Exhibition during conference
The Soft Magnetic Materials is an international conference, a recurring event celebrated every two years, organized for the twenty-fourth time. It is a meeting place for researchers, technologists and companies active in the wide field of soft magnetic materials, their properties and technology. The meeting provides an excellent opportunity for the exchange of observations and experiences between scientists, and manufacturers/vendors active in the field. Building upon the experience of the organizers of past conferences in the SMM series, we would like to present our offer for companies which are interested in participation in the 24th Soft Magnetic Materials Conference "SMM24" in Poznań.
We have prepared a comprehensive package of services, priced at 1200 EUR, which includes the following:
- conference fee for one representative of your Company – (successive representatives are possible and welcome after paying a regular conference fee),
- exposition stand with an area of 2 x 3 m for the Company's product presentation (increase of the total surface is negotiable),
- participation in technical/scientific plenary sessions regarding the presentation of measurement equipment and/or techniques (oral presentation),
- dissemination of the Company's advertisement material among the participants of the conference (included in the official Conference folder),
- placement of the Company's logo on the official Conference website (upon the Company's request).
Additionally there is also a possibility of buying a Gold Sponsor package, priced at 3500 EUR (up to two available) which includes extra:
- priority in the presentation on the conference website and materials with the "Gold Sponsor" indication,
- "Gold Sponsor" designation in the exhibition area,
- placement of the Company's logo on the SMM banners in the lecture halls and exhibition area.
In case your Company is not interested in the comprehensive package, it is also possible to choose a subset of the aforementioned services. For detailed informations please contact us: smm24@ifmpan.poznan.pl.
We do hope that our offer meets your expectations and we are counting on welcoming you in Poznań during the 24th Soft Magnetic Materials Conference "SMM24".
Register as Exhibitor or Gold Sponsor