News archive

New POLONIUM project


The NAWA agency granted Dr. hab. Iwona Olejniczak PLN 16,400 for the implementation of the research project PHC Polonium "Chirality and electrical conductivity in new multifunctional materials for applications in electronics".

The project will be carried out in cooperation between IFM PAN and the MOLTECH-Anjou laboratory (joint laboratory of CNRS and the University of Angers).

Congratulations to Dr. Iwona Olejniczak and we wish her good luck with the project.

Professor Dariusz Kaczorowski was elected a correspondent member of the Polish Academy of Sciences

Polska Akademia Nauk

Professor Dariusz Kaczorowski - an employee of the Institute of Low Temperatures and Structural Research and IFM PAN was elected a new correspondent member of the Polish Academy of Sciences during the General Assembly of the Polish Academy of Sciences, which took place on December 3, 2021.

Members of the Polish Academy of Sciences are elected by the General Assembly of the Polish Academy of Sciences from among distinguished scholars with outstanding scientific achievements and authority, and have an immaculate reputation. The newly elected persons will take up their functions from January 1, 2022. They become a real or correspondent member for life. gratulujemy wyboru i życzymy pomyślnej pracy w gronie PAN.


New projects and research activities at IFM PAN

We are pleased to announce that our six scientists are winners of the last editions of the National Science Center competitions.

Prof. dr hab. Eng. Dariusz Kaczorowski received funds in the amount of PLN 2,328,000 for the implementation of the OPUS 21 project "Anomalous electron transport in magnetic insulators and topological semimetals", which will be carried out jointly by the INTiBS PAN and the IFM PAN.

Dr. hab. Eng. Mirosław Werwiński received funds in the amount of PLN 1,994,600 for the OPUS 21 project "Search for permanent magnets free of heavy rare earths using machine learning".

As part of the MINIATURE 5 call for proposals, funding for scientific activities was also obtained by:

  • Dr. Eng. Karol Synoradzki received PLN 49,940 for the research activity MINIATURA 5 "Thermoelectric nanocomposites based on Heusler alloys made of amorphous precursors".
  • Dr. Eng. Przemysław Skokowski received PLN 49,500 for the scientific activity "Synthesis of thin layers of Lavesa RCo2 (R - rare earth) phases for magnetocaloric applications".
  • Dr. Eng. Hubert Głowiński received PLN 48,070 for the scientific activity "The influence of antiferromagnetic ordering on the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya impact".
  • Dr. Eng. Jakub Wojciech Narojczyk received for the scientific activity PLN 36,212 for the action "f.c.c. crystals of hard spheres with atomic and molecular inclusions - a comparison of auxeticity”.

We congratulate all beneficiaries on their successes and wish them good luck in implementing their projects!

New popular science projects at IFM PAN

We are happy to announce that the series of lectures "Physics of Poznań", conducted by our employees, received the support of the Ministry of Education and Science as part of the "Social Responsibility of Science" program.

Under the same program, support was given to the project of Dr. Łukasz Lindner "Physics in Motion", which will be implemented as a national construction competition.

Congratulations to our beneficiaries and we wish them good luck!

Award of the Polish Liquid Crystal Society for Dr. Magdalena Knapkiewicz

Polish Liquid Crystal Society

Dr. Magdalena Knapkiewicz took the third place in the Competition of the Polish Liquid Crystal Society "for the best doctoral dissertation in the field of liquid crystals" defended in the period from 16/07/2018 to 30/09/2020.

Congratulations to our laureate and we wish her further great scientific successes!


24th Poznań Festival of Science and Art

Poznański Festiwal Nauki i Sztuki

We invite you to the Poznań Festival of Science and Art organized on November 8-19 in a new, hybrid formula, in which live meetings will be combined with online activity, broadcast in real time.

During the festival, our institute will present on-line shows: “The wave is not equal to another wave”, ”Warm, getting warmer”, “Why are liquid crystals fascinating?”, “Twisted electrons on a racetrack”, “A revolution in displaying an image: from a cathode ray tube to quantum dots”, “Quantum processor and qubits”, “Fuel cells - green energy”, and a live show in the Old Market Square “States of matter - solid, liquid and gas - is that all?“

The "Festival" is an academic event popularizing science and art among the community of Poznań and the surrounding area, as well as participants from other regions of the country.

Program and information:

Prime Minister's Award for Dr. Krzysztof Ptaszyński

Nagrody Prezesa Rady Ministrów

Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki awarded Dr. Krzysztof Ptaszyński for an outstanding doctoral dissertation defended in 2020. It is a great distinction and recognition for Dr. Ptaszynski's scientific achievements and also for the activities of our Institute.

We would like to congratulate Dr. Krzysztof Ptaszyński and also wish him further great scientific successes.

Letter from The Office of Prime Minister.

We joined the "Sector Agreement for the Development of the Hydrogen Economy"

Porozumienie sektorowe na rzecz rozwoju gospodarki wodorowej

On October 14, 2021, the ceremony of signing the "Sectoral Agreement for the Development of the Hydrogen Economy" took place at the Regent Hotel in Warsaw. The initiators of the Agreement, which was joined by 138 representatives of public administration, business, industry and science, are the Minister of Climate and Environment Michał Kurtyka and the Government Plenipotentiary for Renewable Energy Sources and Secretary of State in the Ministry of Climate and Environment Irenusz Zyska.

On behalf of the Institute of Molecular Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences, the Agreement was signed by Director Zbigniew Trybuła.

The Sectoral Agreement is a joint initiative of public administration - government and local government, representatives of business, science and industry for the construction and development of a low-emission hydrogen economy in Poland in order to ensure climate neutrality and increase the competitiveness of Polish entrepreneurs. The Sectoral Agreement for the development of the hydrogen economy in Poland will be a key implementing instrument for the Polish Hydrogen Strategy until 2030 with a perspective until year 2040.

Photos from the ceremony.

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