSMO films on STO modified by buffer layers | |
274 | Antoni Żywczak | Antoni Żywczak | poster P-6-26 | Temperature-dependent magnetic and transport properties of gadolinium-dysprosium-iron-garnet (50$\%$ vol. GdIG, 50$\%$ vol. DyIG) composite. | |
275 | Alexander Vetcher | Alexander Vetcher | poster P-6-27 | A new composite soft magnetic material with ferrite coatings | |
276 | TJ Nkosi | T.J. Nkosi | poster P-5-27 | Effect of Ce$^{3+}$ Substitution at \textit{B} site on Magnetic Phase Transitions in CoCr$_2$O$_4$ Nanoparticles | |
277 | Łukasz Bernacki | Łukasz Bernacki | poster P-3-27 | Identification of magnetic anisotropy axes using thermomagnetic Nernst effect | |
278 | Charles J. Sheppard | Charles J. Sheppard | poster P-3-28 | Temperature dependant heterogeneous magnetic properties in Cr-Fe-Mn alloys | |
279 | Michał Matczak | Michał Matczak | poster P-5-28 | Magnetic properties of ultrathin Co layers sandwiched between noble metals (Au, Pt, Ir) | |
280 | Karolina Kutynia | Karolina Kutynia | poster P-6-28 | Tuning of structure and magnetocaloric effect of Mn$_{1-x}$Zr$_x$CoGe alloy (where x=0.03, 0.05, 0.07, 0.1) | |
281 | Alexey V. Lukoyanov | Alexey V. Lukoyanov | poster P-3-29 | Magnetic properties, electronic structure and stability of Heusler alloys Mn$_{2-x}$Fe$_{1+x}$Al | |
282 | Romuald Kotowski | R.K. Kotowski | poster P-5-29 | Magnetic-resonance-induced modification of mechanical properties of crystals | |
283 | Gavrilova Mariya | M. Gavrilova | poster P-6-29 | Magnetic and magnetocaloric properties of promising materials for liquefaction cryogenic gases. | |
284 | Valon Veliu | Valon Veliu | poster P-3-30 | Ising-like model for the two-step spin-crossover systems: Static properties with magnetic field effects using cluster variation method | |
285 | Mirali Jafari | M.A. Jafari | poster P-5-30 | Electronic and magnetic properties of silicene monolayer under bi-axial mechanical strain: A first principle study | |
286 | Wojciech Pluta | W. Pluta | poster P-6-30 | Investigation of Anisotropy and Frequency Influence on Coercivity and Remanence of Electrical Steel Sheets | |
287 | Zofia Ropka | Zofia Ropka | poster P-3-31 | Crystal-field electronic structure in CeMg$_3$, CeIn$_3$ and PrO$_2$ | |
288 | Grzegorz Michałek | Grzegorz Michałek | poster P-5-31 | Formation of Fano resonance in double quantum dot system | |
289 | Bogdan Idzikowski | B. Idzikowski | poster P-6-31 | Tuning the magnetocaloric response in Gd-rich amorphous alloys | |
290 | Jerzy Goraus | Jerzy Goraus | poster P-3-32 | Electronic structure and magnetic properties of Gd$_3$Cu$_3$Sb$_4$. | |
291 | Paweł Sobieszczyk | Paweł Sobieszczyk | poster P-5-32 | Magnetic reversal mechanism and domain pattern in thin films with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy for different angular orientation, shape, and arrangement of antidots | |
292 | Mieszko Kolodziej | M. Kołodziej | poster P-6-32 | Formation of solid solution in Cu and Co doped FeNi: theory and experiment | |
293 | Kamila Komędera | K. Komędera | poster P-3-33 | Mössbauer study of YFe$_{2}$Ge$_{2}$ | |
294 | Paweł Wojciechowski | P. Wojciechowski | poster P-5-33 | Morphological characterization and electronic properties of pristine and oxygen-exposed graphene nanoribbons on Ag(110) | |
295 | Mariia Holub | M.Holub | poster P-3-34 | Antiferromagnetic spin chains formed in novel TCNQ-based organic magnets | |
296 | Weronika Andrzejewska | Weronika Andrzejewska | poster P-5-34 | Ultrathin iron nitride films on Cu(001): Growth conditions vs. structure and electronic properties | |
297 | Sonu Kumar | Sonu Kumar | poster P-3-35 | Zak phase for spin waves in one-dimensional magnonic crystals | |
298 | Mikołaj Lewandowski | Mikołaj Lewandowski | poster P-5-35 | Structural flexibility of ultrathin iron oxide islands and films on Ru(0001) | |
299 | Jakub Sebesta | J. \v{S}ebesta | poster P-3-36 | Substitutions' impact on the Curie temperature in Cantor alloy's derivatives |