Institute of Molecular Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences

Researchers' Night - it is time for a Summary

As part of this year's edition of the Researchers' Night, "S.O.S. for the Earth ”, our employees and PhD students presented 15 popular science movies promoting physics. In a Live Studio Dr. Hab. Adam Rachocki, prof. IFM PAN (Vice-Director of Administrative Affairs) and Dr. Iwona Płowaś-Korus (IFM PAN Press Spokesman) presented the Program prepared for the Researchers' Night and the potential of "green hydrogen” to provide clean power for manufacturing and transportation. During the gala, Dr. Eng. Dorota Dardas – the Coordinator of the Researchers' Night at IFM PAN, was awarded the Star Statuette. We invite you to visit the gallery.

We would like to thank the Organizing Committee of IFM PAN, moviemakers, and all those who were involved actively in the production of this remarkable event. Thank you for your commitment and congratulate you on your great ideas. We also congratulate Dr. Eng. Dorota Dardas on the honorable mention and express our sincere thanks for the efforts that she has been contributing to the popularization of science and strengthen the image and identification of our institute since 2018.

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