
The Conference will be held from September 4 through 7 at the Campus of the Poznan University of Technology, Piotrowo 2
Localization of the Conference Centre on the city map: Google Maps, OpenStreetMap
Municipal transportation: information, timetables
Transportation to and from Poznań: Poznań Airport, Trains timetable
Transportation to the Conference Centre from Poznań Airport, from train station Poznań Główny.
Information about taxi
After arrival, the simplest way of getting to your hotel is to hire a taxi. The taxi ranks are conveniently located next to both the airport and the train station.
We recommend using one of the following taxi corporations:
Euro Taxi, phone: +48 61 8 111 111
RMI Taxi, phone: +48 61 8 219 219 or 196 68
The names (phone numbers) should be clearly displayed on the roof and side doors.
Look out for other taxi drivers, especially the ones with displayed phone numbers not beginning with "61" (Not all taxi drivers are honest).
In general, the taxi price consists of a starting price (approx. 6.50 PLN), and a price for the 2nd and each next kilometer (approx. 2.50 PLN). Taxi prices in Poznań are regulated and they can't exceed starting price of 7 PLN and price for fares longer than 1 km mustn't exceed 3 PLN per kilometer.
During night hours and on sundays prices are 50% higher.