- Two PPMS systems (Physical Property Measurement System, Quantum Design) with following options:
- heat capacity (1.9-400K, magnetic field up to 9T)
- transport (electrical resistivity, magnetoresistance, Hall effect, angular dependences), thermopower and thermal conductivity measurements - all from 1.9K up to 400K and magnetic field up to 9T
- ac/dc magnetometric measurements (magnetic susceptibility, magnetization); up to 1000K in the case of the dc measurements with the VSM option
- Furnances for high-temperature synthesis (induction melting, arc melting)
- Vacuum devices for amorphous ribbons preparation
- Devices for mechanical alloying
- Differential Scanning Calorimeter (Netzsch DSC 200) from 150 K to 1500 K

PPMS – versatile system

PPMS – versatile system magnetometer